
7 Mindsets To Master Your Life

In the theater of life, our mindset takes center stage, dictating the plot and shaping our journey. It's not just about thinking positively. But about embracing a world of possibilities, growth, resilience, abundance, empowerment, openness, and even the rare, fixed mindset. Each of these mindsets we adopt influences our lives in distinct ways.

In this blog post, we will embark on a fascinating exploration of what's best about these mindsets. We will uncover their unique attributes and how they can impact your life. Master these mindsets and you can unleash your potential. So, join us on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth, where the power of your mindset knows no bounds.



Positive mindset.

A positive mindset is a mental attitude characterized by hope and an optimistic and constructive outlook. It challenges your limiting beliefs, helping you navigate the uncertainties of life with grace. Regardless of the encounters or circumstances you may face. It involves focusing on the bright side of life and cultivating a belief in your ability to overcome obstacles.

This mindset is rooted in the understanding that setbacks and failures are temporary and can serve as valuable learning experiences. A positive mindset enables individuals to approach life with resilience, gratitude, and a focus on solutions rather than problems.

One key aspect of a positive mindset is maintaining an optimistic perspective. People with a positive mindset tend to view challenges as opportunities for personal and professional development. This belief allows them to tackle difficult situations with confidence and increased self-esteem. A positive mindset involves a strong sense of self-worth. Allowing individuals to see the value they bring to their lives and the lives of others.

Gratitude is another essential component of a positive mindset. Recognition and appreciation for the positive aspects of life, even in the face of hardship, can have a profound impact on your mental well-being. Grateful individuals tend to focus on the good things that they have, adopting a sense of contentment and happiness. Moreover, a positive mindset encourages individuals to engage in positive problem-solving. Seeking solutions and taking action to address problems rather than dwelling on negativity or self-doubt.


Growth mindset.

A growth mindset is a belief system that fosters a passion for learning and development. Individuals with a growth mindset understand that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. They embrace challenges, view failures as opportunities for growth, and persist in the face of setbacks. In a growth mindset, effort is seen as the path to mastery, and they believe that improvement is always achievable.

One illustration of a growth mindset can be seen in a student who, when faced with a difficult math problem, doesn't give up when they can't solve it immediately. Instead, they keep trying, seek help, and continue to practice until they grasp the concept. They understand that their abilities can improve with practice and effort, and they don't see their initial struggle as a sign of inadequacy. This attitude of perseverance and a willingness to learn is a characteristic of a growth mindset.

In a professional setting, an employee with a growth mindset may take on new projects and tasks that push their boundaries. They see these challenges as opportunities to learn and develop their skills, even if it means making mistakes. They understand that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and that these mistakes can lead to valuable insights and improvements. This employee's willingness to step outside their comfort zone and embrace challenges is an example of a growth mindset in action.

A growth mindset encourages a focus on personal growth. Characterized by a commitment to learning and the understanding that effort and perseverance are fundamental to personal and professional development. Individuals with a growth mindset see failure as a stepping stone, not a roadblock.


Resilience mindset.

A resilience mindset enables individuals to face trials in life with a sense of strength and adaptability. It is the mental and emotional fortitude that permits people to bounce back from setbacks and misfortune. This mindset prepares individuals to face life’s storms. Emerging stronger and more determined than ever. Here are three ways in which a resilience mindset helps a person navigate challenges:

  1. People with a resilience mindset understand that challenges and difficulties are a natural part of life. Instead of avoiding or fearing adversity, they embrace it as an opportunity for personal growth. When faced with setbacks, they remain steadfast, maintaining a belief that they can overcome hurdles. This outlook allows them to approach challenges with a sense of determination and optimism, knowing that they can learn and evolve through the experience.

  2. Resilience involves emotional regulation, which helps individuals manage stress and anxiety during tough times. People with a resilience mindset are less likely to become overwhelmed by negative emotions. They are better prepared to stay calm and composed as they face adversity. This emotional balance enables them to think more clearly. Make rational decisions and find effective solutions to their problems, even in stressful situations.

  3. A resilience mindset encourages a positive approach to challenges. Rather than being defeated by setbacks, resilient people use them as opportunities to learn and grow. They reflect on their experiences, adapt their strategies, and develop new skills. Over time, they become better equipped to handle future challenges. They've acquired valuable knowledge and coping mechanisms from their past encounters with adversity. In this way, a resilient mindset helps people endure tough times and furthers personal development and a greater sense of self-confidence.


Abundance mindset.

An abundance mindset isn’t just about wealth. It is characterized by the belief that there are limitless opportunities, resources, and possibilities to be shared among individuals. This mindset encourages generosity, gratitude, collaboration, and prosperity in all aspects of life.

An abundance mindset allows individuals to recognize and seize opportunities they might otherwise overlook. When you believe that opportunities are abundant, you become more open to exploring new ventures, taking risks, and making the best of the circumstances. This openness can lead to personal and professional growth, as you actively seek out and create opportunities that align with your goals and aspirations.

People with an abundance mindset tend to approach challenges and problems with a more constructive and creative perspective. They view difficulties as opportunities to learn and innovate, rather than as insurmountable obstacles. This mindset encourages a proactive problem-solving approach. Which can lead to more effective and innovative solutions to issues, both big and small.

Embracing an abundance mindset in your interactions can boost healthier and more harmonious relationships. When you believe there's enough abundance of love, trust, and goodwill to go around. You're more likely to approach relationships with generosity, kindness, and a willingness to collaborate.


Empowerment mindset.

An empowerment mindset is a powerful attitude that enables individuals to take control of their lives and actively work to change their circumstances. It instills confidence and self-belief, allowing you to pursue your dreams and passions with unwavering determination. Promoting a sense of agency, self-worth, and a practical approach to problem-solving.

Here are three ways in which having an empowerment mindset can lead to positive changes:

  • An empowerment mindset encourages individuals to own their actions, decisions, and outcomes. Instead of feeling like victims of their circumstances. Those who have this mindset recognize that they have the power to shape their destinies. They take responsibility for their choices, which enables them to make more intentional and constructive decisions. Acknowledging that they are in the driver's seat of their lives, they can begin to implement changes that align with their goals and aspirations.

  • People with an empowerment mindset are better prepared to face problems and setbacks. They view difficulties as opportunities rather than obstacles. This resilience allows them to adapt to changing circumstances and find creative solutions to problems. They understand that difficulties are a part of life and can be navigated. With the right mindset and a proactive approach, ultimately leading to a transformation in their circumstances.

  • The empowerment mindset is characterized by setting clear goals and taking consistent, focused action to achieve them. Those possessing this mindset don't simply wait for change to happen; they actively work toward it. By setting specific, achievable objectives and following through with deliberate steps, they can make significant progress in altering their circumstances.


Open-mindedness mindset.

Open-mindedness is the gateway to new perspectives, ideas, possibilities, and information. What is best about this mindset is that it encourages critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, creativity, and adaptability. Enabling you to thrive in a rapidly changing world.   

An open-minded mindset encourages continuous learning and personal growth. It acknowledges that you don't have all the answers and that there is always room for improvement. Being receptive to different viewpoints and information, individuals with an open mind can expand their knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. This constant learning enriches their lives and allows them to adapt more effectively to changing circumstances.

Another exceptional aspect of an open-minded mindset is its ability to promote empathy and understanding. Open-minded individuals are more likely to bridge divides, resolve conflicts, and build connections with people from diverse backgrounds. This empathy and understanding contribute to unity and cooperation, promoting a more inclusive and compassionate world.

Additionally, an open-minded mindset is a catalyst for innovation and creativity. By being open to unconventional or unexplored ideas, individuals break free from the constraints of predictable thinking. This mindset encourages them to challenge the status quo and seek renewed solutions to old problems. The result is a culture of innovation that drives progress and positive change in various fields, from science and technology to art and business.


Fixed mindset.

While predominantly seen as limiting, a fixed mindset has its merits. It can provide stability and focus for some situations. The key is knowing when to embrace it and when to transition to a growth mindset for personal development. In contrast to a growth mindset, a fixed mindset is marked by the belief that abilities and intelligence are static and cannot be changed. Individuals with a fixed mindset may avoid challenges to protect their self-esteem and see failures as a reflection of their inherent limitations.

A fixed mindset can lead to a fear of failure. When individuals believe their abilities and intelligence are static, they tend to avoid taking on challenges or risks because they fear making mistakes or falling short of expectations. This fear of failure can result in missed opportunities, as individuals remain within their comfort zones.

A closed mindset can lead to a lack of adaptability. People set in their ways and resistant to change, may struggle to adjust to evolving circumstances. This inflexibility can hinder their ability to deal with difficulties. They are less likely to embrace new ideas or methods that could lead to solutions. In professional settings, resistance to change can limit career advancement, as adaptability and innovation are often highly valued traits.

A fixed mindset can strain relationships. Individuals with this mindset may be less open to considering the viewpoints and feelings of others, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.


My Final Thoughts.

I believe positivity to be the grandfather of all mindsets. There are many other great mindsets, but positivity makes them all exponentially better.

For more information, read these posts.

Why Your Mindset Is Everything.

Successful Days Lead To A Successful Mindset.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

How To Develop A Self-Reliance Mindset

There is probably no one who wouldn’t benefit from developing a self-reliant mindset. Think about it; all it means is that you rely on yourself more. It’s freeing, you are more independent, and your success or failure isn't tied to anyone else. If you’ve been alive for more than 5 minutes, you've been through some ups and downs. We all have. Life's thrown its fair share of surprises your way. But here's the thing – maybe it’s time to reassess how you approach self-reliance.

Embracing self-reliance doesn't mean you shut out the world and turn into a lone wolf who stubbornly goes it alone. It's about finding the sweet spot between independence and knowing when to lean on your support networks. Simply knowing that you can stand on your own two feet will provide you with the confidence to excel in all areas of your life.

Today, we're dipping into a topic that's near and dear to many of us: self-reliance. Yep, that's the ability to rely on yourself and handle life's curveballs with poise. Read on for the 5 distinguishing qualities you need to be more self-reliant.


  • Believe in yourself.

You must have the unshakable belief that you can stand on your own two feet, or you will never become more self-reliant. The power of self-belief permits you to tap into your limitless potential and navigate life's challenges with resilience and determination.

Let's talk about the ambitious journey to self-reliance! It all starts with your belief in yourself. The first step to becoming a total self-reliance champion is to FEEL more self-reliant. Embrace those experiences that shaped you and made you wiser than before.

Remember, self-reliance isn't a destination; it's a journey filled with endurance and flexibility. Mistakes, everyone makes mistakes along the way – that's how you learn and grow even stronger. Surround yourself with a supportive group of friends and family who believe in you and remind you of your inner strength.


  • Assume responsibility.

If you want to be more self-reliant, then you need to assume responsibility. Your actions lead to real consequences, and you need to be responsible for them. If you make a mess of things, you need to own up to those events. Your decisions, whether large or small, ripple through your life and can have both positive and not-so-positive effects on your present and future. So, embracing responsibility is about recognizing that you’re not immune to slip-ups and owning them when they occur.

When you make a mess of things, and you will at some point, everyone does. It's empowering to stand tall and say, "Hey, I made this mistake, and I'll take charge of fixing it." Laying the blame on others or expecting them to sort things out for you won't lead to growth. Instead, accepting responsibility becomes a catalyst for learning, progress, and resilience. True self-reliance shines through when you bravely face the outcomes of your choices and learn from them.

Being responsible allows you to break free from a victim mindset, where you're at the mercy of external circumstances. When you assume responsibility, you gain the power to shape your destiny and learn from the tough times.


  • Learn to think for yourself.

You must avoid group thinking and think for yourself. This doesn't mean that you espouse the opposing viewpoint on every issue, but make sure you understand and believe in the things you talk about. If you have a view on something, ensure your stance is not just what everyone else thinks. Challenge yourself to comprehend the topics you discuss, question assumptions, and form genuine viewpoints that resonate with you. By doing so, you'll ensure that your convictions are more than just recycled ideas repeated from others but rather a product of sincere thought and reflection.

The path to true self-reliance involves the courage to be independent in thought and action. It's easy to get swept up in the current popular opinions or societal pressure, but being self-reliant requires maintaining a clear sense of self and principles. Stand firm in your beliefs and convictions, even if they differ from the majority. Validate your ideas by exploring various perspectives and considering their implications. Trust yourself to form educated opinions, and don't shy away from expressing them, even if they challenge the status quo. Remember, self-reliance empowers you to stand confidently in your unique identity and have your authentic voice heard.


  • Be your authentic self.

You should understand what your core values are and what you believe in. Furthermore, it helps if you also behave in ways that reflect those values. Don't pretend or try to be someone different in the hopes of impressing others. It seldom works anyway. If you want to be more self-reliant, you need to be always comfortable in your skin. It’s a testament to your confidence and authenticity. Recognition of your true self enables you to face any storm, unaffected by outer judgments or opinions.

So, take the time to explore what truly matters to you, the principles that guide your decisions, and the causes that ignite your passion. The beliefs that form your core values direct you through life's twists and turns. Once you've discovered what your core values are, you can align your actions with your beliefs. Let them be what drives you, the constant that keeps you true to yourself. Walk the talk and lead by example, showing the world who you are. Authenticity is magnetic, whereas people are repelled by fraud. Embrace your uniqueness and let your true self shine, for that is when you'll attract people who appreciate and respect you for who you genuinely are.

Recognition of your true self enables you to face any storm, unaffected by outer judgments or opinions.


  • Make your decisions.

You aren't self-reliant if you run to someone else for help making every decision. True self-reliance demands that you take ownership of your decision and assume the responsibility that comes with it. Seeking guidance and advice from others can be valuable; relying on someone else to make every decision for you is like giving away your power.

Instead, self-reliance empowers you to trust your instincts, rely on your judgment, and make choices that align with your values and aspirations. It's not about having all the answers or never seeking advice; it’s about having the courage to choose independently. Embrace the decision-making journey, and don't be hard on yourself if things don't always go as planned.

Accept the discomfort of making choices, knowing it's a stepping stone to growth and self-assurance. When you make decisions, you're more invested in the outcomes, learn from both successes and mistakes and ultimately grow into a stronger individual. Remember, the decisions you make shape the path your life takes. However, the final call rests with you, and you’re the one who must live with the outcome.


  • Five more suggestions.

These are short and sweet and help make the above ideas easier to accomplish.

  1. Take care of yourself.

    A part of self-reliance is taking care of yourself. You must be sure both your mental and physical well-being is taken care of. A poor spell of mental or physical health will almost guarantee your reliance on others.

  2. Commit to being a lifelong learner.

    It’s important to commit to constantly learning if you want to be self-reliant. The world and your needs change; you must learn and grow, so you are ready to face these changes independently.

  3. Know what you want.

    If you want to be more self-reliant, you need to know exactly where you want to go and what you hope to achieve. What's the point of being self-reliant if you aren't following your own goals?

  4. Identify your dependencies.

    It's important to know who and what you are currently dependent on. Identify your dependencies. This way, you will know what kinds of things you need to learn to do yourself.

  5. Determine your values.

    Take some time to determine the core values that you hold and why. What are the things that you believe in, no matter what? Understanding and being true to these is an important part of self-reliance.


In conclusion, self-belief is the cornerstone of a fulfilling and empowered life. When you trust your abilities and worth, you become an unstoppable force, ready to conquer your dreams and aspirations. Remember, self-belief is not an overnight achievement. Embrace the process, be patient with yourself, and celebrate every milestone.

Additionally, personal responsibility, thinking for yourself, authenticity, and independent decision-making are the pillars that support your journey to self-reliance. Taking ownership of your actions allows you to create meaningful change in your life and the lives of others. Thinking independently permits you to form authentic viewpoints that resonate with your core values and experiences. Accepting your true self attracts genuine connections and meaningful relationships. And making your own decisions emphasizes your confidence and autonomy, guiding you toward a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.


My final thoughts are.

Self-reliance is one of the best mindsets anyone can have because it encourages you to take charge of your own destiny. The moment you recognize that no one is coming to save you, and you exhibit the confidence and ability to save yourself, you unlock a world of possibilities and personal growth.


For more information about self-reliance, please visit these posts.

Self-Sufficient People: 18 Things They Do Without Realizing It.

Be Independent And Stand On Your Own.


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How Do You Live Intentionally?

Society would have us believe a busy life is a successful one. Our society also shows us that the external is more valuable than the internal. Yet we live in a world where our mental health problems are sky-high. But we have a choice. We can control our lives with intention or allow fate to handle things.

If you think intentional living sounds confusing and complicated, you're probably not alone. It does sound quite daunting, but it's a way of life and you can use it to create a better one. You have maybe seen it discussed online or even overhead people discussing the concept. It's all over the place these days, but what on earth does it mean? What does intentional living look like? Can anyone do it?

Of course! It's simply living your life with purpose. But before you can do that, you must identify what you want your life to look like. The heart of intentional living when you reduce it down to its basics is about living a life that reflects your values and beliefs. It's about directing your life and being proactive instead of being reactive, always fighting against the latest cataclysm.

Living with intention looks different for each person because everyone has different values. For you, it could mean taking long walks with your partner because you prioritize quality time and movement. For your friend, it could be scheduling their favorite activities because their highest value is self-care. Maybe another friend prioritizes spirituality, so they make a habit of going to church every week.

Why does it matter?

There are plenty of benefits to living intentionally. First and foremost, when you live a life of intention you respect your values and beliefs, which has two major interlinked benefits. Intentional living helps improve your mental health and one of the reasons for this is it is an excellent stress management tool.

If you are living a life with a purpose that reflects your deeply held beliefs, you won't need to stress out over every decision because your values act as your north star. And a stress reduction is positive for your mental health. You'll also be much happier, partly because you're less stressed and enjoying better mental health, but also because you will feel more inner peace from the manner with which you are living your life.

All those feed into intentional living. It’s about making conscious choices and acting in a way that aligns with your values. Living with intention gives you control; it helps you show up every day and tap into your inner power. It supports present living by defining the life you want and delivering on it by taking intentional action. It can be profoundly satisfying because it helps you lead a fulfilling life.

What does it look like?

It's important to know that even though it's a powerful choice to make, living intentionally won't bring you endless joy or peace. It isn't always easy, particularly at the start. It will probably be awkward; it might feel challenging. But isn't any major change in your life the same? The more you persevere with it the more it will become second nature.

Why is it so hard at the beginning? Many of your values and beliefs will be a consequence of your upbringing. For many people, it's difficult to process that these values you absorbed from your culture, family, or religion no longer serve or resonate with you. You need to give yourself the space and grace to deal with this at your speed.

The world is all about distraction and that can easily tear you from your intentional journey. You can't let anything deter you from the journey you choose for yourself. You need to learn how to shut out or at least turn down the noise.

Then you need to identify your values because they are the foundation of intentional living. If you already have your values nailed down, then you're ahead of the game. It's worth taking the time to understand why your values are important to you and what activities tie into them. Do they share anything in common?

So, what does intentional living look like? It looks different for everyone, but there are certain tips you can act on regardless of the values that best reflect your beliefs.

Create a morning intention.

Intentional living looks like living your values. It means taking action that aligns with those values and making decisions that reflect your beliefs. It's an everyday practice, and if you decide out of alignment, you can always do better tomorrow. It takes time to get into the swing of things, but if you seek to stay true to your values, you're doing the best you can.

So, how do you take an intention and break it down to daily living? You can start with a morning intention – it can be a sentence or just a few words. It might be a reminder of how you would live to make choices or behave. Make this part of your morning routine and tie it into a ritual like meditation. It will become as routine as a morning cup of coffee in no time.

Awareness and focus.

You don't have to start over, change your entire life, or walk away from everything you know to live intentionally. It’s about living your life with awareness. You can bring intentionality to how you live currently. For example, while you prepare dinner, try to tap into all your senses. When you run errands or do chores try to connect the why.

So, you're washing dishes, so you can provide meals for yourself and your family. You're hanging laundry, ironing, and cleaning to care for yourself or create an organized and peaceful home. You can also pay more attention when you move your body – notice how it feels. And when you exercise, you can tie it into an intention such as choosing yoga to feel more deeply connected to your physical self.

Small variations like this are a useful way to reframe and refocus.

Small changes.

You can create small changes that are done habitually and will eventually make a large impact. Scale back on social media use before bed. Create a morning ritual to connect to yourself and savor quiet time rather than rushing about stressing. Schedule a weekly call or meet up with friends to nurture your relationships.

Recount your day.

You begin your morning with intention, and you should end the day similarly. Bedtime is an excellent opportunity to recount the way your intention contributed to your day. You may, or may not choose, to journal this; you can simply think about them. If your number one value is compassion, then you can quietly think about all the times you were compassionate throughout the day.

What do you want in life?

If that isn't enough to convince you to live an intentional life, check out these 5 additional reasons.

1 | Presence

Living with awareness forces you to focus on the here and now, which means you notice what brings you joy and what doesn't.

You begin to get a grip on what lights your fire and fuels your motivation. It naturally makes you more present and the more present you are, the more awareness you develop.

2 | Improved relationships.

Living intentionally obliges you to take responsibility for what you can control and let go of what you can't. Improved relationships are a natural by-product. Intentional living forces accountability.

3 | Healthy boundaries.

Self-confidence is key when it comes to establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. You feel comfortable enough to say no when you're running low on time or energy.

You stop feeling guilty about saying yes to the things that serve you. You start to recognize toxic relationships that drag you down. That's the perfect recipe for setting and maintaining boundaries that serve you well.

4 | Improved mental health.

By shining a spotlight on your mental health. You notice just how important it is to take care of your emotional wellness.

Self-care is an important component of good mental health. The trickle-down effect touches every other part of your life.

5 | Improved physical health.

Stress is one of the biggest risk factors for poor health.

Intentional living is an excellent way to reduce your stress levels. Focusing on the present helps block out a lot of stress you have about past mistakes and your future.

With the improvement in your mental health, your physical health is bolstered.

My final thoughts.

Intentional living is a holistic lifestyle and once you start to embrace it, you will begin to see all the benefits listed above. I believe your objective in life should be to serve your values and pursue joy, living intentionally is a perfect way to unlock that.

So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try. Begin living intentionally today.

For more information, please read these posts.

An Intro To Intentional Living How Not To Live On Auto-Pilot

Create An Intentional Life Using These 10 Tips


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Your Mood Impacts Your Behavior

Some people always seem moodier than others. You could say it’s in their nature. This wouldn’t be a problem but for the fact that their mood is bad or negative. No one ever says, “hey, beware of what you say to Henry, He’s in an excellent mood today.” So, it’s obvious, while we all have good and bad moods, it’s only the bad ones that label us as being moody.

Let’s look at the psychology of moods and what can be done to improve your moods.

Do moods affect our psychology?

It's that feeling you get when you realize you just ran out of coffee. Or that discouraging feeling of stress when you discover some disappointing news. No matter the situation at hand, there is a strong, biological force manipulating our behavior.

What's this mysterious force you may ask? It's none other than our mood.

Neuroscientists and researchers have spent a great deal of time analyzing how our moods impact our behavior. While they've made accurate strides, there's still so much to be learned about why our emotions impact our mood and vice versa.


Are emotions and moods interchangeable?

While many conclude that emotions and mood are the same, interestingly, they aren't. The theory of emotions states, "emotions are patterns of firing in large groups of neurons that integrate neural representations of situations, cognitive evaluations of those situations, and physiological changes."

Put simply, your emotions are based on preconceived patterns, beliefs, and personal goals associated with thoughts and feelings. For example, if you were passed up on an opportunity at work, likely you'll be disappointed; maybe even angry. Why is that?

You're programmed to believe that if you don't receive the acknowledgment, you're automatically a failure. While extreme, this conditioning of patterns influences how you perceive your day. Because of this letdown, you may categorize your entire day as being, 'bad."

While your emotions may impact how you view your day and overall behavior, your mood controls something completely different.


Moods and feelings

One author eloquently stated, "moods are dispositions to have emotions. Salt has the disposition to dissolve in water, and glass bottles have the disposition to break when dropped."

So, how does your mood compare to your overall emotions? According to science, your overall mood "produces" the emotions you express. Let's go back to the job scenario. If you were in a relatively good mood before the news, your emotional reaction to the situation may be balanced. You are naturally disappointed, but you aren't lashing out or engaging in activities you'll regret.

By contrast, if you were in a bad mood before hearing the news, your emotions could send you into a tailspin. Thus, engaging in words or actions that you could later regret.

When considering how your mood impacts your behavior, one must recognize that mood and emotions are interchangeable in a comparative sense. For example, if you're excited about getting a new job, likely your mood is going to reflect that. If you're frustrated about your morning commute, that negative energy could affect the rest of your day.

Although your mood and emotions utilize different neurons and chemical processes, they're still quite similar when it comes to how your behavior is impacted. Regardless of your emotional state, your mood is always going to be impacted by your feelings and vice-versa.


Positive coping mechanisms

Because the two are so closely related, it's prudent to learn positive coping systems that can help you control your mood when consuming emotions occur.

While this is no easy task, many people have found that through professional help, medication, or deep breathing exercises, they have been able to control their emotions in a way that doesn't impact their mood.

Some examples of this are practicing mindfulness. This involves allowing emotions to filter throughout the body without judging or controlling them. You're able to maintain your balanced mood, even in the face of extreme stress.

Other coping strategies can be normal activities that have a calming or decompressing component to them, such as cooking, gardening, or playing with your pet.

You needn’t be a victim of negative beliefs or situations. Developing your own set of positive coping systems and receiving the help you need will help you learn how to effectively deal with your emotions and control your overall mood.


Along with the emotional benefits of a good mood, there are also health benefits. Let’s take a look at some of them.


Health benefits of feeling joyful

Joy is the feeling of enormous contentment, appreciation, and happiness. It takes on a mystical meaning when applied to your everyday life. Many people, no matter their race, class, or nationality, experience joy even in the face of numbing situations.

Many individuals experience joy when they choose to ignore the negativity in their life and concentrate on the positive. That's why the phrase "choose joy” has achieved popularity over the years.

While being joyful influences your attitude, it also plays a key role in keeping you healthy. Believe it or not, your emotions have a lot to do with your relationships, productivity, and even life expectancy. If you're looking to improve your health, start with the mind. Let's consider a few health benefits that come along with choosing to be joyful.


Increasing your happiness

Individuals who choose to be in a joyful mood experience an overall increase in their happiness. Developing this optimistic view helps them cope effectively with daily challenges.

While joy is centered around recognizing the bad, yet searching for the good, joy doesn't disregard negativity. Joyous people embrace what has happened to them headfirst.

Instead of drowning in their sorrows, they act. Their joy affords them the clarity to make mindful decisions that could improve their position.

In addition, when negative circumstances arise, they're able to handle their emotions without doing something they'll regret. This keeps them from taking damaging actions that could ruin their lives.


Decreases depression

While depression is considered a chemical imbalance, people who choose joy, suffer less depression and anxiety. How so?

As mentioned, they recognize their emotions and develop strategic ways to solve their issues. By staying "busy" in this regard, they're able to ward off depressive or anxious thoughts.

However, this isn't to say that individuals who suffer from depression and anxiety aren't joyful. Instead, it's only meant to showcase the statistical side of choosing joy.


Reduces your risk of heart failure

When you subject yourself to a lot of negativity and stress, this has an enormous impact on your heart. Over time, your heart will experience serious complications due to this constant negative stimulus.

Individuals who choose joy have decreased cardiovascular problems and an overall healthy body. By choosing to rid themselves of negativity and instead focus on the positive, they're preserving the health of their heart.


Improvements to motivation and proficiency

Happy people are more likely to get things done and have the energy to do so. Have you ever heard the saying, "this activity is exhausting"? People say this when referring to crushingly negative projects that drown their happiness.

When you feel happy, you're more productive, social, and imaginative. You're able to create fresh ideas and have the energy to execute them. Because of this, people with creative jobs are required to take time off for their self-development. This helps them cultivate additional mental clarity when handling their daily tasks.


A good mood enriches your relationships

Being in a good mood makes others want to be around you. They aren't bogged down by sad stories or negativity. Therefore, people who choose to be joyful are more likely to have a wide range of contacts to choose from.

In addition, your romantic and interpersonal relationships are healthier when you're joyful. You're able to connect with your partner in a solution-focused manner as opposed to trying to win. This is crucial for keeping your long-term relationships healthy.

Choosing to live a joyful life makes you happier, more productive, and easier to get along with. These perks alone should inspire you to home in on your happiness. By doing so, you'll feel an inner peace like no other.


My final thought

Just as it improves so many other things, gratitude can improve your mood. Gratitude for what you have allows you to brush off negative feelings that affect your mood. I think of gratitude as being the ultimate positivity.


For more information, please read the following posts.

Create A Better Mood For Yourself

Mind Body Connection How Your Emotions Affect Your Health



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You Are Worthy

Why do so many people find it hard to believe in their worthiness? After all, we go around spouting things like “you can do it”, only when they fail, they fall apart because they have no feeling or belief in their self-worth. Now, they are unsure of how many others are unworthy, but they are certain that they are unworthy. How do we recognize self-worth, and is it truly important?

Let’s explore this belief called self-worth.


The importance of self-worth

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to believe in your essential worth. If you don’t have an awareness of your worth, it can be difficult for you to connect with others at a level that is beneficial to them. Without this essential feeling of self-worth, you may allow yourself to settle for less than what you deserve in life.  


Your view of yourself can be hard to see

How you view yourself can be tricky to fix in your mind’s eye. So often you assume others have a clearer window to see who you are. Many people live their lives based on that false belief. Rather than, loving and respecting the person you are, you allow your self-worth to be dictated by who someone else believes you to be.


Reaching a high level of self-worth

Attaining a high level of self-worth may not be easy. But it brings with it satisfaction. Perhaps, you didn’t have the perfect parents to cheer you on. Not to worry. Self-worth can be learned from teachers, mentors, or friends. To help the learning process, don’t forget to dump the negative thinking, and negative talk, replace them with positive equivalents. 


The importance of self-worth in relationships

Self-worth is particularly important in relationships. A lack of value in yourself, will nearly always have you settling for less than you deserve in a partner because you can’t imagine meeting your “dream” partner and falling in love with them - or more accurately, you can’t believe they’d ever fall in love with you. This can lead you down a path that is not only unhealthy for you mentally, and emotionally, but physically as well.


Self-worth leads to better self-care

When you feel unworthy, you don’t see the importance of self-care. The trouble with this is the tailspin it can put you in. You think you don’t deserve to take the time for yourself. You begin to feel unwell. You talk negatively about yourself. Now you feel depressed. 

Instead, strive for a healthy level of self-worth. It will keep you cared for, loved, satisfied, and safe from unavoidable bumps in the road, that might otherwise bring you down. If your self-worth is intact and healthy, you become resilient.

Our sense of self-worth is the single most determinant of the health, abundance, and joy we allow into our lives.
— Dan Millman


Innate self-worth, is that even real?

Throughout our lives, we’re subject to good times and bad times, and each of these external events helps to develop our self-esteem. Self-worth, on the other hand, is something that happens internally, without the need for any external confirmation.


You are valuable

Your self-worth is inherent — it is the power of your belief that you have value because you are a human being. That you merit what you desire, and that you are inherently “good enough” to have it.

Another way to think of it is like this: failing at something will not affect your self-worth because you know that failure and success are simply two sides of the same coin — both of which you need in your experience to become a well-rounded person. Therefore, the worth you feel never changes — because you always know that you ARE worthy, no matter what.


You are worthy

You are born a worthy individual — it is simply a part of what makes you, you. You may increase that sense of worthiness at any time by taking actions to reinforce your self-worth beliefs. There are lots of things you can do to grow and maintain your self-worth, like taking care of yourself, getting exercise, being kind to yourself, and saying no when it feels right.

Innate self-worth means that you accept and honor yourself and the uniqueness that makes you different from everyone else. You know that no matter what, you are worthy of loving and being loved...simply because you ARE you.


The difference between self-worth and self-esteem

Self-worth and self-esteem...are they two different concepts? Many people use the two terms interchangeably, but others believe that these are two distinct and unique concepts entirely.


Let’s consider self-worth

How “worthy” or valuable do you believe you are? Do you feel you deserve the things you desire? The answer to these questions determines your self-worth.  It might surprise you to know that many gifted individuals have very low levels of self-worth and will subconsciously sabotage any potential success at the first opportunity.

Your self-worth is largely built up during your early childhood years. You’re essentially told what your worth is by your parents, how they act and react to you, and the quality of attention you get from them. If they have done well, you will treat yourself as if you’re valuable.

Setting realistic yet ambitious goals that stretch your limits shows you what you’re capable of achieving. Reaching those goals proves to you that you’re worth the result, thereby growing and maintaining a healthy sense of self-worth. And your success can be seen as anything that you’ve achieved that holds value for you, whether it’s a higher paying job, learning a new skill, or having healthy relationships.


Let’s talk about self-esteem

Your self-esteem can be determined by things outside yourself — like rejection. It instantly changes the way you think, and feel, about yourself. One of the best ways to reinforce your self-esteem is to surround yourself with supportive people who like and enjoy you and appreciate your unique talents and skills. Everyone deserves this treatment from those who are part of their inner circle.

When you take a hit to your self-esteem, the good news is — you can recover quickly by doing things you’re good at. By understanding that there are distinct things you are great at doing, that hit on your self-esteem will hurt less, and soon you’ll feel great again!


Building Your Self Worth

You are born with an innate sense of self-worth that you can build on and develop as you grow. There are five key components to building up your self-worth, and we’ll explore all five to find out a bit about each.


1 | Know and understand yourself — Knowing who you are inside has nothing to do with what you have or what you’ve done. It IS about knowing what makes you uniquely and unquestionably you. What do you love, what don’t you? What do you appreciate? What sorts of things and experiences do you value? A great question to ask that will help you understand what you value about yourself is: If everything I own, and everything I love, was taken from me tomorrow, and all I had was myself...what would I be able to offer the world?


2 | Accept yourself at this moment — Accepting yourself means valuing who you are in the present moment, irrespective of what you may have done in the past that you’d rather not think about. The good news is that you don’t have to think about it! Being able to accept yourself means no judgments, no looking back, and no looking forward. Just here and now, and who you are at this moment, including the good and the bad, the perfect and the flawed parts of yourself.


3 | Unreservedly love yourself — A very large part of increasing your self-worth is learning to love and care for yourself. Make sure you’re taken care of and that your needs are met. Practice positive and compassionate thinking about yourself, and yourself. This is where you let go of that negative self-talk, self-loathing, and negative thinking patterns. Everybody has flaws and faults. It helps make us who we are as individuals. But it doesn’t invalidate our value.


4 | Acknowledge yourself — This is where you begin to truly realize that everything external to you — has no bearing on who you are and what you are fundamentally worth to yourself and the world. When these external things no longer serve you, you must learn to let them go. Instead, you’ve grown a much stronger sense of self that no longer relies on these external things.


5 | You are accountable — Now, you are in command, and it is you and only you who is responsible for your actions, your life experiences, your challenges, and your unique situations. You have the necessary power to control your entire world.


My final thought

No matter who you are, or what you have been through, I believe that you are good enough, that you are strong enough, that you deserve your desires because you are born a worthy human being.


For more information, read the following post by Stephanie Jade Wong.

13 Things That Don’t Determine Your Self Worth


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Can I Change My Mindset?

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Your mindset is a belief that can be changed

In the last post if you saw a need for a mindset change you may be asking yourself, can I change my mindset? Is it worth the effort? And the answer is a resounding YES. You can change your mindset if you believe you can.

Our beliefs have a profound impact on our behavior.  While our behaviors determine the quality of our lives, our beliefs largely determine our behaviors. Beliefs are really the core to everything you do and become.

Anytime you use the words, I can’t, I have to, or I’m not good at, you’ve discovered a potential limiting belief.

It is along the same line as the half-empty/half-full concept. In both theories, it points out the power of having a positive mindset. There are positives in everything. Sometimes you must look harder to find them over the more apparent negatives.

For example, you are a hard worker and never give up, however, you never seem to get ahead. If you believe that you can only hold an entry-level job, you will never attempt anything else. In this instance, your life is dependent on changing whatever limiting beliefs you may have into new positive beliefs.

We all make choices in life; some of us choose to see the negative in everything, while other people undergoing the same situation see nothing but the positives. How can that be? Two people experiencing the same thing but emotionally feeling what they experience at opposite ends of the spectrum. It is almost as if each is wearing a set of glasses that categorize the experience differently.


Begin with how you feel

Before we get into the “how” of changing your mindset, let’s first look at why it is beneficial to see the positives in everything. The mind is a powerful thing in that it controls all parts of your body. Researchers have found in multiple studies that having a positive outlook produces some beneficial health benefits. For one, they found it increases the immune system. It is a proven fact that positive people are generally healthier both mentally and physically.

And positive people have a lower stress level because they can effectively deal with stress better. As a result, they have less cortisol careening through their body, a known hormone responsible for weight gain, so they control their weight better.

Besides having an improved immune system and better weight control, having a positive mindset also helps you:

· lower the risk of a cardiovascular event

· lower rates of depression

· and surprisingly live a longer life


Shift your mindset to one of positivity

While there are several things one can do to improve their mindset, here are some that provide the most benefits:

Begin your day with a positive affirmation –how you start the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Many people like to write down their affirmation in a notebook or journal. Writing it down is more effective than just verbalizing it to yourself.

See the good in a situation -We all face conditions during our day that can be viewed as either good or bad. For example, if stuck in traffic, view it as an opportunity to listen to your favorite podcast or to your favorite music instead of a waste of time going nowhere.

Change negative self-talk into positive -Instead of saying “I’m so bad at doing this” say “I’ll be better at doing this after I have more practice.” At the least, you should tell yourself “I’m not very good at this -yet.”

Focus on today -The past is yesterday, there is nothing you can do about it; the future is tomorrow and not here yet, so there is little to be done about it; but today is now and you can either choose to experience it positively or negatively; the choice is yours!

Surround yourself with positive people -Positive people have a positive outlook on life, quote positive affirmations, and generally say positive things. Over time, these positive thoughts rub off on you, sink into your brain and you become a more positive person because of them. However, the opposite is true if you surround yourself with negative people. Again, it is your choice; choose wisely!

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You Can Change Any Belief

If you have limiting beliefs, this process is designed to help you change them to beliefs that better serve you.

Write down your answers to these questions:

1.  Which belief do you want to change? You need to be able to see it to work with it effectively. So, write it down. For example, one limiting belief you might have is: I will never have a lot of money.

2.  What has the belief cost you? Make a list of all the ways this belief has negatively impacted your life. Really think about it, because it helps to have as much negative ammunition to get rid of that old belief as you can get. Spend some time; it might even take a couple of days to get a complete list.

3.  What advantages have the belief provided you? Maybe believing that you could never be wealthy has allowed you to avoid taking risks. Or perhaps it has allowed you to work in a profession that's easy for you. It might be hard to figure out what the advantages are, but they are there.

4.  What new belief would you like to have as a replacement? For example, for the belief listed above, a new replacement might be: I can make any amount of money I set my mind to. Be thoughtful and develop a new belief that will serve you well in the future.

5.  How is the new belief better than the old belief? Come up with an emotionally charged list of ways in which the new belief will impact your life for the better. Consider how you would feel. What could you become? How would your lifestyle change? Would it help other people around you?

6.  How can you start demonstrating the new belief today? Following our wealth theme, it might not be the right time to plan the interior of your private jet just yet. What could you do right now? Plan how you intend to make more money. Begin looking for a better-paying job? Look for ways to invest the money you already have? Even a small change can help the process.

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It may not be easy at first but taking the time to complete the steps above will simplify it. Each day try to behave as if you hold the new belief. What would you wear? How would you speak? How would you view the world? How would you make decisions? How would you react to good news? Bad news?

Beliefs can be difficult to change, as they're frequently developed at a young age, so you might have lived in accordance with your limiting beliefs for a long time. However, with diligence and attention, they can be altered. Changing your beliefs will change your life.


My final thought

In this article, we covered some health benefits of having a positive mindset and some ways you can use it to become a more positive person. We also looked at beliefs and methods to alter their impact on your behaviors and mindsets. By working on these either singly or in tandem you are assured of positive changes in your mindset and your life.

Here is the link to What Is A Limiting Belief by Josh Kaufman.

And a previous post of mine Is Your Mindset Naturally Active or Passive.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Please share it with people you love.

What Is Manifestation?

Manifestation is a bit of a buzzword in society today. Everybody is talking about it, writing about it, practicing it, or trying to apply it to their life, but do we know what it is? Manifestation is sometimes referred to as the law of attraction, or even your karma.


It’s the idea that what you put out into the universe, whether actions, words, or energy, will come back to you eventually (Hurst, K., 2012, July 8, What Is The Law Of Attraction? And How To Use It Effectively).  The idea is that to be on the receiving end of good things we need to be thinking and doing good things.


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So how does manifestation benefit us and how do we integrate it into our lives? Truthfully, manifestation is at this moment working in our lives, but most of us are oblivious of this fact. Therefore, many of us are manifesting negative things and outcomes simply because our thoughts and actions are more negative than positive.


For manifestation to work more favorably for us we need to be deliberate about changing our thoughts and consequently aligning our actions so that we begin to manifest good in our lives.




The first step of manifestation is visualizing what you want for yourself. Whether you want good health, success, or love, you must first be explicit about what you want. Then you can begin visualizing what your life would be like with that thing in it.


Visualization moves you from simply desiring something to actively evaluating how having that thing will impact your life. Many people use vision boards as a visible way to practice this concept. By consistently seeing the things you want in life and the impact those things will have on your life, you increase your level of expectancy.




Once you have a clear vision of what you want and how your life would improve as a result, you must believe that it can happen. It’s one thing to want something, it’s another thing to fully expect that something will come into your life (Bernstein, G. 2016, December 13, The Five Principles For Manifesting Your Desires). Moreover, your belief system must go from a thought process that believes it can happen, into a thought process that believes it will happen for you. It is with this trust that you can then attract those things you desire.

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A final key to manifesting the things you want in life is to behave as though those things you desire have/will happen. You may be able to visualize and believe, but it can be a challenge for people to behave as though the thing they want will happen. Frequently, people do visualize and believe, yet they still make decisions that reveal they have doubts. Behaving as though the thing has happened or will happen demonstrates a level of confidence that is more likely to attract what you want in your life.


Through the principles of manifestation, you can attract a host of positives for the mind, body, and spirit. Active practice of manifestation can be linked to improved mental and physical health, positive friend, and romantic relationships, and even success and financial prosperity.


Because manifestation is principally about shifting your mindset and alignment of actions and behaviors to match that more positive mindset, there truly is no limit to what you can manifest. So, create a practical way to include manifestation in your daily life and see what good will come to you.


My final thought

I think it is in our belief that we make manifestation a tool. Having a positive mindset just affords us a way to get the best results.



This is in response to my 2nd most popular post and you can find it just below.

Simple Ways To Manifest Your Dream Life


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Create Your Intentional Life

Live with intention or by default

There’s much talk about intentional living lately. But what does this mean? Intentional living is consciously living in alignment with your values and beliefs.

It’s opposite to what many people do. They live in default mode, being satisfied to only take action when disasters occur.

Intentional living is about an awareness of who you want to be and how you want to live. Of making that choice and then being disciplined enough to do it consistently.

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How to live your life intentionally

Take the time, take control of your life, and make decisions that matter. Not to your Mom or your best friend. Matter to you.  Choose the course for your life or life will make those choices for you. And those choices will likely be haphazard and unpleasant. In other words, take control while you still have time to create an exciting life or one of peace and calm if that is your preference.

Try these 10 tips to help you live with intention:

1 | Your choices matter. An intentional life is all about making choices that make sense for you and your beliefs. Determine the kind of life you want to lead and direction you want to take that will create the results you want. Change as necessary life isn’t static.

But choose. Your past needn’t be an issue. You may have been afraid to make a choice and fail. It’s true, you can’t fail if you never try. You don’t want to make an incorrect choice. However, this thinking is a trap. You should make a reasonable choice and give it your best effort. Without it, you may not experience the success and happiness that you deserve.

Your greatest power is the power of decision.

It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.
— Roy Disney

2 | Visualize your dream life in detail. Have a target in mind. Think about how you’d like to live. Be bold-spirited and leave your doubts and limitations behind for a moment. Go for broke it’s your life.

Consider your ideal day. How would you like to spend your time? Who else would be there? Where would you live? What would your finances be like? Does it include travel or education? Give it some thought. Write it down in a journal or a piece of paper. Refer back to it often.

3 | Know your values and beliefs. A large part of intentional living is living aligned with your values and your beliefs. It’s not about reacting to everything in the most expedient fashion. It’s about proactively living on your terms. It’s necessary to be intimately familiar with your beliefs and values to accomplish that.

4 |Prioritize the first things first. Money isn’t the main thing, but it’s an important thing. Money is great for solving many of life’s challenges such as food and housing. It’s also a necessary resource that affords you the ability to do the things you want to do like traveling. If you’re having financial struggles, it makes the most sense to work on your finances first.

Make a logical progression for each part of your life you’d like to change. Your health is key to your enjoyment of life. If you need to lose 100 pounds, going for a daily walk and eliminating high-calorie drinks would be a good beginning. After a month of walking, you could add additional exercise and diet changes.

Focus on financial and health issues first. After you’ve gained some momentum, you can address the other parts of your life.

5 | Set goals for the major areas of your life. These typically include your home, career, relationships, and education. Of course, you can add other categories as you need them, depending on your aspirations and values.

6 | Choose or create habits to support those goals. Intentional living is much easier with supportive habits in place. You’ll run out of willpower otherwise. Select simple, but effective habits that will help you to reach your goals and begin implementing them.

7 | Decide how you will spend your time. Most of us don’t give a lot of thought to what we do each day. Keeping your dreams and values in mind, what is the best thing for you to do at this moment? What do you need to accomplish today? Have you made a plan? Make choices and avoid operating on autopilot.

8 | Master your impulses. Most of our impulses lead us down the wrong path. They’re often habitual and related to pleasure or discomfort avoidance. Intentional living is about making rational decisions and exercising consistent follow through regardless of comfort. Following your impulses are the opposite of intentional living.

9 | Reject distractions. This includes all distracting thoughts of the past or future. Intention requires presence. Distractions are things you shouldn’t be doing at that moment. Even paying your bills can be a distraction if you should be doing something more important at that time.

10 | Take stock of your day. How well did you do today at living intentionally? What challenges did you face? Where did you fall short? What can you do tomorrow even better than you did it today? What win did you have that you can build on? Learn something new each day for the future.

 My final thought

Are you choosing and creating your life or just living by default? Having a life, that you love will never happen by accident. Be courageous enough to choose the life you want for yourself. Decide the kind of person you want to be. Make your decisions and choose your actions accordingly. Remember, when you refuse to make a choice, you have made your choice.

Be present in your life. Be in control of your life. Be happy in your life.

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