
7 Mindsets To Master Your Life

In the theater of life, our mindset takes center stage, dictating the plot and shaping our journey. It's not just about thinking positively. But about embracing a world of possibilities, growth, resilience, abundance, empowerment, openness, and even the rare, fixed mindset. Each of these mindsets we adopt influences our lives in distinct ways.

In this blog post, we will embark on a fascinating exploration of what's best about these mindsets. We will uncover their unique attributes and how they can impact your life. Master these mindsets and you can unleash your potential. So, join us on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth, where the power of your mindset knows no bounds.



Positive mindset.

A positive mindset is a mental attitude characterized by hope and an optimistic and constructive outlook. It challenges your limiting beliefs, helping you navigate the uncertainties of life with grace. Regardless of the encounters or circumstances you may face. It involves focusing on the bright side of life and cultivating a belief in your ability to overcome obstacles.

This mindset is rooted in the understanding that setbacks and failures are temporary and can serve as valuable learning experiences. A positive mindset enables individuals to approach life with resilience, gratitude, and a focus on solutions rather than problems.

One key aspect of a positive mindset is maintaining an optimistic perspective. People with a positive mindset tend to view challenges as opportunities for personal and professional development. This belief allows them to tackle difficult situations with confidence and increased self-esteem. A positive mindset involves a strong sense of self-worth. Allowing individuals to see the value they bring to their lives and the lives of others.

Gratitude is another essential component of a positive mindset. Recognition and appreciation for the positive aspects of life, even in the face of hardship, can have a profound impact on your mental well-being. Grateful individuals tend to focus on the good things that they have, adopting a sense of contentment and happiness. Moreover, a positive mindset encourages individuals to engage in positive problem-solving. Seeking solutions and taking action to address problems rather than dwelling on negativity or self-doubt.


Growth mindset.

A growth mindset is a belief system that fosters a passion for learning and development. Individuals with a growth mindset understand that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. They embrace challenges, view failures as opportunities for growth, and persist in the face of setbacks. In a growth mindset, effort is seen as the path to mastery, and they believe that improvement is always achievable.

One illustration of a growth mindset can be seen in a student who, when faced with a difficult math problem, doesn't give up when they can't solve it immediately. Instead, they keep trying, seek help, and continue to practice until they grasp the concept. They understand that their abilities can improve with practice and effort, and they don't see their initial struggle as a sign of inadequacy. This attitude of perseverance and a willingness to learn is a characteristic of a growth mindset.

In a professional setting, an employee with a growth mindset may take on new projects and tasks that push their boundaries. They see these challenges as opportunities to learn and develop their skills, even if it means making mistakes. They understand that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and that these mistakes can lead to valuable insights and improvements. This employee's willingness to step outside their comfort zone and embrace challenges is an example of a growth mindset in action.

A growth mindset encourages a focus on personal growth. Characterized by a commitment to learning and the understanding that effort and perseverance are fundamental to personal and professional development. Individuals with a growth mindset see failure as a stepping stone, not a roadblock.


Resilience mindset.

A resilience mindset enables individuals to face trials in life with a sense of strength and adaptability. It is the mental and emotional fortitude that permits people to bounce back from setbacks and misfortune. This mindset prepares individuals to face life’s storms. Emerging stronger and more determined than ever. Here are three ways in which a resilience mindset helps a person navigate challenges:

  1. People with a resilience mindset understand that challenges and difficulties are a natural part of life. Instead of avoiding or fearing adversity, they embrace it as an opportunity for personal growth. When faced with setbacks, they remain steadfast, maintaining a belief that they can overcome hurdles. This outlook allows them to approach challenges with a sense of determination and optimism, knowing that they can learn and evolve through the experience.

  2. Resilience involves emotional regulation, which helps individuals manage stress and anxiety during tough times. People with a resilience mindset are less likely to become overwhelmed by negative emotions. They are better prepared to stay calm and composed as they face adversity. This emotional balance enables them to think more clearly. Make rational decisions and find effective solutions to their problems, even in stressful situations.

  3. A resilience mindset encourages a positive approach to challenges. Rather than being defeated by setbacks, resilient people use them as opportunities to learn and grow. They reflect on their experiences, adapt their strategies, and develop new skills. Over time, they become better equipped to handle future challenges. They've acquired valuable knowledge and coping mechanisms from their past encounters with adversity. In this way, a resilient mindset helps people endure tough times and furthers personal development and a greater sense of self-confidence.


Abundance mindset.

An abundance mindset isn’t just about wealth. It is characterized by the belief that there are limitless opportunities, resources, and possibilities to be shared among individuals. This mindset encourages generosity, gratitude, collaboration, and prosperity in all aspects of life.

An abundance mindset allows individuals to recognize and seize opportunities they might otherwise overlook. When you believe that opportunities are abundant, you become more open to exploring new ventures, taking risks, and making the best of the circumstances. This openness can lead to personal and professional growth, as you actively seek out and create opportunities that align with your goals and aspirations.

People with an abundance mindset tend to approach challenges and problems with a more constructive and creative perspective. They view difficulties as opportunities to learn and innovate, rather than as insurmountable obstacles. This mindset encourages a proactive problem-solving approach. Which can lead to more effective and innovative solutions to issues, both big and small.

Embracing an abundance mindset in your interactions can boost healthier and more harmonious relationships. When you believe there's enough abundance of love, trust, and goodwill to go around. You're more likely to approach relationships with generosity, kindness, and a willingness to collaborate.


Empowerment mindset.

An empowerment mindset is a powerful attitude that enables individuals to take control of their lives and actively work to change their circumstances. It instills confidence and self-belief, allowing you to pursue your dreams and passions with unwavering determination. Promoting a sense of agency, self-worth, and a practical approach to problem-solving.

Here are three ways in which having an empowerment mindset can lead to positive changes:

  • An empowerment mindset encourages individuals to own their actions, decisions, and outcomes. Instead of feeling like victims of their circumstances. Those who have this mindset recognize that they have the power to shape their destinies. They take responsibility for their choices, which enables them to make more intentional and constructive decisions. Acknowledging that they are in the driver's seat of their lives, they can begin to implement changes that align with their goals and aspirations.

  • People with an empowerment mindset are better prepared to face problems and setbacks. They view difficulties as opportunities rather than obstacles. This resilience allows them to adapt to changing circumstances and find creative solutions to problems. They understand that difficulties are a part of life and can be navigated. With the right mindset and a proactive approach, ultimately leading to a transformation in their circumstances.

  • The empowerment mindset is characterized by setting clear goals and taking consistent, focused action to achieve them. Those possessing this mindset don't simply wait for change to happen; they actively work toward it. By setting specific, achievable objectives and following through with deliberate steps, they can make significant progress in altering their circumstances.


Open-mindedness mindset.

Open-mindedness is the gateway to new perspectives, ideas, possibilities, and information. What is best about this mindset is that it encourages critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, creativity, and adaptability. Enabling you to thrive in a rapidly changing world.   

An open-minded mindset encourages continuous learning and personal growth. It acknowledges that you don't have all the answers and that there is always room for improvement. Being receptive to different viewpoints and information, individuals with an open mind can expand their knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. This constant learning enriches their lives and allows them to adapt more effectively to changing circumstances.

Another exceptional aspect of an open-minded mindset is its ability to promote empathy and understanding. Open-minded individuals are more likely to bridge divides, resolve conflicts, and build connections with people from diverse backgrounds. This empathy and understanding contribute to unity and cooperation, promoting a more inclusive and compassionate world.

Additionally, an open-minded mindset is a catalyst for innovation and creativity. By being open to unconventional or unexplored ideas, individuals break free from the constraints of predictable thinking. This mindset encourages them to challenge the status quo and seek renewed solutions to old problems. The result is a culture of innovation that drives progress and positive change in various fields, from science and technology to art and business.


Fixed mindset.

While predominantly seen as limiting, a fixed mindset has its merits. It can provide stability and focus for some situations. The key is knowing when to embrace it and when to transition to a growth mindset for personal development. In contrast to a growth mindset, a fixed mindset is marked by the belief that abilities and intelligence are static and cannot be changed. Individuals with a fixed mindset may avoid challenges to protect their self-esteem and see failures as a reflection of their inherent limitations.

A fixed mindset can lead to a fear of failure. When individuals believe their abilities and intelligence are static, they tend to avoid taking on challenges or risks because they fear making mistakes or falling short of expectations. This fear of failure can result in missed opportunities, as individuals remain within their comfort zones.

A closed mindset can lead to a lack of adaptability. People set in their ways and resistant to change, may struggle to adjust to evolving circumstances. This inflexibility can hinder their ability to deal with difficulties. They are less likely to embrace new ideas or methods that could lead to solutions. In professional settings, resistance to change can limit career advancement, as adaptability and innovation are often highly valued traits.

A fixed mindset can strain relationships. Individuals with this mindset may be less open to considering the viewpoints and feelings of others, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.


My Final Thoughts.

I believe positivity to be the grandfather of all mindsets. There are many other great mindsets, but positivity makes them all exponentially better.

For more information, read these posts.

Why Your Mindset Is Everything.

Successful Days Lead To A Successful Mindset.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Developing A Success Mindset

Are there dreams and ambitions that you haven’t reached? Are you frustrated and overwhelmed? If so, relax, you’re not alone. Sometimes, it seems like there are a select few people who attain great heights – and then there’s the rest of us.

What differentiates the people who realize their aspirations from those who always appear to struggle? The difference is that successful people have taken control of their thoughts, beliefs, and their vision of the world.

They have mastered the important mindsets necessary for the achievement of success.

No one is born with this success-oriented attitude. You can acquire it by unpacking the way you think now and ridding yourself of old unworkable attitudes. Shift your mindset by mastering new skills and practices, and adopting a new stance.


What Is a “Mindset”, and does it help?

A mindset is an assemblage of related beliefs that shape how you see the world and function in it. For example, if you have a positive mindset, you are optimistic and focus on the good things, rather than dwelling on the negative.

Mindset is important because it influences how you behave. Your behaviors are based on what you think and believe. Everyone works from an acknowledged mindset, even if you’re not aware of it. Mastering these methods of thought is a matter of choice.

An important thing to remember about mindsets is that they’re learned. You’re not born thinking a particular way; you pick it up from others and your experiences in the world.

Hey, this is great news. It means that anyone can intentionally transform their mindset.


A shift in your mindset carries benefits.

The right mindset can have a major impact on your personal and professional life. Advantages are:

  • Greater overall happiness and well-being. By seeing the world in a positive light, you’ll be healthier and more satisfied.

  • Higher self-esteem. You’ll have more confidence. You’ll view the things you presently can’t do as skills you have yet to master.

  • A healthy attitude towards failure and setbacks. You’ll recover from bumps in the road and use each challenge as a valuable learning experience.

  • A successful career or a business owner. You’ll be able to identify opportunities and act on them.

  • Improvements in your relationships. With your focus on growth and development, you’ll be an inspiration to others and like-minded people will be attracted to you.

  • Stress reduction. You’ll be better able to handle stress and won’t feel overcome even when you’re busy or under pressure.

  • Increased creativity. You’ll combine creativity and innovative thinking in all areas of your life.


5 Key mindsets for success.

These are the mindsets that encourage success:

  1. Growth Mindset. This mindset is the foundation of all change. Without it, you’ll have trouble adopting other positive mindsets. If you have a growth mindset, you tend to believe that your talents, intelligence, and skills can be developed through a combination of hard work, effective training, and guidance from others.

  2. Abundance Mindset. The abundance mindset says that there’s plenty to go around for everybody. When we operate from a perspective of abundance, we make better decisions and radiate generosity.

  3. Creativity Mindset. The creativity mindset says that anyone can be creative, not only artists. It uses various tools to unlock imagination and innovation and apply it to a variety of issues.

  4. Problem-Solving Mindset. This mindset says no problem is too much to conquer. It uses brainstorming and other techniques to identify and solve problems.

  5. Entrepreneurial Mindset. CEOs and business owners with this mindset seek out opportunities and act on them. They innovate in the face of challenges and don’t let risk dissuade them from pursuing a new idea.


If you pursue skills and techniques to adopt and cultivate these 5 mindsets, you’ll experience benefits in every area of your personal and professional life. It takes time to begin seeing results, but there are actions you can do each day to get one step closer.


Observe your thinking.                              

A good place to start is to evaluate your current mindset. This is the way of thinking that’s been unconsciously shaped through your experiences and the influence of others over time.

Ask yourself these things:

  • How positive are you?

  • How do you see topics, difficulties, and challenges?

  • Do you celebrate the successes of others or feel envious?

  • Are you very bothered by how others see you?

  • Are you fixated on what you don’t have rather than what you do?

  • Do you see the world’s resources as limited and scarce, or abundant?

  • Are you an imaginative thinker?

  • Where do you use creativity in your daily life?


These questions will help you understand where you’re starting point is. Providing you with ideas for improvement that you can begin working on right away.


Allow yourself grace when you make a mistake.

A part of what most people need to work on is how to view their blunders and failures. And yes, mistakes will be made. The question is, do you beat yourself up when something goes wrong?

One thing that sets success-minded people apart from the rest is how they view obstacles. To them, every failure is a valuable learning experience. Begin by asking yourself, “what can I learn from this”?

When you make a mistake, extend the same kindness to yourself that you would offer to someone else. Try to fix it and then let it go. Look for the lesson. Note what went wrong and what you could have done to improve your chance of success.


Practice gratitude.

What do you focus on – the things you have or the things you want? People who practice gratitude are much happier and more successful than those who only see what they are lacking.

You can begin practicing gratitude immediately by brainstorming a list of things you’re grateful for. There’s no item either small or seemingly inconsequential to go on this list. Think about your family, friends, job, health, and hobbies.

A daily practice of giving thanks is even more effective. Buy a notebook and make it your gratitude journal. Each day, jot down a few things you’re grateful for. This reminds you of the abundance that’s present in your life. 


Discover what inspires you.

Inspiration helps when you’re trying to come up with ideas or solve problems. You may incorrectly believe that it comes as a flash out of the sky, but this is not how creativity works.

People who are in touch with their creativity make it a daily practice and can tap into it when they need it.

There are many sources of inspiration that you can use, including:

  • A walk in the park

  • Yoga or meditation

  • Music

  • Quotes

  • Painting, playing music, or some other creative activity

  • Blogs or books

  • Good conversation

  • Good memories

  • Your gratitude lists

  • Friends or family members


It can be anything that makes you feel inspired. Choose something that excites you that you can turn to whenever you need a boost.


Try something new.

All 5 of the success mindsets are concerned with growth and a love of learning. A great way to transform your mindset is to discover something new to learn. It doesn’t have to be something related to your career or something practical. And you don’t need to excel at it. The process of learning itself will help you transform.

Pick up a musical instrument or a new language. Take up a new sport or explore a topic like cosmology or philosophy. Learn about the history of your hometown.

Remember, the whole point is to get you learning and expanding your perspective. It shouldn’t be stressful. Choose something fun that captivates your imagination.


Study successful people.

It’s much easier to transform your mindset when you have an example. Therefore, it’s a good idea to learn from people who’ve mastered this process.

One way to do this is to read biographies and autobiographies of successful people. Choose business leaders, athletes, movers, and shakers and read about how they did it. If you’re not a big reader, you can listen to interviews and watch videos. Try to get insight into how they think and how they conduct themselves.

Even better, seek out people you consider successful and spend time with them. Pick their brain and feel their positive influence transform your mindset – and your life.


My final thoughts.

Everyone wants to be successful, if not always in the same way. So, you can take these ideas and mold them into something that reflects what success looks and feels like to you.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Want to learn more about how to get a successful mindset? Head over here.

What’s Most Important To Your Success - Mindset Or Strategy

9 Best Mindsets For Success

How Journaling Improves Your Life

Discover Journaling Benefits

How you keep your journal, be it pen and paper or digitally is less important, but just as personal a decision as what you record. You can record the events of your days, plan a vacation, analyze your dreams, remember your gratitude, or use a bullet journal to organize your life. Journals can help you capture your thoughts, plot out your future career path, or provide light-bulb moments of clarity for a better understanding of yourself.

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As well as decluttering your mind, keeping a journal can have many other benefits. Here are four important ones.


1.     Stress reduction

By putting your feelings on paper, you acknowledge your stress rather than ignoring it. All those anxieties and worries stop swirling inside your head, allowing you to step back and view from another perspective the things that are troubling you. It can even help with problem-solving!


2.     Improved mental health

Journaling is often recommended by psychologists and therapists. Journaling helps you to work through the issues that come up in your therapy sessions, supporting and complementing the healing process. It can be a powerful tool in removing psychological blockages. And, once you feel better, burning or throwing that journal away, can feel positively liberating.


3.     Improving your cognitive skills

Your journaling habit helps your brain to function more efficiently. Studies have shown that the act of writing strengthens the learning process and stores facts and concepts more firmly in your memory. Writing helps to develop new neural pathways in your brain, connecting new information with data already stored in your memory.


4.     Goal achievement

Studies have found that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down! Journaling gives you the space to work through ideas, setting out the details and the possibilities. Writing about the process helps you to track progress, so you can see how close you're getting to achieving your goal or where you may need to pivot instead to reach that goal.

The habit of keeping a journal gives you a physical and mental discipline and focus that will influence other areas of your life. Writing down your goals and aspirations gives you a strong motivation to achieve them!

In the journal I am at ease.
— Anais Nin

Activate Your Creativity

Keeping a journal is not just recording the events of your life or how you’re feeling. It can be a way of supporting your creative life. It’s a low risk, private as you want, way of writing down your brilliant thoughts, your ideas, your dreams, and your resolves.  And once allowed to soar, there’s no telling what sort of creative magic your mind will come up with.

It can be very instructive to read the journals of writers, artists, and actors and get an insight into how they used journaling to grow and develop in their field.


Here are five ways that keeping a journal can enhance your creativity.


1.     Capture your ideas

Between the pages of your journal, you can keep safe all those ideas that are just beginning to form, that are not quite ready to be explored on canvas or turned into a short story, book or article.


2.     Ignore your inner critic

Journaling can help hush your inner critic, that little voice that polices all your thoughts and ideas. Research has shown that when you write without expectation of an outcome, the part of your mind that acts as a sensor steps aside and lets you get on with it. Journaling, free writing or morning pages allow you to write for the sake of it, no editing, no agonizing. And that frees up your creative flow!


3.     Find your voice

Journaling is freeform, messy writing. No one is going to read it, so you can feel free to test out and build your own voice rather than copy someone else. It’s a time to experiment, explore styles, and not worry about what doesn’t work.


4.     Create new ideas

As you get into the creative flow of journaling, you free your mind to bring forth new ideas. The process makes space for ideas to well up, ideas you may not have had if you were trying too hard. And there’s no commitment to take any of them further unless you want to, and it feels right.


5.     You choose what is important

Your journal is yours and yours alone. You can write down your secret fears; you can write your truth. Once it’s down on paper, then you can decide if you want to do anything with it. You can take aspects of your truth and turn them into a poem or a painting. Journaling gives you practice in acknowledging and embracing your truth. And your art will sing more authentically because of it.


Create A Journal Jar 

You may have bought yourself a beautiful journal, all ready to get going. But maybe it’s hard to start. Perhaps it’s hard to think of what to write. After all, you don’t want to spoil that beautiful new notebook.

Help yourself get into the habit of journaling by creating journal prompts, and making your own journal jar, using these five easy steps.


1.     Find a suitable jar. You can use anything, a mason jar, cookie jar or a vase.

2.     Then write down the prompts suggested below onto slips of paper and put them in the jar.

3.     Whenever you’re stuck for journaling ideas, just pull out a prompt.

4.     Set your kitchen timer for thirty minutes.

5.     Put your prompt in front of you and simply write down whatever comes into your mind.

Here are some suggestions to help get you started.



Start easy by making lists. You can write as little or as much as you want under each listing.

1.     Dream vacation destinations

2.     Best meals you’ve had and where you ate them

3.     Favorite movies

4.     Favorite books

5.     Favorite songs

6.     Top goals to achieve this year, in five years, in ten years


1.     Something people don’t know about you

2.     Things you wish you had done

3.     Your secret desires

4.     The most outrageous thing you’ve ever done

5.     Biggest gamble you’ve ever made (this could be a career, relationship, travel – anything that felt risky)

6.     Letter to someone you’ve wronged

What if

1.     If you could meet anyone from history, who would it be?

2.     If you could meet any fictional character(s), who would they be?

3.     If you could host a dinner party with anyone from history or fiction, who would you invite?

4.     If you could go back in time and fix anything, what would you choose?

5.     If you could change one thing about yourself right now, what would it be?

6.     If you could make money doing what you love, what would that be?

It’s the little things

It’s easy to think of the big things you love in your life, what about the little things? Like maybe the way your dog greets you when you come home, or the narcissi that bloom without fail every spring? Think across every part of your life.

1.     Family members

2.     Pets

3.     Movies

4.     Books

5.     Food

6.     Activities

7.     Nature

8.     Home

Take a backward look

Try to think as widely as you can, from managing to get the early bus to trying a new recipe or meeting your exercise goals.

1.     Write down all the things that made you feel good.

2.     What did you learn this week?

3.     What did you achieve?

4.     What promises did you keep?

5.     What were you grateful for?


I hope this post encourages you to begin your own journaling habit. In many ways, it is one of the most rewarding and empowering habits you can adopt.


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Simple Ways To Manifest Your Dreams

Are you perplexed as to why you seem to get nowhere with the Law of Attraction? You think you’ve done exactly what you’ve been told is the proper way to manifest what you truly desire in your life. Why is it you continue to get more of what you’ve gotten in the past, or have hindrances blocking the way to your goals?

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Do You Block Yourself?

The likeliest reason is that you block yourself with old beliefs about why you can’t have what you want. These beliefs come from your distant past frequently. Often you are unaware they are even there, playing the same phrase over and over like a needle stuck in a record. If obstacles continue to hinder your goal, you need to take a harder look at what you believe about receiving that deep desire.

The most common blocks are:

  • I’m not smart enough

  • I’m not handsome/pretty enough

  • Making money is hard work

  • We struggle to overcome one problem after another, and then we die

  • I’ll get what I want when I get to Heaven

  • I’m not creative enough

  • I don’t deserve it

  • I’m not good enough

  • Wanting more money is greedy

  • The root of all evil is money

  • If I have what I want, other people won’t be able to have their needs met

Fear is another way we create blocks for ourselves. We have plenty of fears surrounding what will happen if we don’t get the the desired result. Yet, there are plenty of fears to go around if we do get what we want.

Your unrecognized fears may look like these:

  • I’m too old

  • I’m too young

  • I’m not educated enough

  • I’d make a fool of myself

  • I fail and everyone knows it

  • I succeed and my friends abandon me because I’m too rich/popular/famous/

  • Everyone wants something from me because they think I’m rich

  • I’m not good enough

Clear away your mental blocks

Since these mental blocks and fears have been ingrained in your subconscious for a long time their effects are more potent than your efforts to manifest. The thing you need to do first is to recognize them. Take some time and put pen to paper. Write down any memories or teachings you might have about getting what you want.

Now that you brought that awareness to the surface, it’s time to forgive the people who said them or yourself for creating the myths that surrounds them. Clearing away your fears, the myths, and mental blocks is the quickest and best way to make it possible for you to be open to manifesting your dreams.

“Keep your mind fixed on what you want in life: not on what you don’t want.”  -Napoleon Hill

Enable your desires with mental imaging

The technique of creative visualization allows you to manifest your desires into the kind of life you want. Many successful and famous people have used the energy of creative visualization to manifest their dreams and get what they want from life. They have tapped into their own inner power, to turn their dreams into reality.

Visualization does these four things to boost your manifestation energy:

  1. It stimulates you to take the essential steps making your desired outcomes     happen. The way you feel when visualizing is the way you always want to feel. This is a hugely motivating factor when it comes time to take action.

  2. It energizes the Law of Attraction. The feelings you conjure up are a magnet for the people, situations, and events leading to your deepest desires, fulfilling themselves in your life.

  3. It fires your creative subconscious. Soon you begin to see opportunities for obtaining your desires through “out of the box” solutions. Suddenly, creative ideas will start popping into your head - ways to solve seemingly insurmountable challenges will become obvious.

  4. It prompts your brain to recognize tools to which you will need access if you are to achieve your dream life. Not only that, but it will keep your brain on the lookout for those tools or people who could supply those tools.

Creative visualization is simple to do:

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable place where you will be free of interruptions for a few minutes.

  2. Close your eyes and relax.

  3. Picture in your mind’s eye the life you want to be living. Imagine interacting with the people and things you want to have in your ideal life. See yourself going about your day, doing the things you want to do.

  4. Get as specific as possible. Use your five senses to add more texture to the scene. What do you smell, touch, taste, hear? Add all the little details into your visualization and feel how it will feel to live that life.

  5. Enjoy! It’s a real treat to spend time visualizing! And it only takes a few minutes a day to do. Just go with the scene each day and allow it to unfold. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same every time. Just enjoy the feelings and roll with it. Do this at least once daily.

    Be explicit about what you really want!

Before you can receive, you have to determine what you want. You need to let the Universe know exactly what it is that you deeply desire so that It can provide it for you. But when you begin thinking about what you want, you may find it to be more difficult than you expected. Usually, when someone asks us what we want, we can rattle off all manner of things. This may feel different.

You may resist listing out what you want because it feels greedy. When we live in a society that tells us we must work hard to achieve what we want, it can feel uncomfortable to expect to be able to explain what we want and then prepare to receive it. So how do we get clear about what we want?

You are worthy of your own happiness

First of all, we need to believe we are worthy of our own happiness. The things, people or situations you are seeking are what you believe you need to live your ideal life - to live at your happiest. If you don’t believe you deserve your ideal life, receiving it is going to be almost impossible.

Grab up your journal and write down the things you would like to have or experience in each part of your life. This might be home life, career, friendship, success, creativity, etc. Specificity counts here. For example, instead of saying, “I want a new love in my life,” which is vague, write down all of the qualities you are looking for in a partner. Really go all out. Don’t settle for just what’s okay. Write down exactly what your ideal partner will be like.

When you think you’ve written down everything you can think of, close your eyes and imagine a scene between you and this partner. How do they make you feel? What do you see you doing together? Where are you? Doing this will fill in the gaps of what you really want. Most likely you want a feeling - when you are with the love of your life, you want to feel certain ways. What aspects of a person would make you feel that way? You will be amazed at how many additional things you will add to your list once you spend a little time visualizing your ideal - whatever it is.

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