
Kindness Hack: How It Makes You Happy

Gram’s Wisdom 60: The kindness and happiness relationship.

Being kinder is not about making sacrifices or denying your own needs. Treating people kindly should not feel like an imposition or another task added to your already long list of items to be checked off.

It’s the outward display of living positively. Kindness is about mindset, and you can train your brain to make kindness a habit. Ever notice that being kind to someone makes you feel good too? It’s because altruism promotes a chemical reaction in your brain, releasing serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine. These chemicals not only make you feel good but also work to reinforce positive social behavior. By laying down new neural pathways, you set yourself up for living a kinder, happier life.

My Gram wouldn’t have known any of those things and I doubt she would have cared even if she had known. Gram always seemed happiest when she could be of use to people. She understood all people need kindness at some point. Gram was interested in what people were going through and how they felt. She always seemed to have the right words to say to the person who was hurt, confused, or upset. But more than anything Gram believed that as individuals we should be kind to others wherever we can. And to be unkind was the worst thing you could do.

Here are some scientifically proven tips for engineering kindness into your brain.

    1. Choose to be kind.

In choosing to be kind, you are consciously resetting your mindset to treat people with compassion and empathy. Choosing kindness isn't just a passive act; it's a change in your behavior and the world around you. Notice the effect of your kindness on others. When you smile, you see faces that mirror your positivity. Their natural reaction is to smile back. You’ve set up a kindness loop that continues to pay itself forward, creating a wave of goodwill. Ripples of compassion spread outward, touching many unknown lives. And the beauty? That ripple circles back to you.

Even on days when you feel low, a conscious act of kindness becomes a ray of light. Witnessing the joy in another's eyes ignites your own heart, sending a sense of purpose through your being. Negativity fades away, replaced by the power of connection. It's a wonderful paradox, choosing kindness for others morphs unexpectedly into your happiness. At that moment, you understand – happiness isn't found, it's created with each kind of act you perform.

  • The active nature of kindness: It's not just a fleeting feeling, but a deliberate choice with impactful consequences.

  • Ripple effect: Kindness's impact spreads outward and returns to the giver.

  • Mood boost: Choosing kindness can brighten even the dreariest days.

  • Purpose and happiness: Kindness connects us to others and brings personal fulfillment.


    2. Do more random acts of kindness.

Turns out, happiness isn’t just a lucky charm. Research studies have shown that carrying out five random acts of kindness every week is the single most effective way of increasing your happiness. Anything from buying a pay-it-forward coffee to allowing another driver into the traffic with a smile and a wave, or the selfless act of shoveling snow from your neighbor’s sidewalk. These seemingly small gestures will make you and the other guy feel good. It’s a lovely exchange – you spread kindness, and in return you get happiness.

Remember, kindness isn't just about random acts of generosity, it's a way of being in the world. By your behavior and kindnesses, you cultivate a kinder, more compassionate version of yourself, one brain scan at a time.



    3. Be kind to yourself.

Self-kindness begins with attention to the narrative running through your head. Is it one of encouragement, cheering you on with “yes you can”? Or is it a harsh critic, muttering doubt and negativity? Today, choose a different tune. Exchange the criticizing voice for one of moderation. One that says, “You’ve got this”. Pay attention to that voice in your head and change the message to kindness.

Build small acts of self-care into your day. Reward yourself for the big wins. But don’t forget the small things, a completed task, a morning walk, a moment of reflection. Prioritize the things that make you feel good. Whether it’s curling up with a good book, savoring a delicious meal, or losing yourself in a creative flow. Don’t forget that self-kindness is also about your body. Make sure you get enough sleep, stay hydrated, and eat a nutritious diet.


    4. Gratitude rewires your brain for kindness.

Most people have heard of the power of counting blessings. Research has shown that focusing on the good things in life, and practicing gratitude, makes you happier. But it doesn't stop there. Research is proving that cultivating gratitude, the act of appreciating the good things in your life isn't just a feel-good practice. When you take time to count your blessings, your brain does some cool things. Studies show that the areas associated with stress shrink, while regions linked to self-awareness, empathy, and compassion grow.

 How does this translate to kindness?

·By regularly noticing the good things, even the tiny moments, you re-mold your neural pathways. This isn't just mumbo jumbo - brain scans show dramatic transformation.


  • Increased self-awareness: By appreciating what you have, you become more mindful of yourself and others. This makes you more sensitive to their needs and feelings, opening doors to acts of kindness.


  • Boosted empathy: Gratitude builds connections. When you recognize your blessings, you're more likely to acknowledge and appreciate the good in others, leading to more compassionate actions.


Simple ways you can be kinder today.

Being kind isn’t difficult. Once you’ve set your mindset to ‘Kind,’ you’ll notice all kinds of opportunities throughout your day to reach out and be kind to someone.

As a bonus, once you’re in the kindness loop, you’ll notice you feel happier and more fulfilled. Scientists call this ‘the helper’s high’ as altruistic acts trigger the same endorphins as a ‘runner’s high’.

  • Kindness becomes second nature: As your compassion grows, it becomes easier to be understanding, forgiving, and helpful.


  • Stress-less, connect more: With less anxiety clouding your mind, you connect more deeply with others, fostering authentic kindness and empathy.


Here are some examples of ways to include kindness in your day.

    1. Stop. Let a pedestrian cross the street or allow another driver into the traffic.

    2. Say please and thank you.

    3. Say good morning and good night to your colleagues.

    4. Smile at a stranger.

    5. Hold the door for the next person.

    6. Hold the elevator.

    7. Let someone with only a few items go in front of you in the grocery store.

    8. Do a coffee run for your colleagues.

    9. Hug your loved ones.

    10. Push the trash bins out for your neighbors.

    11. Mow your elderly neighbor’s lawn.

    12. If you’re going to the store, ask your neighbor if you can pick anything up for them.

    13. Try volunteering at your local soup kitchen or shelter.

    14. Be the bigger person and let the other guy have the coveted parking space.

    15. Stand up for someone on the bus or subway.

    16. Ask a stressed-out co-worker if you can help.

    17. Help wash the cups after a meeting.

    18. If the photocopier is running empty, replace the toner and fill the paper bin.

    19. Buy surprise flowers for your partner.

    20. Give some coins to a street entertainer.

    21. Pledge to stop complaining for a week.

    22. Join your company’s mentor or buddy program.

    23. Leave a book or magazine on the subway or in a bus station.

    24. Donate your excess art supplies or craft materials to an elementary school.

    25. Encourage your kids to sort through their stuff and donate items in good condition to charity.

    26. Donate money to your favorite charity or non-government organization.

    27. Notice what your partner or colleagues are wearing and pay a few compliments.

    28. Ask a friend or colleague how they are and listen to the answers.

    29. Reach out to family members or friends, send a text message, or call them to see how they are.

    30. Clean up your neighborhood. If you see trash in the street, pick it up and put it in the bin.

Allow your compassion to spill over into your actions. By appreciating the good in your life, you become more familiar with the struggles and joys of others. When you realize the value of what you have, you naturally feel more inclined to share it with others. You're more likely to offer a helping hand, a kind word, or a smile.


My final thoughts.

I have always liked the descriptive way the ripple effect sounds as a kindness metaphor. Being kind to the person next door turns you into a neighbor. Rippling further out is your community, and further again is your town. It’s the care and consideration we show to people that make a society.

For more information, check out these posts.

Kindness Matters Guide.

It’s A Less Kind World We Live In.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Create A Dynamic Gratitude Journaling Practice

If you've recently begun gratitude journaling, you might be contemplating whether you're optimizing the benefits of your daily ritual. Deciding this is a personal matter, but there are eight actions you can take to enhance your journaling experience and obtain maximum benefits. Whether you're on a healing journey or simply aiming to introduce thankfulness into your daily life for a more contented existence, writing down your thoughts in a gratitude journal is a powerful tool. This is why gratitude journals are so popular.

So, if you've felt stumped for ideas of what to write about, give the following eight ideas a try. I believe you'll have plenty to write about in no time!


The feelings are in the details.

Expressing gratitude for your home and cherished relationships is a heartwarming exercise. Yet, soon, it’s common to find yourself stuck in a loop of sameness. The key to maintaining this practice is to delve into the finer details, uncovering the nuances that make each experience unique. Rather than merely naming individuals or items, explore the specific reasons behind your appreciation. For instance, instead of a generic thanks to a best friend, tell them exactly what moments touched your heart. Like the time they stayed up with you all night, offering a listening ear when you needed it the most. By delving into these specifics, your gratitude becomes more reflective and authentic. This approach not only keeps your expressions of thankfulness fresh and engaging but also fosters a deeper connection with the elements of your life that bring you joy and support.

Pause and appreciate the moment.

In the rush of your daily life, taking a moment to center yourself through mindfulness or meditation can be a transformative practice. By intentionally pausing and emptying your mind, you create a space to tune into your current emotional, physical, and spiritual state. As you relax, allowing your mind to drift freely, you discover a treasure trove of simple yet beautiful moments to be thankful for. Whether it's the gentle melody of wind chimes outside or the enticing aroma of dinner wafting from the oven. These small details often go unnoticed in the rush of your routines. Writing about these recent sources of gratitude not only deepens your appreciation for the present moment but also serves as a reminder of life's small joys that enrich your daily experiences.

Ask yourself why, and then ask why again.

When expressing gratitude, take a moment to explore the layers beneath your initial thankful thought. Dive deeper into the why behind your appreciation and ask yourself probing questions until you uncover the root cause. For instance, your gratitude for chocolate chip cookies may lead you to a cherished childhood memory of your grandmother baking them for you with love. By acknowledging these underlying sentiments, you not only celebrate the surface-level joys but also the sentimental “treasures" that amplify your gratitude. This reflective practice not only heightens the richness of your expressions but also strengthens the emotional connections between you and the sources of your gratitude.

Broaden the field of your gratitude.

If your daily gratitude reflections have begun to feel repetitive, consider broadening your perspective to uncover appreciation in different facets of your life. It's natural to emphasize family, but there's a vast reservoir of gratitude in work achievements, past experiences, and the beauty of nature. By varying your sources of gratitude, you infuse freshness into your reflections and develop a more well-rounded perception of thankfulness. Here are some tips to help you explore gratitude beyond the familiar:


  • Shift your focus: Direct your gratitude lens towards areas like work accomplishments, personal growth, or moments in nature.

  • Reflect on past experiences: Revisit cherished memories or lessons learned from challenges to find gratitude in your journey.

  • Connect with nature: Acknowledge the simple wonders of the natural world around you, from a sunrise to a blooming flower.

  • Express gratitude for small wins: Celebrate daily triumphs, no matter how minor, to cultivate positivity.

  • Rotate themes: Designate specific days for different themes, such as relationships, achievements, or the beauty of the world, to keep your gratitude practice dynamic and engaging.

Take a break and do something else.

If the thoughts aren’t coming, give yourself a break. This isn’t a race. Walk away and do something else for a bit, such as emptying the dishwasher. Let your mind wander through this activity. What about this task? Can you be grateful for clean dishes? How about the time you shared with your family cleaning up the kitchen together after dinner last night? Perhaps the meal you’re going to eat next on these dishes? Come back and write about these things. Give them a new slant.

It's sometimes surprising to see just how much there is to be grateful for, isn't it? The best part? The more you journal your gratitude, the more your attitude will shift to one of compassion and kindness. Truly, a grateful heart is a happy one!

Try a different structure.

When most people think of journaling, they think of writing letters to themselves or simply writing sentences about their feelings. But this isn’t the only structure you can journal in, and the truth is, it may not be the most effective for you. Consider changing your journal structure, or better yet, using more than one structure in your journaling. This will ensure you are getting the most out of your journaling time. Consider adding lists, photos, tables, or diagrams to your gratitude journaling.

Be complimentary to yourself.

In gratitude journaling, people tend to write about all the things or people they are grateful for in their lives. And there is nothing wrong with this, just make sure you don’t forget to be thankful for the most important person you know, yourself! The best practice is to write a few things you like about yourself each day when you journal. This way, you can reflect on how your day went and watch your transformation as you become a better version of yourself. 

Be grateful for any lessons you’ve learned.

No one’s life is perfect, and when gratitude journaling, you may find that sometimes you have days where you make major mistakes that you are embarrassed by. And this is okay, and even something you should be thankful for! Rather than viewing your mistakes as setbacks, include them in your gratitude journal as lessons, approach them with an open mind, and be grateful for having had the opportunity to learn. This will help keep you from making the same mistakes again.


Fostering gratitude is not just about listing the people or things you're thankful for but noticing and recording the details that make each moment special. By exploring the nuances of your appreciation, expressing gratitude becomes a richer and more authentic practice. Whether you're uncovering the buried moments of your past, savoring the small joys in everyday life, or broadening your scope to new areas, gratitude is a dynamic force that can bring positivity and depth to your reflections. Remember to center yourself, allowing your mind to drift and find unexpected sources of thankfulness. With these tips in mind, your gratitude practice can evolve, staying fresh and meaningful every day. Embrace the variety of your experiences, and let gratitude become a powerful and transformative thread woven into the fabric of your life.

My final thoughts.

Wherever you are in your gratitude journaling journey, you are certainly benefiting from the practice. But if you truly want to make sure you are getting the most from it, don’t forget to compliment yourself, and don’t be afraid to see your mistakes. After all, your gratitude journal is a safe space for you to express everything you are grateful for without any outside judgment. 


For more information, check out these posts.

5 Reasons Keeping A Gratitude Journal Will Change Your Life.

It’s Never Too Late To Begin A Journaling Habit.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Models For A Mindful Life

Gram’s Wisdom 59:

My Gram wouldn’t have heard/known the term mindfulness, yet she lived her life in a mindful way. She was in touch with her surroundings, in touch with herself, and in touch with people. Gram always found time to go outside take a walk and listen while the earth and nature spoke. If I was having a particularly bad day, I was told to shut my eyes, take a deep breath, and try to see myself differently. Gram told me once that there was no better way to learn something new than to have simple conversations with others.

If you have made the decision to be more mindful in your daily life but aren't exactly sure where to start, you have come to the right place! Below are ten practices you can adopt to make practice easier.



1) Observe new distinctions.

Mindfulness is a powerful practice that invites you to engage with the present moment in a way that goes beyond mere existence. One key aspect of mindfulness involves actively observing new distinctions. Picture it like tuning into the subtle details of your surroundings, emotions, or your thoughts. When you make a conscious effort to notice the nuances and distinctions in your experiences, a remarkable change occurs. It's like seeing the world with fresh eyes, discovering the beauty in the ordinary. This intentional observation enriches your understanding of the present and brings about a rush of positive effects. The more you explore your daily life, the more you find to appreciate and savor.


Moreover, actively observing new characteristics heightens interest in your life. It's like turning the pages of a captivating book, eager to discover what happens next. By paying attention to the details, you become an active participant rather than a passive spectator in the narrative of your existence. This increased engagement with the present moment deepens your connection to life and opens the door to greater fulfillment. Embrace mindful observation, seek out the subtleties that make each moment unique, and cultivate a more enriched and meaningful life experience.

2) See in yourself a “work in progress.”

Shifting your perspective is another crucial aspect of mindfulness that can significantly impact your well-being. Often, you get caught up in the pursuit of a specific outcome, whether it's acing a project, achieving a fitness goal, or mastering a new skill. However, the magic lies in enjoying the process rather than fixating on the result. When you savor the journey, every small step becomes a victory, and the overall experience becomes more rewarding. It's akin to appreciating the brushstrokes on a canvas rather than obsessing over the finished painting. By embracing this mindset, you not only reduce stress and anxiety but also adopt a genuine sense of joy in your actions.


Furthermore, the way you perceive yourself plays a fundamental role in your mindfulness journey. When you’ve boxed yourself into rigid and negative labels, like declaring, "I am bad at art," you limit your potential. Viewing yourself as a fixed entity makes you susceptible to mindless thinking, and these negative thoughts can inadvertently manifest as self-fulfilling prophecies. Instead, acknowledge that, like a piece of clay, you are ever-changing and malleable. Embracing this flexibility allows you to break free from self-imposed limitations.


3) Examine paradoxes. 

Delving into the scope of paradoxes offers a unique pathway to personal growth and resilience. Actively paying attention to these seemingly contradictory aspects of life enables the development of a profound skill: the ability to accept and tolerate ambiguity. Life is intricate, filled with situations that may appear contradictory at first glance, but exploring these paradoxes helps you navigate the nuances with grace. As you become more skilled at accepting ambiguity, the anxiety often associated with uncertainty begins to subside. It's like learning to dance through the uncertainties of life rather than feeling paralyzed by them.


Additionally, this practice of actively considering paradoxes extends beyond external circumstances and becomes a valuable tool for self-discovery. Recognizing the paradoxes within yourself is a transformative process. It involves admitting the complexities that make you uniquely human—your strengths alongside your vulnerabilities, your successes connected with your challenges. By shining a light on these internal paradoxes, you encourage a deeper sense of self-awareness. This self-awareness allows you to make more intentional choices and furthers a greater understanding of your motivations and behaviors.

4) Add humor to mindfulness.

Laughter, often hailed as the best medicine, carries with it a profound connection to mindfulness. Humor has a remarkable way of prompting us to step back and view situations from unexpected angles. It's like a mental gymnastics routine that nudges you out of your habitual thought patterns, encouraging a fresh perspective. When you find humor in your life or situations, you're essentially engaging in a form of mindfulness. It's not just about the punchline; it's about the mental agility required to recognize the unexpected and appreciate the lightness amid life's complexities. By tapping into this humorous mindset, you become more resilient and better equipped to navigate challenges with a sense of playfulness and optimism.


Also, the ability to find humor in life contributes to a greater acceptance of your circumstances. Laughter serves as a tool in breaking down the barriers of resistance or frustration. It doesn't necessarily diminish the seriousness of a situation, but it provides a coping mechanism that allows you to approach challenges with a lighter heart. This acceptance is rooted in mindfulness, as it involves a sharpened awareness of the present moment and an openness to finding joy even in the face of adversity. Celebrate the therapeutic power of laughter, seeing in it a conscious choice to embrace the unexpected with a smile.

5) Consider other points of view.

Approaching a problem from various perspectives not only enhances problem-solving skills but also contributes to a greater sense of acceptance. When you limit yourself to a fixed interpretation of a situation, it becomes challenging to navigate and accept the nuances that may exist. Considering the viewpoints of different people opens a world of possibilities, making the problem more palatable. Here are some key points to highlight the benefits of embracing diverse perspectives:


  • Enhanced Problem-Solving: By considering various viewpoints, you tap into a collective pool of ideas and solutions, enriching your problem-solving approach.


  • Increased Empathy: Understanding different perspectives cultivates empathy, promoting a more compassionate and open-minded approach to problem acceptance.


  • Reduced Resistance: Embracing diverse viewpoints minimizes the resistance that often arises from rigid interpretations, making it easier to acknowledge and work through challenges.


  • Cultivation of Creativity: Diverse perspectives fuel creativity, encouraging you to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions to problems.


  • Facilitation of Learning: Engaging with different viewpoints is a learning opportunity, promoting personal and intellectual growth by expanding your understanding of various facets of a situation.

6) Choose positive alternatives to your problems.

In the face of challenges or undesirable outcomes, it's crucial to shift your mindset from mere problem recognition to one of potential growth. Every problem, no matter how daunting, possesses a silver lining waiting to be uncovered. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects, ask yourself, "How can this problem contribute to my ongoing personal and professional development?" By reframing the situation as an opportunity for growth, you pave the way for a more resilient and positive perspective. Challenges are not roadblocks; they are bridges offering valuable insights and lessons that contribute to resilience and wisdom.


Each problem is the classroom, and you’re the student. What lessons can be taken away from the current predicament? Is there a skill to be honed, a perspective to be gained, or a strength to be discovered? Embracing problems as learning opportunities positions you as an active participant in your own life. Moreover, recognizing the potential for opportunity in every problem fosters a sense of curiosity and adaptability, converting what could be perceived as a disaster into an exciting adventure. The difference lies not in the problem itself but in how you choose to identify and engage with it.

7) Keep a joy collection.

Building a joy collection is like curating a treasure trove of happiness readily available whenever you need a mood boost. This collection can take various forms, from written paragraphs vividly describing joyful moments to an assortment of photos capturing those special times. The key is to make these memories easily accessible, creating a go-to source of positivity. In the hustle and bustle of life, it's all too common to get caught up in the challenges and setbacks, inadvertently overlooking the reservoir of joyous experiences that shape our lives.


The significance of reflecting on positive moments has been shown to elevate your positive mental state. Your joy collection serves as a personal archive of happiness, reminding you of the laughter, accomplishments, and simple pleasures that have graced your journey. Whether it's revisiting the description of a cherished memory or flipping through photos that encapsulate moments of pure joy, your joy collection becomes a powerful tool for cultivating gratitude and maintaining a brighter outlook on life.

8) Create a mindful journal.

Beginning or concluding your day with the practice of documenting significant events adds a touch of mindfulness that can profoundly impact your overall well-being. This routine not only helps in reflection but also in cultivating a heightened awareness of your experiences. Here are several examples to consider as you embark on this mindful journaling journey:


1 | Expressing Gratitude: Jot down moments that made you feel grateful during the day, whether they were small gestures or significant events.


2 | Achievements and Milestones: Document your accomplishments, whether big or small, celebrating your progress and recognizing your efforts.


3 | Challenges Overcome: Note instances where you faced challenges and successfully navigated through them, highlighting your resilience.


4 | Acts of Kindness: Record both the kindness you received and the kindness you extended, fostering a sense of connection and goodwill.


5 | Beautiful Sights or Sounds: Capture the beauty in your surroundings, from a breathtaking sunrise to the soothing sounds of nature.


6 | New Learnings: Write about insights gained or lessons learned during the day, fostering continuous personal growth.


7 | Reflections on Challenges: Explore your thoughts and emotions surrounding challenges, fostering a deeper understanding of your responses.


8 | New Perspectives: Consider events from different angles, noting any shifts in your perspective and understanding of situations.


The mindful reviewing of these entries promotes a more conscious and appreciative approach to life.

9) Engage in mindful exercise. 

Engaging in physical activities like walking, biking, or weightlifting provides an excellent opportunity to cultivate mindfulness in your daily routine. As you embark on these activities, take a moment to immerse yourself fully in the experience. Feel the rhythm of your footsteps or the resistance of the weights, notice the sights around you, and breathe in the scents of your surroundings. This heightened awareness not only deepens your connection to the present moment but also tunes you into the messages your body is sending. By consistently practicing mindfulness during these activities, you develop a familiarity with the mental state, making it more accessible in other aspects of your life. This carries over into decision-making as the clarity and presence cultivated through these physical practices lay a foundation for making more intentional choices in various areas of your life.

10) Change up your routine.

Venturing into the realm of the unfamiliar by trying new things is a deliberate approach to staying mindful and invigorating your daily routine. It's the small, intentional deviations from the norm, such as choosing a different place to sit, taking an alternate route home, or exploring a new restaurant, that inject a sense of novelty into your experiences. These seemingly minor acts disrupt your habitual patterns and, in turn, prompt you to be fully present in the moment. The world becomes a canvas of possibilities when you break away from the usual, allowing you to notice details that might have gone unnoticed in your routine. This practice extends beyond the physical realm, as it encourages you to adopt a fresh perspective on life, reminding you that every experience, no matter how small, holds the potential for newfound awareness and appreciation.


My final thoughts.

As with so many things in my life I have my Gram to thank for the beginning of a lifelong mindfulness practice. She always said that life was a gift and that it needed attention. So, each year I pay a little more attention because I believe life is a miracle, and it should not be wasted.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have enjoyed it.

For more information, check out these posts.

10 Easy Ways To Be Mindful While Doing Every Day Tasks.

Establishing The Essential Principles Of Mindfulness.

7 Mindsets To Master Your Life

In the theater of life, our mindset takes center stage, dictating the plot and shaping our journey. It's not just about thinking positively. But about embracing a world of possibilities, growth, resilience, abundance, empowerment, openness, and even the rare, fixed mindset. Each of these mindsets we adopt influences our lives in distinct ways.

In this blog post, we will embark on a fascinating exploration of what's best about these mindsets. We will uncover their unique attributes and how they can impact your life. Master these mindsets and you can unleash your potential. So, join us on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth, where the power of your mindset knows no bounds.



Positive mindset.

A positive mindset is a mental attitude characterized by hope and an optimistic and constructive outlook. It challenges your limiting beliefs, helping you navigate the uncertainties of life with grace. Regardless of the encounters or circumstances you may face. It involves focusing on the bright side of life and cultivating a belief in your ability to overcome obstacles.

This mindset is rooted in the understanding that setbacks and failures are temporary and can serve as valuable learning experiences. A positive mindset enables individuals to approach life with resilience, gratitude, and a focus on solutions rather than problems.

One key aspect of a positive mindset is maintaining an optimistic perspective. People with a positive mindset tend to view challenges as opportunities for personal and professional development. This belief allows them to tackle difficult situations with confidence and increased self-esteem. A positive mindset involves a strong sense of self-worth. Allowing individuals to see the value they bring to their lives and the lives of others.

Gratitude is another essential component of a positive mindset. Recognition and appreciation for the positive aspects of life, even in the face of hardship, can have a profound impact on your mental well-being. Grateful individuals tend to focus on the good things that they have, adopting a sense of contentment and happiness. Moreover, a positive mindset encourages individuals to engage in positive problem-solving. Seeking solutions and taking action to address problems rather than dwelling on negativity or self-doubt.


Growth mindset.

A growth mindset is a belief system that fosters a passion for learning and development. Individuals with a growth mindset understand that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. They embrace challenges, view failures as opportunities for growth, and persist in the face of setbacks. In a growth mindset, effort is seen as the path to mastery, and they believe that improvement is always achievable.

One illustration of a growth mindset can be seen in a student who, when faced with a difficult math problem, doesn't give up when they can't solve it immediately. Instead, they keep trying, seek help, and continue to practice until they grasp the concept. They understand that their abilities can improve with practice and effort, and they don't see their initial struggle as a sign of inadequacy. This attitude of perseverance and a willingness to learn is a characteristic of a growth mindset.

In a professional setting, an employee with a growth mindset may take on new projects and tasks that push their boundaries. They see these challenges as opportunities to learn and develop their skills, even if it means making mistakes. They understand that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and that these mistakes can lead to valuable insights and improvements. This employee's willingness to step outside their comfort zone and embrace challenges is an example of a growth mindset in action.

A growth mindset encourages a focus on personal growth. Characterized by a commitment to learning and the understanding that effort and perseverance are fundamental to personal and professional development. Individuals with a growth mindset see failure as a stepping stone, not a roadblock.


Resilience mindset.

A resilience mindset enables individuals to face trials in life with a sense of strength and adaptability. It is the mental and emotional fortitude that permits people to bounce back from setbacks and misfortune. This mindset prepares individuals to face life’s storms. Emerging stronger and more determined than ever. Here are three ways in which a resilience mindset helps a person navigate challenges:

  1. People with a resilience mindset understand that challenges and difficulties are a natural part of life. Instead of avoiding or fearing adversity, they embrace it as an opportunity for personal growth. When faced with setbacks, they remain steadfast, maintaining a belief that they can overcome hurdles. This outlook allows them to approach challenges with a sense of determination and optimism, knowing that they can learn and evolve through the experience.

  2. Resilience involves emotional regulation, which helps individuals manage stress and anxiety during tough times. People with a resilience mindset are less likely to become overwhelmed by negative emotions. They are better prepared to stay calm and composed as they face adversity. This emotional balance enables them to think more clearly. Make rational decisions and find effective solutions to their problems, even in stressful situations.

  3. A resilience mindset encourages a positive approach to challenges. Rather than being defeated by setbacks, resilient people use them as opportunities to learn and grow. They reflect on their experiences, adapt their strategies, and develop new skills. Over time, they become better equipped to handle future challenges. They've acquired valuable knowledge and coping mechanisms from their past encounters with adversity. In this way, a resilient mindset helps people endure tough times and furthers personal development and a greater sense of self-confidence.


Abundance mindset.

An abundance mindset isn’t just about wealth. It is characterized by the belief that there are limitless opportunities, resources, and possibilities to be shared among individuals. This mindset encourages generosity, gratitude, collaboration, and prosperity in all aspects of life.

An abundance mindset allows individuals to recognize and seize opportunities they might otherwise overlook. When you believe that opportunities are abundant, you become more open to exploring new ventures, taking risks, and making the best of the circumstances. This openness can lead to personal and professional growth, as you actively seek out and create opportunities that align with your goals and aspirations.

People with an abundance mindset tend to approach challenges and problems with a more constructive and creative perspective. They view difficulties as opportunities to learn and innovate, rather than as insurmountable obstacles. This mindset encourages a proactive problem-solving approach. Which can lead to more effective and innovative solutions to issues, both big and small.

Embracing an abundance mindset in your interactions can boost healthier and more harmonious relationships. When you believe there's enough abundance of love, trust, and goodwill to go around. You're more likely to approach relationships with generosity, kindness, and a willingness to collaborate.


Empowerment mindset.

An empowerment mindset is a powerful attitude that enables individuals to take control of their lives and actively work to change their circumstances. It instills confidence and self-belief, allowing you to pursue your dreams and passions with unwavering determination. Promoting a sense of agency, self-worth, and a practical approach to problem-solving.

Here are three ways in which having an empowerment mindset can lead to positive changes:

  • An empowerment mindset encourages individuals to own their actions, decisions, and outcomes. Instead of feeling like victims of their circumstances. Those who have this mindset recognize that they have the power to shape their destinies. They take responsibility for their choices, which enables them to make more intentional and constructive decisions. Acknowledging that they are in the driver's seat of their lives, they can begin to implement changes that align with their goals and aspirations.

  • People with an empowerment mindset are better prepared to face problems and setbacks. They view difficulties as opportunities rather than obstacles. This resilience allows them to adapt to changing circumstances and find creative solutions to problems. They understand that difficulties are a part of life and can be navigated. With the right mindset and a proactive approach, ultimately leading to a transformation in their circumstances.

  • The empowerment mindset is characterized by setting clear goals and taking consistent, focused action to achieve them. Those possessing this mindset don't simply wait for change to happen; they actively work toward it. By setting specific, achievable objectives and following through with deliberate steps, they can make significant progress in altering their circumstances.


Open-mindedness mindset.

Open-mindedness is the gateway to new perspectives, ideas, possibilities, and information. What is best about this mindset is that it encourages critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, creativity, and adaptability. Enabling you to thrive in a rapidly changing world.   

An open-minded mindset encourages continuous learning and personal growth. It acknowledges that you don't have all the answers and that there is always room for improvement. Being receptive to different viewpoints and information, individuals with an open mind can expand their knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. This constant learning enriches their lives and allows them to adapt more effectively to changing circumstances.

Another exceptional aspect of an open-minded mindset is its ability to promote empathy and understanding. Open-minded individuals are more likely to bridge divides, resolve conflicts, and build connections with people from diverse backgrounds. This empathy and understanding contribute to unity and cooperation, promoting a more inclusive and compassionate world.

Additionally, an open-minded mindset is a catalyst for innovation and creativity. By being open to unconventional or unexplored ideas, individuals break free from the constraints of predictable thinking. This mindset encourages them to challenge the status quo and seek renewed solutions to old problems. The result is a culture of innovation that drives progress and positive change in various fields, from science and technology to art and business.


Fixed mindset.

While predominantly seen as limiting, a fixed mindset has its merits. It can provide stability and focus for some situations. The key is knowing when to embrace it and when to transition to a growth mindset for personal development. In contrast to a growth mindset, a fixed mindset is marked by the belief that abilities and intelligence are static and cannot be changed. Individuals with a fixed mindset may avoid challenges to protect their self-esteem and see failures as a reflection of their inherent limitations.

A fixed mindset can lead to a fear of failure. When individuals believe their abilities and intelligence are static, they tend to avoid taking on challenges or risks because they fear making mistakes or falling short of expectations. This fear of failure can result in missed opportunities, as individuals remain within their comfort zones.

A closed mindset can lead to a lack of adaptability. People set in their ways and resistant to change, may struggle to adjust to evolving circumstances. This inflexibility can hinder their ability to deal with difficulties. They are less likely to embrace new ideas or methods that could lead to solutions. In professional settings, resistance to change can limit career advancement, as adaptability and innovation are often highly valued traits.

A fixed mindset can strain relationships. Individuals with this mindset may be less open to considering the viewpoints and feelings of others, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.


My Final Thoughts.

I believe positivity to be the grandfather of all mindsets. There are many other great mindsets, but positivity makes them all exponentially better.

For more information, read these posts.

Why Your Mindset Is Everything.

Successful Days Lead To A Successful Mindset.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

The Enormous Value Of Contentment

Gram’s Wisdom 58

Each day you wake up is another precious gift. These were my Gram’s words. Usually followed by what she was grateful for at that moment. My Gram’s fundamental values were gratitude and kindness. I have always believed that combined they were her contentment superpower.

That my Gram was a contented person I never doubted. She radiated calm and contentment in all her actions. She once told me that contentment is more in the being than in the doing. She had said that without it, you’ll likely find yourself anxious about what you don’t have rather than grateful for all that you do have.

Gram said that, like other things in life, contentment takes practice. You must commit and make the conscious decision of how you want your life to be. While shedding those things that don’t serve you. And she reminded me that it’s up to you to make it as happy or as miserable as you want.

So, how do you feel content in your life? Read on to find out.

 The importance of feeling content.

Do you know what happens when you always complain about your life? You attract unhappy, pessimistic cynics.

The opposite is true as well. If you train yourself to see good in every situation, you learn the value of leading a hopeful, happy life.


What does contentment mean?

According to the dictionary, contentment is feeling satisfied because you have all you need. Whereas my Roget’s Thesaurus gives words like a sense of peace, inner calm, and comfort.

It’s that state where you are at ease in body and mind. You have realistic expectations, and you know how to turn negatives into positive, fulfilling experiences.


9 Features of contentment

What are the features of true-life contentment? And how do you achieve that contentment?

That’s what you came here to find out. So, let’s begin.


1 | Practice gratitude.

Regularly take time to acknowledge and appreciate the positive aspects of your life, both big and small. This simple habit can help you focus on what you have rather than what you feel is missing.

Get a notepad or a journal. Write down everything you’re thankful for. Small things, big things—it doesn’t matter. The point is to make a list and be conscious of all the wonderful things happening in your life.

Add more entries whenever you feel like it, even if it’s something small. If you’re grateful for it, then that means it’s important.

Go back and read your gratitude journal once or twice a week. Just re-reading it several times a week will turn your negative thoughts into more positive-oriented ones.

Consistently going over the good things in your life can help reduce the self-sabotaging talk we get in our heads sometimes. It’s also a great chance to remind yourself to be kinder and more empathetic to yourself.

The best time to read this list would be when you’re upset. What better way to put a smile on your face than by looking back on your grateful list?

You can go even deeper if you like. Be thankful that you were able to stand up for yourself with your neighbor. Or how about showing yourself some gratitude because of that promotion you got at work?

Or you can just be grateful because you’ve accomplished so much on your own. Gratitude and self-love go together. So, don’t forget to give yourself a big pat on the back to the amazing person you’ve become. That certainly deserves an entry in your gratitude journal!

 2 | Be kind and giving to others.

Volunteering and helping others can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, increasing your contentment in the process.

Contented happy people are more empathetic. They understand what others are going through. Their reactions stem from the knowledge that everyone struggles at some point.

They know that everyone wakes up with some kind of problem that they’re dealing with. It could be something personal or work-related.

Whatever it is, it’s worth putting in the effort and helping anyone you can. Even if it’s holding the door for someone or smiling at them as you pass them by.

Another wonderful way to feel contentment is in the service of others. This could be by sharing your time, energy, or money.

Why not volunteer at a local shelter or hospital? You can also donate money to your favorite charity.

Helping others helps you feel more sympathetic and supportive. Moreover, you’ll be happier and more appreciative of everything you have.


3 | Cultivate positive relationships.

Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Meaningful connections and strong social bonds contribute significantly to overall contentment.

Contented people are appreciative of what they have in their lives. They know the value of a good relationship with someone. Be it a coworker, a friend, a family member, or a partner.

Contented persons are knowledgeable about what’s truly important to them, they work hard to make their various relationships meaningful and special. Part of that care is in ensuring that their relationships remain healthy.

Someone content with their life understands that the relationships they form with others are a precious resource. Because of that, they treat the people they have in their lives well because they value their relationships deeply.

Contented people work to build stronger, happier, and healthier relationships with others. Being content will invite this type of strong relationship building into your life.


4 | Embrace mindfulness.

Be present in the moment and fully engage with your experiences. Mindfulness can help reduce stress and increase your enjoyment of everyday activities.

Mindfulness is simply being present in the moment. It’s a very basic, adaptable form of meditation that teaches the importance of just ‘being.’

In other words, it’s about enjoying everything that the present brings. Even simple things like the trees swaying in the wind or the light moving across your windows at different times of the day.

Try practicing mindfulness three days a week. Begin with just five minutes at a time, then add more time when you’re ready.

Studies show that practicing mindfulness regularly helps reduce stress and promote inner peace. Plus, it fills you with a heartfelt sense of appreciation and contentment.

The past is already done and dusted. You can’t change what happened for good or bad.

Likewise, the future hasn’t come yet. What’s the point of fretting over something that’s not in your power to change or modify?


5 | Simplify your life.

Reducing clutter and complexity in your daily routines and possessions can lead to a simpler, more peaceful life, promoting contentment.

A key difference between living a life of contentment and being unhappy is letting go of the need for more stuff. You may have piles and piles of money but lack a fulfilling, loving relationship. Or your circle of friends is almost non-existent. Your money won’t fill that void in your life.

To experience true-life contentment, you must realize that things lose their luster after a while. Buying more things will never equate to happiness or satisfaction. The quicker you recognize that, the happier you’ll be!

When you’re content, you have a good sense of distinction between what you truly need versus what you merely want. This is an important skill to have. People who don’t get caught up in frivolous wants can focus on more important parts of their lives.

A contented person isn’t quick to swipe their debit and credit cards on a purchase. Rather than allowing themselves to feel pressured into impulse buys, they carefully consider how they want to spend their money.

People who are content with their lives don’t feel the urge to splurge on frivolous purchases – doing so doesn’t bring them satisfaction or joy because they already have ample amounts of it.

 6 | Take care of your health.

A healthy body and mind are essential for contentment. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate rest contribute to your overall well-being.

One of the most important things you can do to feel content is to take care of yourself. This means mind, body, and spirit.

Many of us focus more on planning for the future. We put in a lot of energy, time, and money on something that hasn’t even happened yet.

The trick is to begin today. Everything else will fall into place if you take actionable steps right now!

Here are some great ideas to help get you started:

  • Begin a daily self-care routine.

  • Practice yoga and meditation to boost cognitive functions and bring inner balance.

  • Adopt a positive mindset and push away negative self-talk that undermines your self-esteem.

  • Exercise 3 to 5 times a week.

  • Eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet.

  • Pick up an old hobby or learn something new to keep your mind active.


7 | Learn to manage stress.

Develop effective stress management techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, or hobbies, to maintain your emotional balance.

Feeling content allows anxiety and stress to leave your life. When you aren’t content with what you already have and how your life is going, you likely spend a lot of time focusing on what you think you can do to improve it.

Instead of constantly chasing the next great thing or doing something special to keep up with others. You’ll notice that doing so no longer feels necessary when you’re content with what you have.

Because your mind is no longer centrally focused on keeping up, getting new things, or looking impressive. You’ll feel that unnecessary anxiety and stress melt away in favor of true contentment.


8 | Live in alignment with your values.

Align your life choices with your core values and principles. When your actions and beliefs are in harmony, you'll find greater satisfaction and contentment in your daily life.

Contented people understand themselves quite well. Remember, we’re all on a journey of discovering who we are. Building faith and trust in your self-worth and value takes time.

Self-acceptance is a gift. It’s one of the most precious things you can do to ensure contentment and happiness. It’s also one of the hardest things you’ll have to do. And you’ll have to do it on your own.

Once you begin accepting yourself, everyone else will as well. No one will accept you if you’re having a hard time doing it.

Contented people know what they like and how they like it. When they make changes to their lives, they do it out of genuine awareness. Instead of a passing notion that they need to change to “keep up”.

When you’re feeling content, you’re satisfied with everything you already have. You won’t feel pressured to go out and buy the “latest and greatest” anything or live beyond your means.

Similarly, when you see your friends and acquaintances succeeding and doing well in life, you won’t feel jealous over what they have. You may feel happy for them, but ultimately, you allow your contentment to be enough for yourself.

Because content people are happy with what they have, they spend more of their energy making themselves better. They understand the importance of learning and growing as humans. They constantly strive to be the best versions of themselves.


9 | Being optimistic.

Being optimistic isn’t simply seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. It runs much deeper than that. Optimism is one of life’s powering forces. Without it, you lose hope and depression drags you down.

Optimism helps you see the positive. Even when challenges may adversely spill over into your feelings of contentment. A positive mindset ensures that you see your life in the best possible light.

Having a positive mindset also affects not just your emotional state. It also benefits your physical and cognitive health. Studies show that optimistic people don't suffer illnesses as often as other people. They have better heart health and a stronger immune system. Plus, staying positive keeps your memory skills sharp and improves your ability to focus.

Contented people are generally satisfied and happy people. They don’t allow trivialities to concern them because they know they possess everything they need and have plenty to be grateful for. Instead of constantly worrying, they allow themselves to remain positive. It’s more difficult to upset someone who is normally happy and content with their lives.


My final thoughts are.

Contentment is rather permanent. It doesn’t come and go with the vagaries of your day. It’s a lifestyle and a way of looking at the world, as well as a feeling.


For more information, check out these posts.

Contentment: What It Is And Why It Matters.

Contentment A Positive Mindset Choice.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

How To Become A Likable Person

Gram’s Wisdom 53

Do you know someone whom everyone likes? I did, for many years. It was my Gram. Everybody liked her. Young people, old people, and even small children. They all went away with the feeling that they had just met their new best friend. Some people have this ability to skate through life, beloved by everyone. They find it easy to make friends and rarely ruffle anyone's feathers.

All my life I stood in awe of Gram’s ability to draw people to her magnetically. I am a dyed-in-the-wool introvert, so I always believed it was her exceptionally extroverted personality that made her so likable. She, on the other hand, had always believed that these 4 things were the biggest contributing factors to being liked.  

  1. Be kind to others, even when they are not kind to you.

  2. Find something to be grateful for every day.

  3. Focus on the positive aspects of life.

  4. Be a good listener.

Since she has been gone, I have had time to give serious thought to the skills and behaviors she and other especially likable people have in common and expanded her list. I knew she wouldn’t mind. 


If you are interested in learning more about the habits of likable people, continue reading.


They are honest and genuine.

Honesty is a key ingredient in likability. You can't be likable if you are constantly lying, it will catch up to you eventually. People are drawn to those who are truthful and trustworthy. When you are honest, you build trust with others, which makes them more likely to like you. 

There are many benefits to being honest. For one, it can help you build stronger relationships with others. When you are honest with your friends, family, and colleagues, they can trust you and rely on you. This can lead to deeper and more meaningful relationships.

Likable people are also genuinely themselves. They don't act like anyone else; they are happy with who they are. When you are authentic, you attract people who appreciate you for who you are. You also make it easier for people to connect with you on a deeper level.

Being authentic can be difficult, especially in a world where we are constantly bombarded with messages about what we should look like, act like, and think like. However, it is important to remember that there is no one right way to be. The most important thing is to be true to yourself.

If you want to be a likable person, it is important to be authentic. Be yourself, and don't be afraid to show your true colors. People will appreciate that about you.


They give freely.

You don't have to give away everything you own to be likable, but being willing to give without receiving anything in return is a key trait of a likable person. People are drawn to those who are kind and giving. When you are willing to give of yourself, you make others feel valued and appreciated. This can lead to deeper relationships and a more positive social environment.

Giving is a sign of kindness, compassion, and generosity. These are all qualities that people admire and respect. You can give your time, your money, or your skills. When you give emotional support or simply a listening ear, this can make a real difference in the lives of those around you. No matter how you choose to give, it is important to do so with a genuine heart.


They are happy to see others succeed.

When someone you care about achieves something great, it is natural to feel happy for them. Likable people take this happiness to the next level by celebrating their friends and family's accomplishments. They are genuinely happy to see others being rewarded, and they do not feel threatened or jealous. They allow them to bask in their glory.

There are many benefits to being around people who are happy to see you succeed. For one, it can boost your self-confidence. When you know that your friends and family are rooting for you, it can make you feel more capable and motivated.

Additionally, being around people who celebrate your accomplishments can help you build stronger relationships. When you feel supported and appreciated, you are more likely to feel close to the people in your life.

Finally, being around people who are happy to see you succeed can make you happier overall. When you are surrounded by positive people, it is easier to focus on the good things in life.


They ask thoughtful questions and listen attentively.

It is often said that we should listen two times as much as we speak. Likable people take this a step further. Listening is a skill often overlooked but is one of the most important skills you can have. When you are a good listener, you show you care what the other person has to say. This can make them feel valued and respected.

Additionally, being a good listener can help you learn more about the people and world around you. When you listen attentively, you can pick up on things that you might not otherwise notice. This can give you a better understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and motivations.

In addition to being good listeners, likable people also ask thoughtful questions. This shows that they are interested in what the other person has to say and that they are paying attention. It also helps you to keep the conversation going and to learn more about the other person.

  • Ask open-ended questions that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no answer.

  • Ask questions that are relevant to the conversation.

When asking questions, it is important to be sincere and to ask questions that you are genuinely interested in the answer to. Avoid asking questions that are too personal or that could make the other person feel uncomfortable. It is also important to be respectful of the other person's time and not ask too many questions.


They are positive.

It’s much more enjoyable to spend time with positive people. They might not always be over-the-top happy, but likable people tend to think and behave positively. They are cheerful and will always look for the silver lining in any situation. When you are positive, you make others feel good, and you create a more enjoyable atmosphere for all.

There are benefits to being a positive person. First, it can help you attract positive people into your life. Remember like attracts like. This can lead to more robust relationships and a more positive social environment.

Second, being positive can help you improve your health. Studies have shown that positive people tend to have lower stress levels, better immune systems, and longer lifespans.

Third, being positive can help you achieve your goals. When you are positive, you are more likely to believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. This can lead to greater motivation and accomplishment.

Last, likable people are grateful. They appreciate the advantages that come with positivity.


They are less judgmental than most.

Likable people tend to be less judgmental than the rest of us. If they do judge someone, they will do it silently. They believe that "live and let live" is the best attitude to adopt if your actions cause no harm to anyone. They are less likely to create drama or begin arguments. They are more likely to be supportive and encouraging. As a result, people are more likely to want to be around them.

Likable people also tend to be more understanding and forgiving. They are less likely to hold grudges or to dwell on the negative aspects of a situation. They are more likely to see the good in people giving them the benefit of the doubt by focusing on their strengths rather than their weaknesses.

Likable people are more accepting of differences. They understand that everyone is different and that there is no one right way to live. They are more empathetic. They can put themselves in other people's shoes and understand why they might make the choices that they make. Because they are more confident, they don’t feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel better.


They act responsibly.

No one is perfect; everyone makes mistakes at some time or another. Likable people are not afraid to admit when they are wrong. They know that everyone makes mistakes, and they are willing to own up to theirs. They also know that the best way to make up for a mistake is to learn from it and try not to make it again.

Likable people don’t try to wriggle off the hook by blaming others or making excuses. They own up to what they’ve done and simply say “I made a mistake.” They then express their regret for the mistake and let the other person know they are sincerely sorry.

Likable people will do their level best to make amends. This can take the form of an apology to someone you’ve hurt or repairing, replacing something you’ve broken. The object is accountability and learning. They try to understand what went wrong and how they can avoid a repeat of the same mistake in the future.


They are patient.

Likable people are often more patient than others. They don't mind waiting for you to figure out what you want to do. They don't become irritated or annoyed very quickly. They understand that everyone has different needs, and their pace of achievement is also different. They will let you move at your speed, just happy to be in your company.

Likable people are relaxed in manner. They don’t feel the need to rush through things. They find contentment and happiness in taking their time and mindfully enjoying each moment.

Likable people are kind, patient, and supportive because they care about others. They want to make the world a better place, and they know that one way to do that is to be kind to others. They are also patient because they understand that everyone makes mistakes. They are supportive because they want to help others make progress.


My final thoughts are.

Likability can be a skill like any other. Sure, some people come by it naturally, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t practice and adopt the habits of likability. The real secret sauce is for you to genuinely like and care about other people.


For more information, read these posts.

Gift Yourself A Kindness Mindset

13 Habits Of Exceptionally Likeable People


Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Mindfulness And Presence Techniques For Beginners

Gram’s Wisdom 51 Stop, look and listen.

Though the terms were foreign to her, my Gram practiced mindfulness and presence every day of her life. She called what she did focusing on the here and now. When I was young, she explained to me that I should stop and look at how much beauty there is to see everywhere in every season. And stop to listen to the hum of bees, water rushing over rocks, or the songs of birds. 

Many were the times when she would light a scented candle, and we would prepare a pot of tea together in the evening. Sometimes we would talk quietly and listen to hear what the other had said. At other times we would listen to music that we both loved or just sit in companionable silence.

In the early hours of the morning, Gram and I would sit together on the porch listening to the birds sing and watching the sunrise. She would tell me what she was grateful for. And I was absorbing a mindfulness practice that had no name but has grounded me and carried me every day of my life. Thanks, Gram.



The central ideas of mindfulness and presence.

Mindfulness and presence are two central ideas today. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be difficult to find time to focus on the present moment. However, mindfulness and presence techniques can help to bring tranquility and focus into your life.

Presence and mindfulness are not only important for your mental health, but they can also help you to be more productive and efficient in your life. When you’re present, you can focus on what is in front of you and not be distracted by your thoughts. When you’re mindful, you can be aware of your thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them or judging them.


Various mindfulness practices are easy and accessible to new practitioners. Try implementing some of the techniques below and see how quickly you can get a grasp on your thoughts and shift them to an inspiring mindset.



One way to practice mindfulness is easily accessible at any time - breathing. Focusing on the breath is a great way to calm the mind. And provide a tranquil environment in which the mind can slow down and allow for curiosity and creativity. Breathing deeply brings calm to the mind and the body and adds fresh oxygen to our brain which allows new thoughts to develop. Breathing brings the body to calmness and regulates the nervous system.

One breathing technique is to focus on your inhales and exhales, counting each one as you breathe. You can also focus on the feeling of your breath as it moves in and out of your body. Another breathing technique is to imagine your breath as a wave, flowing in and out of your body. You can also bring your awareness to your body and how it feels to be breathing. If you notice tension in your body, you can focus on relaxing the muscles.

Eternity belongs to those who live in the present.

Drink tea.

One way to bring mindfulness to the moment is to drink tea with a calm and peaceful quietude. When we drink tea, we can also take deep breaths and take breaks in between sips to allow spaciousness in the mind. This is a simple task, but the key is to be present in the moment and pay attention to the act of drinking tea.

Take a few deep breaths and focus your attention on the act of organizing the tea. Which do you prefer a mug or teacup and saucer? In what form do you like your tea a tea bag or loose-leaf tea don’t forget the tea ball. As you prepare the tea, listen to the sound of the boiling water. Inhale the scent of the tea as it rises with the steam from the cup. Once the tea has steeped, sit down, and take a few slow sips, savoring the flavor and the warmth.

Notice how your body feels as you drink the tea. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions, letting them come and go without judgment. Just be with the tea and the moment. Drinking tea can be an excellent way to relax and de-stress. The key is to be mindful of the experience and to be present in the moment. By paying attention to the sights, sounds, and sensations, you create a sense of serenity and peace.  

Write a gratitude list.

Making a list of gratitude is an amazing practice of mindfulness. It is a practice of noticing the gifts, grace, and good in your life. Gratitude lists are a way of acknowledging the abundance in your life. Some people find it helpful to keep a daily gratitude list, others do it weekly, or only occasionally. However often you choose to do it, gratitude lists are a way of reminding you of the good things you have. They can also help you to focus on the positive aspects of life.

Each morning, evening, or whenever you can make time throughout the day, sit with a pen and paper and write a list of things you are grateful for. Maybe you set a timer for 3 minutes to write about what you are grateful for or commit to writing down 3 things from the day that you are grateful for. Items on a gratitude list could be big or small, something from the past, or something happening in the present time. Bringing gratitude into the mind is a great practice and can lead to a greater number of positive feelings and recognition of positive experiences.

Here is a sample gratitude list.

  1.  I am grateful for my abundant health.

  2. I am grateful to my family and friends.

  3. I am grateful for my job.

  4. I am grateful for the shelter of my home.

  5. I am grateful for my dog, Houdini.

  6. I am grateful for my ability to walk.

  7. I am grateful for the sun shining today.

  8. I am grateful for the rain that watered my garden.

  9. I am grateful for the food in my refrigerator.

  10. I am grateful for my bed, where I will sleep comfortably tonight.


Scrabble tiles that say Be Here Now.

Light a candle.

Lighting a candle is another way to bring mindfulness into your life. As you light the candle, take a moment to notice the sensation of touching the match to the wick. Feel the heat of the flame as it springs to life, the scent of the smoke, and the sight of the flickering flame. Take the time to sit with it and watch it. Fire is one of the most fundamental aspects of nature. It reminds us that we are strong and peaceful and ever-changing.

You can light a candle and sit calmly in front of it and enjoy its presence. Watching a flame flicker can be incredibly calming. Don’t try to control your thoughts or stop them from coming. Allow them to come and go as they please while you concentrate your attention on the flame. It’s okay if your mind wanders. Just return your focus to the flame. As you practice, you’ll find that you can focus on the flame for longer periods.

Listening Meditation.

Listening is one of the most basic and important human skills. You rely on it to communicate, learn, and interact with others. Regrettably, in the fast-paced, modern world, it’s all too easy to get caught up in our thoughts and fail to listen to what others are saying. Mindfulness and presence techniques can help you slow down, focus your attention, and listen to what others have to say. 

A practice of mindfulness that can be implemented anywhere is an audible or listening meditation. Wherever you are, you can take a moment to listen to the sounds around you and recognize where you are and what your sense of hearing is experiencing. Listen to the birds singing, the breeze rustling through the trees, the sounds of traffic, or whatever else you can hear. Don’t try to do anything with the sounds, just be aware of them. If your mind wanders, simply bring your attention back to the surrounding sounds. Listening mindfulness is a practice that can be transformative for attention to the present moment.


Benefits of being present.

When you are fully present in the moment, you are open to new experiences and new ways of seeing things. You are also better able to manage difficult situations and make wiser decisions. The following are additional benefits of being present:

  • You are better able to appreciate the good things in life.

  • You are better able to connect with others.

  • You are better able to find meaning in life.

  • You are better able to live in the present moment.

  • You are better able to let go of the past and embrace the future.

Mindfulness and presence techniques can be used to improve your mental and emotional well-being. Practicing these techniques can help you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, and to manage any stress and anxiety you may have. With regular practice, you may find that you concentrate better, sleep better, and feel more relaxed and positive.


My final thoughts are.

If you're looking to add mindfulness and presence practices to your life, there are many different techniques you can try. Some key techniques include focusing on your breath and noticing your thoughts and emotions. By incorporating these techniques into your daily life, you can begin to experience the benefits of mindfulness, such as increased focus, decreased anxiety, and improved well-being.


For more information, read these posts.

Mindfulness For Beginners.

10 Best Reasons For You To Become Mindful.


Thank you for reading this post.

3 Awesome Benefits From Daily Gratitude

When we practice gratitude, time slows, almost to a stop. And this is the time when we look up and feel grateful to be here, now, and alive. It is a mindful time, this slow time. It allows us to experience situations and things in a richer more fulfilling manner. Being grateful, paired with the things that bring value to our lives helps us feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

But rather than an exhaustive list, let’s look at a short list of 3 things that cover most conditions you will face in life.   

1| Feeling of acceptance, that you will have enough of what you need now.

2| Knowing how to end negative mindsets, and methods used to find inner peace.

3| Utilizing resiliency to believe you can overcome challenges and discover solutions.


When you understand gratitude.

When you feel gratitude, you appreciate what you have, and it runs much deeper than uttering a simple “thank you,” This is not a knock to “thank you”, without which our daily lives would not progress as smoothly. Gratitude comes from within your heart, and it involves a more deliberate focus on what you need in life, versus what you want or what society deems you should want. And when you are grateful, you not only show your appreciation to others and the world at large, but you are gifted with contentment, and a more positive attitude and outlook.

Being grateful begins when you recognize the many things in your life that are rewarding, positive, and good. And when you can make these acknowledgments, you will find that you begin feeling like you have enough. Instead of lacking something, your life feels very full. When you focus on gratitude for the positive aspects of your life, you see past the negatives and find that, regardless of adversities or pain, you have much to remember and honor in your life.

When you express gratitude for your life and the people and situations in it, you feel happier, and your steps become lighter. When you place your focus on what is positive in your life, rather than what is negative or lacking, you are more likely to see a rosier, more optimistic future. You may notice that with time it becomes easier to maintain this upbeat mindset, as well. When others see you as being appreciative, they will display a more positive attitude toward you, as well.


Learn to feel you have enough.

Learning to express more gratitude for what you already have, helps you value consumerism less in life. Pursuing wealth and the accumulation of “stuff” has been shown repeatedly to be a miserable substitute for true happiness and learning to value what you have makes you want or need less in your life, leading to less buyer’s disappointment and more enjoyment.

When you appreciate what you have in your life, and you feel deeply grateful for things, you learn the worth of the opportunities that exist and what could be achievable in your life. Working with a mindset that you need more, or just never have enough, leaves you feeling empty and always wanting more, but learning to feel grateful for what you have can help you to feel overflowing and that what you have is, indeed, enough.

When you see the opportunities that exist in life, rather than the life you anticipate or imagine will happen, you begin to learn and grow in new and vital ways that bring you happiness and joy. Learning to appreciate your life for what it is, rather than what you believe it should be, opens your mind and heart to realize the possibilities that lay before you.

Sometimes we spend so much time and energy thinking about where we want to go that we don’t notice where we happen to be.

Seeing life as it is, not as you expect it to be, gives you the chance to consider what you can do with the life you have right now. It stops you from thinking so much about the “might have been” and lets you instead concentrate on the “what is.” And when you learn to live in the present, you will see that your life is full and rich, and you already have what you need to accomplish your goals.


Discover inner peace with gratitude.

What obstructs you from feeling peace in your life? The apprehension and worry, the grief, the pain, and the wish for something you do not have all rob you of peace and contentment. All of these take a toll on your heart and your mind, leaving you with frustration instead of joy.

There are plenty of times in your life when it feels like there is nothing for which you can be grateful. Everything appears to be going wrong, and you are so tired of feeling crushed all the time. At last, you find yourself asking, “Why is this happening to me?” and finally you are ready for a shift in perspective. Rather than fixing only what is wrong in your life, that is the perfect moment to figure out all that is right, instead.


Ladies Beach Yoga

The relationship between gratitude and peace.

When you contemplate the things, you have lost, do not have, or can’t have, you automatically create tension in your brain that results in discontent and unease. This focus on lack causes you to feel in need, which your mind translates into a necessity that must be addressed. When you focus, instead, on the things you have and what is positive in your life, your mind is at rest.

Gratitude for what you have helps you to be more patient with others and with life because you understand that you have much and that there is more to come. When you habitually focus on appreciating what you have, you feel like you need less, you can wait longer for a perceived benefit, and you are more likely to want to give to others rather than keep what you have for yourself.


Practicing daily gratitude.

 If you are interested in developing a gratitude practice, there are many simple ways to incorporate this focus into your daily routine. Here are 5 examples that have worked for other people.


• Try a mindful breathing exercise. Sit quietly and take deep breaths. Be thankful for your ability to breathe in and out each time. Focus on how each breath affects your body and makes you feel.

• Each morning lay in bed or sit quietly and think of five things for which you are grateful. It only takes a few minutes, but it starts your day off on a positive note and helps you produce an optimistic mindset for the day ahead.

• Thank someone in your life. Be sure to recognize the large and small things that people do to help you. Whether it is a stranger or your partner, saying “thank you” and telling others why you appreciate them can have a powerful influence on you, as well as on them.

• Stop and look around you. Take notice of the beauty of the day, how the natural world enhances your life, or how the sun’s warmth makes you feel. Listen to the wind or birds, smell the flowers or fresh air, and feel the grass between your toes. Be grateful for what the world offers to you each day.

• Before going to bed each night, take a few minutes to reflect on your appreciation for the day. What were your blessings or gifts? What is going well in your life? What are you most grateful for currently?


Feelings of gratitude help you to feel that you have enough, that your world is full of positive things and people, and that you are satisfied. All of this helps you feel at peace with the world and within yourself. And once you achieve inner peace, it is easier to tackle the outer impediments, blocks, and struggles of daily life.


Gratitude increases resiliency.

When it comes to our negative self-talk, we are remarkably good at identifying and picking out all the things that are “wrong” with us or with our lives, what needs to be “corrected,” and how things are not so good for us right now. But it is more difficult for us to consider the positive aspects of our lives. Once we are in a state of upheaval, it becomes tricky to think past the problems we are currently facing and to be grateful for the blessings we have in our lives.

But, if you can make this mental shift, if you can change your mindset to one of gratitude over one of discontent or scarcity, then you will find that you are much better prepared to overcome barriers and move past setbacks in your life. It turns out that being grateful expands our resiliency and strength, which can help us in demanding times.


We focus on the negative.

There is a reason why your mind tends to think more about the problems you are facing. Your brain is geared toward this way of thinking because you must be aware of those hurdles that intervene in your life if you hope to move past them. You must be alert to complications, or else you will not be able to figure out how to conquer them. And, because the positive things in your life are propelling you forward mostly without your attention, your mind decides that you do not need to pay attention to those because, after all, they are working just fine without your awareness.

But are they? As it turns out, when you lose focus on the positive aspect of your life, you begin to feel more negative and have trouble seeing answers to the problems you may face. Negativity tends to breed more negativity, leading you to feel more miserable once you are miserable, more worried once you feel worried, and less like you can succeed when you experience failure or setbacks.

Being grateful takes attention and work. It is not something that will magically happen. But when you learn to focus on those things in your life that you appreciate, you will notice many improvements, including feeling stronger and better equipped to overcome the difficulties that you will inevitably face in life.

When you practice regular gratitude exercises, you not only see how you have been able to defeat past barriers and setbacks, but you trust more positively in your future. Being grateful helps you detect the positive things in your life that can help you to beat whatever you are facing, too.

When you are grateful and express this in your life, others see it and react positively, too, helping you form stronger relationships that can help you during distressing times. And being appreciative in your life improves your self-esteem, which can give you the extra lift you need to successfully navigate complexities and barriers.

Learning to be more grateful also helps you to see the positive aspects of the struggle, which include teaching you many valuable life lessons and helping you to build strength through hardship. Changing your mindset to one that values failure as a learning experience is invaluable to successfully navigating these types of setbacks.


 My final thoughts.

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude can help you feel you have enough, fill your being with inner peace, and become more resilient and mentally strong over time. Try just one gratitude exercise per day to alter your mindset and convey all the positive values you esteem in your life.


For more information, you may want to look at these posts.

4 Ways To Practice Gratitude And Build Resilience.

Create A Gratitude Mindset Habit.


I hope you find this post beneficial and share it with your family and friends.