
Think Like An Optimist: Change Your Life

Is optimism an effective mindset or merely a rosy way of looking at things?

Whether optimism is an effective mindset or a rosy way of looking at things is a question that has been debated for centuries. I couldn’t find an easy answer, as there are both benefits and drawbacks to an optimistic outlook.

So, while you may lean to one side or the other in the debate, the answer is probably somewhere in between. Optimism can be a powerful tool for improving our mental and physical health, but it's important to be realistic and avoid excessive optimism.

The best way to use optimism is to find a balance between realism and positivity. It means being positive about our chances of success, but also being prepared for the possibility of failure. Optimism can be a powerful force for good in our lives when we find this balance.


What exactly is optimism?

Some people seem to be naturally more optimistic than others. No matter what fate throws their way, they’re not defeated or angry. They don’t become bitter or even remain cast down for long. So, what is it about some people that prevents them from being crushed by adversity? It comes down to mindset.

Everyone has unfortunate things happen in their life. It’s part of being human. But where some people feel brought to their knees by events, others stay relatively cheerful through bad times. Even seriously bad times like being laid off or going through a divorce. These people are optimists.

Optimism means finding the best in every situation and expecting good things to happen regardless of what’s going on in the present moment. Research shows that optimism can have a positive impact on all areas of your life. From strengthening the immune system to reducing your risk of anxiety and depression, even having a longer life!


    • Don’t blame themselves when things go wrong.

    • Focus on the present and future, and don’t dwell on past hurts.

    • Expect good things to happen to them.

    • Believe they are responsible for their happiness.


Rewiring your thought patterns.

You might be thinking that optimism is innate: that you’re either an optimist or a pessimist. But optimism or pessimism stems from your self-talk, how you react to things, what you expect, and your self-image. The messages we received back in early childhood influenced this. Were you told you were selfish or lazy or no good at math? The feedback that you received about yourself and the world (whether it is a safe or dangerous place) shaped your expectations of adulthood.

These pesky negative thoughts are not you; you can change them. You can reset your pessimistic mindset and become more optimistic by reframing your negative experiences and thoughts into positive ones. If something goes wrong, instead of dwelling on the failure and making it personal, try to be objective and analyze what happened. Did someone else make a decision that impacted whether your project was successful or not? What did you learn from the experience?

Embracing positive thinking also involves being kind to yourself. Optimists don’t stay stuck in the past. If something doesn’t work out the way they thought it would, they move on, confident that success and abundance are just around the corner. Optimists are grateful for the good in their lives right now. They know that there is more than enough to go around, and they understand that the world is full of opportunities for everyone.

You have the power to change your mindset. Have you tended to look on the gloomy side or feel that life is unfair, and you feel powerless? Think about optimism as another skill you can learn. Optimism is a skill of emotional intelligence, a learned habit, and it’s a skill you can begin to develop right now.

When you learn to radiate optimism, you have the power to inspire and uplift those around you.


Optimism vs. positive thinking.

There’s a big difference between being optimistic and thinking positively regardless of what’s going on around you. True optimism stays grounded and doesn’t ignore the facts. It doesn’t mean that you disregard or try to deny feelings of sadness, anger, or grief.

To remain optimistic is to believe that no matter what is happening now, isn’t the end of it. You trust that the future will be better. There will be times in life when things are difficult and look bleak. But remaining optimistic means there’s a way out, something to cling to when times are tough.

Here are some strategies to help you stay optimistic, even in the worst times.

    1. Resilience, optimism, and the reality of your feelings.

An optimistic person recognizes their feelings, be it anger, frustration, disappointment, or sadness, and they don’t stop there. Acknowledging your feelings allows you to feel them, process them, and move forward. Optimism and resilience go hand in hand. You can build resilience and bounce back from challenges with a positive outlook.

    2. Focus on what you have.

The company you keep can play a considerable role in your mindset. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people who inspire you. Ignore the cynics and the negative things in the world. If you don’t, you may miss the small, positive things that surround you.

Notice the good things in your life that you might usually take for granted. Your morning coffee, a reliable water supply, and clean air, knowing you can get to school or the grocery store or to work safely. Being grateful for the life you have now builds up a resilience credit to help you endure tough times when they come. And they will come.

    3. Refrain from consuming bad news.

Obsessively checking social media and news sites will keep your focus on the negative, competitive, complaining view of the world. It’s a lopsided view that thrives on generating dissatisfaction and despair. Of course, you should be aware of current events but make it a conscious choice to balance it with your mental health. Sometimes reading the headlines is enough. Steer clear of the internet and focus on making a positive change in your own life.

    4. Live a genuine life.

Building optimism can assist you to live the best life you can, being true to yourself and your values. Optimism means you choose to live in alignment with your desires and your best self. Having a deep-seated belief that you can live a good life and that there’s more than enough to go around is not putting a falsely positive spin on reality. On the contrary, an optimist looks squarely at reality and works out how to make the best of what he has.


Embody optimism in daily life.

Optimism has been linked to a number of benefits, including better mental and physical health, increased resilience, and greater success in life.

A daily optimism practice is a simple but effective way to boost your optimism and improve your overall well-being. Follow these 10 simple tips, see the world through a more positive lens, and create a happier life for yourself.

  1. Delve into the practice of gratitude. Take a few minutes each morning to write down or think about three things you are grateful for. This will help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and set a positive tone for the day.

  2. Find the silver lining. When something bad happens, try to find the silver lining. This doesn't mean you have to be happy about the bad thing; instead, it means you can try to find something positive to take away from it.

  3. Focus on your strengths. List your strengths and remind yourself of them regularly. This will help you feel more confident and optimistic about your abilities.

  4. Help others. Being kind to someone else is a great way to boost your own happiness and optimism. It can also help you connect with others and feel more connected to your community.

  5. Take care of yourself. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly. Taking care of your physical and mental health will help you feel better and more optimistic about your life.

  6. Spend time in nature. Our surroundings impact our mood and mindset. Being in nature has been shown to increase optimism.

  7. Read positive books or articles. Surrounding yourself with positive messages can help you remain optimistic.

  8. Listen to uplifting music. Music can have a powerful effect on your mood. So, listening to uplifting music can help boost optimism.

  9. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and let go of negative thoughts.

  10. Visualize your goals. Taking time every day to visualize your goals can help you stay motivated and optimistic.


My final thoughts are.

Remember, cultivating positive thinking is a lifelong practice. By integrating the strategies and mindset shifts we've explored, you'll continue to elevate your optimism and unlock a world of possibilities.


For more information, please check out these posts.

The Benefits Of Optimism

The Power Of Optimism And A Positive Mindset

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Help Others By Bringing Out Their Best

Gram’s wisdom: Help others be their best.

Have you ever wondered how you can bring out the best in the people around you? My Gram had the idea that taking the time to bring out the best in others was good for you, good for others, and enough to change the world. She thought it was natural to want to help others reach their potential.

Gram believed everyone has some unrecognized talent that makes them unique and special, something that makes them stand out from the crowd. However, it can be challenging to know where to begin or what approach to take in finding it. Especially when most people can’t see their hidden talents and have no clue what their uniqueness is.

Unfortunately, if they have limiting beliefs, they may assume that they are not as good as others and their self-confidence will falter as well. But you can be the champion of change that can inspire them to see the best in themselves even as you begin to help them discover their hidden talents.

Some of the ways that you can bring out the best in others include:

  • Practical tips and strategies that can bring out the best in them.

  • Providing constructive feedback.

  • Creating a supportive environment.



Be generous with your time.

To begin, you need to be generous. Give others your time and energy. Focusing on someone’s strengths can be a powerful way to uncover their talents and potential. When you focus on what someone is good at, you create an atmosphere where they are more likely to flourish.

Watch what they do and how they do it. Give the person opportunities to use and develop their strengths. This can be done through tasks or projects that align with their interests and skills. While you observe them in action, you should look for patterns in their behavior and skills.

Ask them what they enjoy doing. What tasks do they find either easy or simple to perform? This insight into what they excel at and what they find fulfilling will help you identify their strengths and potential talents.

Believe in them, even when they fail or stumble and struggle to believe in themselves. It’s easy to believe in someone who is already reaching their goals and knocking down all the walls. The difficult thing is to see the talents that are buried deep inside someone. Especially when that person doesn’t even know that talent is there.

Positive feedback and encouragement can go a long way in helping someone uncover their talents. Let them know when they are doing well and provide support when they face challenges. With opportunities for growth and encouragement, you help them discover new talents and build confidence in their abilities.


Have an open mind.

Talent can take a lot of different forms, and these talents may not fit into traditional molds or meet your personal biases. So, ask yourself why you might have a certain bias about a particular skill or talent. To fully appreciate and respect the talents of others, it’s important to look past your judgments and accept the differences that make each person unique.

Many of the most talented people you may meet throughout your life will be completely different than you. Try putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and try to understand their perspective. This can help you appreciate the value of their talents and see things from another angle.

Embrace the differences that make each person distinctive. Recognize that there are many different types of talents and skills, and every individual brings something valuable to the table. The greatest ability in seeing the best in others is to get past some of your own biases. Kick that to the curb and see what a difference it makes.


Be clear.

When you want to bring out the best in others, your role is to be clear and interact with other people. If you want to do this, you need to collaborate, foster talent, and be there for the other person. Fostering someone’s talents can help them to develop their skills and reach their full potential.

You don’t have to be the most capable or the smartest or the best person in the room. You just need to be clear and ready to listen and learn along the way. Let the other person know that you value them and would like to be there for them as they learn more about their talents as well.

 Try these to support and encourage someone's talents:

  1. Provide resources: If you see someone with a particular talent, provide them with the resources they need to develop their skills further. This may involve books, online tutorials, or connections to mentors in their field.

  2. Offer feedback: Regular feedback can be invaluable to someone who is developing their talent. Provide constructive criticism that is specific and actionable, and make sure to give positive feedback to reinforce their progress.

  3. Create opportunities: Give the person opportunities to showcase their talents and practice their skills. This may involve projects or assignments that align with their interests or setting up a mentorship program with someone who has experience in their field.

  4. Encourage practice: Encourage the person to practice their talent regularly, and to seek out opportunities to apply their skills in real-life situations. This can help them to build confidence and improve their abilities over time.

  5. Celebrate their achievements: Celebrate the person's achievements and successes along the way. This can help to motivate them and reinforce the value of their talents.


Be persistent.

It can be difficult to foster a new talent or a skill in others. The other person can become discouraged and often be distracted. They can come to rely on you to do most of the work, rather than taking on the initiative and using some of their newfound talents and skills.

While this is natural, your goal is to be persistent with them and not let them give up. You are there to help them, but your job is not to do the work for them. Provide words of encouragement and support, and you will be able to help them reach their goals, and they will be proud that they put in the work themselves.

Here are things you can do to further help them practice their new talent:

  1. Set goals: Help the person set specific, achievable goals for putting their talent into practice. Break larger goals into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate each milestone along the way.

  2. Provide accountability: Check in with the person regularly to see how they are progressing toward their goals. Encourage them to keep going, even when they encounter obstacles or setbacks.

  3. Offer support: Be available to offer support and encouragement when the person needs it. Listen to their concerns and offer guidance or advice as needed.

  4. Create a supportive environment: Create an environment that is conducive to practicing their talent. This may involve providing resources, space, or time to practice, or connecting them with others who share their interests.

  5. Reinforce the value: Help the person to see the value and importance of their talent, and how it can benefit themselves and others. Encourage them to share their talents with others, and to continue to develop their skills over time.


Be present.

You need to pay attention and be present to spot the talent in other people. You need to be able to read some of the smallest clues because most people don’t know their talents and so will not show them off to you in the process.

When someone shares their talents and interests with you, listen actively and attentively. Ask questions to show that you are interested in learning more about what they are doing.

Show a genuine interest in the person and their talents. Be curious to learn more about that person.  Provide practical and emotional support as the person develops their talents. Be present enough to show that you care and want to be there for them as well.

Be a role model by setting an example of the behaviors and attitudes you want to see in others. This could be anything from being punctual to showing empathy and kindness.

Give others the power to make decisions and take ownership of their work. This will show that you trust and respect them, and it will also help them develop leadership skills.

Recognize that developing new talents takes time and patience. The greater your ability to pay attention to others, and to build their confidence and motivation, the more talent you can find in other people.


My final thoughts are.

We often don’t see a particular talent in ourselves or if we do, we lack the confidence to show it to the world. Sometimes it’s easier to see talent in someone else. Don’t allow that talent to go to waste. Encourage people and help them to see the value they can bring to the world.


For more information, read this post.

9 Ways To Bring Out The Best In Others.


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Developing A Success Mindset

Are there dreams and ambitions that you haven’t reached? Are you frustrated and overwhelmed? If so, relax, you’re not alone. Sometimes, it seems like there are a select few people who attain great heights – and then there’s the rest of us.

What differentiates the people who realize their aspirations from those who always appear to struggle? The difference is that successful people have taken control of their thoughts, beliefs, and their vision of the world.

They have mastered the important mindsets necessary for the achievement of success.

No one is born with this success-oriented attitude. You can acquire it by unpacking the way you think now and ridding yourself of old unworkable attitudes. Shift your mindset by mastering new skills and practices, and adopting a new stance.


What Is a “Mindset”, and does it help?

A mindset is an assemblage of related beliefs that shape how you see the world and function in it. For example, if you have a positive mindset, you are optimistic and focus on the good things, rather than dwelling on the negative.

Mindset is important because it influences how you behave. Your behaviors are based on what you think and believe. Everyone works from an acknowledged mindset, even if you’re not aware of it. Mastering these methods of thought is a matter of choice.

An important thing to remember about mindsets is that they’re learned. You’re not born thinking a particular way; you pick it up from others and your experiences in the world.

Hey, this is great news. It means that anyone can intentionally transform their mindset.


A shift in your mindset carries benefits.

The right mindset can have a major impact on your personal and professional life. Advantages are:

  • Greater overall happiness and well-being. By seeing the world in a positive light, you’ll be healthier and more satisfied.

  • Higher self-esteem. You’ll have more confidence. You’ll view the things you presently can’t do as skills you have yet to master.

  • A healthy attitude towards failure and setbacks. You’ll recover from bumps in the road and use each challenge as a valuable learning experience.

  • A successful career or a business owner. You’ll be able to identify opportunities and act on them.

  • Improvements in your relationships. With your focus on growth and development, you’ll be an inspiration to others and like-minded people will be attracted to you.

  • Stress reduction. You’ll be better able to handle stress and won’t feel overcome even when you’re busy or under pressure.

  • Increased creativity. You’ll combine creativity and innovative thinking in all areas of your life.


5 Key mindsets for success.

These are the mindsets that encourage success:

  1. Growth Mindset. This mindset is the foundation of all change. Without it, you’ll have trouble adopting other positive mindsets. If you have a growth mindset, you tend to believe that your talents, intelligence, and skills can be developed through a combination of hard work, effective training, and guidance from others.

  2. Abundance Mindset. The abundance mindset says that there’s plenty to go around for everybody. When we operate from a perspective of abundance, we make better decisions and radiate generosity.

  3. Creativity Mindset. The creativity mindset says that anyone can be creative, not only artists. It uses various tools to unlock imagination and innovation and apply it to a variety of issues.

  4. Problem-Solving Mindset. This mindset says no problem is too much to conquer. It uses brainstorming and other techniques to identify and solve problems.

  5. Entrepreneurial Mindset. CEOs and business owners with this mindset seek out opportunities and act on them. They innovate in the face of challenges and don’t let risk dissuade them from pursuing a new idea.


If you pursue skills and techniques to adopt and cultivate these 5 mindsets, you’ll experience benefits in every area of your personal and professional life. It takes time to begin seeing results, but there are actions you can do each day to get one step closer.


Observe your thinking.                              

A good place to start is to evaluate your current mindset. This is the way of thinking that’s been unconsciously shaped through your experiences and the influence of others over time.

Ask yourself these things:

  • How positive are you?

  • How do you see topics, difficulties, and challenges?

  • Do you celebrate the successes of others or feel envious?

  • Are you very bothered by how others see you?

  • Are you fixated on what you don’t have rather than what you do?

  • Do you see the world’s resources as limited and scarce, or abundant?

  • Are you an imaginative thinker?

  • Where do you use creativity in your daily life?


These questions will help you understand where you’re starting point is. Providing you with ideas for improvement that you can begin working on right away.


Allow yourself grace when you make a mistake.

A part of what most people need to work on is how to view their blunders and failures. And yes, mistakes will be made. The question is, do you beat yourself up when something goes wrong?

One thing that sets success-minded people apart from the rest is how they view obstacles. To them, every failure is a valuable learning experience. Begin by asking yourself, “what can I learn from this”?

When you make a mistake, extend the same kindness to yourself that you would offer to someone else. Try to fix it and then let it go. Look for the lesson. Note what went wrong and what you could have done to improve your chance of success.


Practice gratitude.

What do you focus on – the things you have or the things you want? People who practice gratitude are much happier and more successful than those who only see what they are lacking.

You can begin practicing gratitude immediately by brainstorming a list of things you’re grateful for. There’s no item either small or seemingly inconsequential to go on this list. Think about your family, friends, job, health, and hobbies.

A daily practice of giving thanks is even more effective. Buy a notebook and make it your gratitude journal. Each day, jot down a few things you’re grateful for. This reminds you of the abundance that’s present in your life. 


Discover what inspires you.

Inspiration helps when you’re trying to come up with ideas or solve problems. You may incorrectly believe that it comes as a flash out of the sky, but this is not how creativity works.

People who are in touch with their creativity make it a daily practice and can tap into it when they need it.

There are many sources of inspiration that you can use, including:

  • A walk in the park

  • Yoga or meditation

  • Music

  • Quotes

  • Painting, playing music, or some other creative activity

  • Blogs or books

  • Good conversation

  • Good memories

  • Your gratitude lists

  • Friends or family members


It can be anything that makes you feel inspired. Choose something that excites you that you can turn to whenever you need a boost.


Try something new.

All 5 of the success mindsets are concerned with growth and a love of learning. A great way to transform your mindset is to discover something new to learn. It doesn’t have to be something related to your career or something practical. And you don’t need to excel at it. The process of learning itself will help you transform.

Pick up a musical instrument or a new language. Take up a new sport or explore a topic like cosmology or philosophy. Learn about the history of your hometown.

Remember, the whole point is to get you learning and expanding your perspective. It shouldn’t be stressful. Choose something fun that captivates your imagination.


Study successful people.

It’s much easier to transform your mindset when you have an example. Therefore, it’s a good idea to learn from people who’ve mastered this process.

One way to do this is to read biographies and autobiographies of successful people. Choose business leaders, athletes, movers, and shakers and read about how they did it. If you’re not a big reader, you can listen to interviews and watch videos. Try to get insight into how they think and how they conduct themselves.

Even better, seek out people you consider successful and spend time with them. Pick their brain and feel their positive influence transform your mindset – and your life.


My final thoughts.

Everyone wants to be successful, if not always in the same way. So, you can take these ideas and mold them into something that reflects what success looks and feels like to you.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Want to learn more about how to get a successful mindset? Head over here.

What’s Most Important To Your Success - Mindset Or Strategy

9 Best Mindsets For Success

The Power Of Optimism And A Positive Mindset

Many people think of optimism as a belief system that always anticipates the best possible outcome to a situation. I am a born optimist; I am inclined to put a favorable construction on actions or events. But maybe, like many others, I just heard that things would work out, to look for the silver lining, and to keep my chin up. Now, while I feel a healthy dose of optimism is valuable, it’s also incomplete.

Practically speaking, things won’t always work out for the best no matter how much you hope they will. This is where a positive mindset comes to play with optimism. An optimistic person with a positive mindset believes that with some effort added the desired outcome can be assured and that packs a powerful punch.


Optimism, what is it?

Some people seem to be biologically more optimistic than others. Regardless of what fate tosses at them, they’re not beaten or angry. They don’t become bitter or remain downcast for long. So, what is it about someone who doesn’t become crushed by adversity?

Everyone has bad stuff happen in their life. It’s part of being human. But where some people feel devastated by events, others stay relatively cheerful through difficult times, even seriously bad times like job loss or going through a divorce. These people are optimists.

Optimism means seeing the best in every situation and expecting good things to happen regardless of what’s going on right now. Research shows that optimism can have a positive impact on all areas of your life, from strengthening the immune system to reducing your risk of anxiety and depression, even extending your life!



    • Don’t blame themselves when things go wrong

    • Focus on the present and future, and don’t dwell on past hurts

    • Expect good things to happen to them

    • Believe they are responsible for their happiness


Change how you see things.

You might be thinking that optimism is innate: that you’re either an optimist or a pessimist. Jiminy Cricket or Eeyore. But optimism or pessimism is a product of your self-talk, how you respond to things, what you expect, and your self-image. The impressions we received back in early childhood influence this. Were you told you were selfish or lazy or no good at math? The judgments that you got about yourself and the world (whether it is a safe or dangerous place) shape your expectations into adulthood.

And because these opinions are not you, you can change them. You can reset your pessimistic outlook and become more optimistic by reframing your experiences. If something goes haywire, instead of dwelling on the failure and making it personal, try to be unbiased and analyze what happened. Begin with what you learned from the experience.

The power is yours to change how you see things. If you have tended to look on the gloomy side or feel that life is unfair, and you feel helpless, consider optimism as another skill you can learn. Optimism is a skill of emotional intelligence, a learned habit, and it’s a skill you can begin to develop right now.

Optimists don’t remain stuck in the past. If something doesn’t work out the way they thought it would, they move on, confident that success and abundance are just around the corner. Optimists are grateful for what is good in their lives now. They understand that there is more than enough to go around, and they recognize that the world is full of opportunities for everyone.


Positive actions to improve your mindset.

If you suffer from an absence of motivation, or stagnation in your life, it could be due to a lack of optimism. But if you lack focus or skills, what might be missing is a trained positive mindset.

You may feel like you haven’t grown or done as much as those around you. Perhaps you doubt your competency because you recently tried something, and it didn’t work out. Whatever your situation is, there’s nothing wrong with the feeling that you could do more if you knew more, if you don’t beat yourself up over it.


Begin with your self-talk.

The way you think and talk about yourself is paramount to a positive mindset. As humans, we lean into the negatives of life. It’s insidious and it creeps into every area of life, but that tendency is never more apparent than in trash-talk to yourself.

You know that words have power for good or bad. So make them good ones and positively affirm to yourself those things that you do well. You are kind to others, you are consistent, and you know who you are, so say it. Give yourself pats on the back regularly when you face and conquer a challenge or fear, or when you accomplish the goals you set for yourself.


Discover something new.

Learning new things can help to improve an existing mindset or become the basis for a new one. There are many ways to grow. From being a better person to enhancing your skillset at work.

Whether or not it is information that you might see as immediately practical, there’s a certain sense of achievement in realizing that you know something. It makes it easier to feel like a part of the conversation when you are socializing but it also may come in handy one day.

You may be skeptical that learning something new that you are passionate about can help you to feel a bit less like another face in the crowd. If so, join a club devoted to your passion, or just try to find some time on your own to do some reading and then find people that you can share your interest with.


Modify your perspective.

It’s an important action to modify your perspective. It doesn’t make much sense, but we see ourselves through the lens of how we believe others see us. How others think of you or see you is not as important as how you see and think of yourself.

You should be able to earn a sense of worthiness by taking notice of how far you’ve come in your journey or how close you are to your goal rather than comparing your speed or position to that of those around you. Everyone is different, and no one was born with all the answers, knowledge, experience, and skills that make them valuable in the positions that they forge for themselves later in life.


Volunteering can be a great positive action.

Volunteering is great for positivity for at least two main reasons. The first is that it can lend a sense of accomplishment and purpose. By volunteering, no matter what you do, you are giving your time and energy to help those who are less fortunate than you. Maybe you didn’t graduate at the top of your class or that last project at work didn’t go the way that you hoped, but every volunteer should feel that they are doing meaningful work and that their efforts are appreciated.

The other way that volunteering can improve your positivity is that it involves using your talents in a supportive and unique environment. Learning new skills or learning how to use your skills in new ways can both be great ways to discover or increase your potential in an environment that is likely to be more supportive and less judgmental than a school or work environment.


My final thought.

The degree to which you place the most importance on optimism or positivity is subjective. But I doubt anyone would dispute that a positive mindset and optimistic outlook in tandem are more powerful than either are alone.


For more information, check out these posts.

Are Positivity And Optimism The Same Thing (Solved)

10 Tips To Live More Positively

A Better Mindset From Incremental Change

Tiny changes bring about large results.

Do you want to be better? A better person, a better parent, a better boss? And how about being better than you were last year or even last week? It’s possible. It just takes the right mindset and goals. I call it the mindset of better.

Did you know that only eight percent of people reach their goals? Yep, that's right! The other 92 percent fail within weeks or months. They want to do better, and it’s not their mindset at fault. According to research, what separates the two comes down to one simple thing: setting detailed and challenging goals.

The first step is to open your mind and embrace change. We, humans, are wired to resist any changes that disrupt our routines and habits. Unless you beat inertia, you’ll never be able to transform your life. Relax and be ready for whatever comes. Big dramatic changes won’t necessarily produce big results. Sometimes, it’s the small things that matter.

However, this doesn't mean you should dive in and do everything at once. Trying to do too many things is often a formula for failure. Instead, if you want to go big, you must think small. Not just small, but minuscule. Break those large goals into smaller goals, then make them tiny and begin there.


Man wearing a backpack viewing distant mountains


What's so wrong with “Thinking Big?”

People might have told you that you can accomplish anything you want, whether it's saving the world or becoming a prima ballet dancer. Unfortunately, that's unlikely to happen. Sure, you could do it, but it will take years of challenging work and discipline. For this reason, it's so important to take baby steps toward your goals, so you don’t become burned out.

The truth is what you need to do is think big in detail. It's essential to have detailed information, plans, knowledge, and skills for your big goals to become a reality. That won't happen overnight. It takes tiny steps, consistently performed day after day.

A big idea doesn't guarantee success. Anyone can have ideas, but only a few people will bring them to life. When thinking big, it's easier to miss the smaller details and make costly mistakes. If you fail, you'll feel disappointed and have a tough time beginning again.

For example, many people dream of running a marathon. However, they haven't yet put on their shoes and run to the end of the driveway. To succeed, think big in increments. Focus on getting out the door and around the block for a week. After that week, begin adding additional distance to your routine. Soon you should notice that your consistency is making it easier for you to get out that door and become a better runner.


How to leverage incremental change.

Since trivial things can have such a significant impact, you can use incremental change to your advantage. Think of what you want to accomplish and then narrow your view. The narrower your focus, the more you will see and experience.

Focus your efforts on taking small baby steps toward your goals, you’ll be more precise and get better results. Your attention to the minute details makes it easier to pivot if or when necessary, as opposed to the challenge of changing all the moving parts in a large goal.

Apply these principles to all areas of your life, whether it’s your career, family, relationships, or health. Each day, do one thing that supports your goals. Build on it the next day. You are looking for a cumulative effect. It doesn’t have to be something big – remember, slight changes have the biggest impact overall.


Three mature ladies at the beach conversing.


Changes in your behavior can change your life.

Whether you want to become the next Steve Jobs, launch a successful project, or learn a new skill, you need to begin with baby steps. Exchange any behaviors that hold you back for actions that move you forward.

Let's say you have a tough time following through on your goals. Lately, you always find excuses to skip your piano lessons. By doing that you'll never manage to learn the fundamentals and without them, you will never learn to play well.

Commit yourself to your lessons. Take them seriously just like you do with your job or family time. Schedule practice time as well. Start tiny with 5-10 minutes every day in the beginning.  What you’re doing is incrementally building a new positive habit. The key is not to become overwhelmed and give up.

Stick to the changes you’ve made. Don't jump from one thing to the next. Be consistent and take small steps toward your goals. For instance, if you begin meditating, practicing yoga, or playing the piano, do it every single day. Your goal is just to get better one day at a time.

Think small to go big, and the results will follow!

 Why do small things matter?

Ever heard of the Butterfly effect? According to the chaos theory, insignificant things can have major effects on the world around us.

Want another example? Think about the soda you drink every day. One 12-ounce container has about 150 calories. That's an extra 4,500 calories per month and 54,000 calories per year. It takes just 3,500 calories to gain one pound of fat. If you drink a can of soda daily, you'll pack on an extra fifteen pounds a year unless you burn off those calories.

There are plenty of examples of minuscule things that have had a great impact - and the same applies to your daily life.


My final thoughts.

You can have an influence on your life in small incremental ways. Remember, it’s the mindset of better. Something as simple as reading a book can lead to a major career shift or an aha moment in how you relate to your family. Tiny steps taken day by day accrue like interest in the bank. You won’t see a big change next week, but just give it a couple of years.


For more information, check out this post.

Why Small Goals Are the Secret To Success.


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Try Something New In Your Life

Gram’s Wisdom 39

Are you still growing? You don’t need to be at retirement age, to try something new. It could be you just want to make a change. What does it mean to try something new? For some, it may mean learning a new sport. For others, it could be trying new food. Whatever it means to you, the principle is the same for everyone: trying new things expands your world, opening your eyes, and heart to new possibilities, and that’s a great thing.

I spent a lot of time inside my head as a child. So, Gram would say “you’re more capable than you think, but you’ll never know it if you don’t try something new”. She was right, as usual.  You see, once you begin trying new things, you’ll uncover new things about yourself that you never knew before. You may have a hidden talent or a secret interest that can be transformed into something big.

My Gram believed expanding your world to be the single most overarching benefit of trying new things. She was good at combining a growth mindset (my term not hers) with travel and an intense interest in people to touch the lives of others. But since the years when Gram was teaching me to stretch, not stagnate myself, I have found other things to combine with growth that has benefits.



Growth comes from discomfort and loss of control.

When you step out of your comfort zone and into the wilderness of the unknown, a crazy thing happens. You learn and grow as an individual. It may not always be easy or comfortable, but it undoubtedly expands your mind and makes you aware of the possibilities life has to offer.

It’s a dichotomy because, in some respects, you lose control. Trying something new puts you in a vulnerable place—you’re not always sure what will happen, and you’re not 100% in control of the situation. But at the same time, losing control teaches you how to have control over the things you CAN control.


Ditch the excuses, raise the level of your courage.

In the past, you may have said something like, “No, I’ll try that next year,” regarding something new. An excuse can be an easy way out. It’s a coping mechanism, and it’s a sign of weakness. Courage is defined as the ability to do something that frightens you. Chances are, you may be a little frightened by the idea of trying something new – and that’s perfectly okay! But as you begin to try more new things, you’ll feel less inclined to make up excuses. It will boost your courage and stoke you with the confidence you need to tackle new things in the future.


Boredom can be your enemy.

Most people don’t like to be bored. You may enjoy quiet time or relaxation breaks, but being bored is a different story. The good news is it’s hard to be bored when you’re always mixing up your life with new adventures and events. The next time you feel a twinge of tedium tugging at you, try something new instead of endlessly scrolling on your phone. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll get rid of the dull feeling!

It's exciting to find you like something new. It’s even better when you become skilled at it. Once you conquer one new thing, it feels like you can take on the world. You may begin with something small, like learning how to paint, and the next thing you know, you’ll be trying to learn a new instrument and master a new language.


Take your time when trying something new.

Trying something new doesn’t mean a quick experiment and washing your hands of the adventure right afterward. Trying something new is a whole adventure, and it should be enjoyed not rushed. Some things are hit or miss. You may not love everything you try, but you’ll undoubtedly find some activities, people, or interests that you never knew you could appreciate.

The next time someone invites you to do something a little different, you may want to consider saying yes. Trying something new teaches you that it’s been done before by others. You’re not alone in this adventure and the worst-case scenario is that you learn you don’t like it – and that’s not so bad, is it? So, go for it! Try it out and see what you can learn about yourself. You can always reach out to others for support and help in your venture.


There are opportunities to serve others in the new.

So, you try something, and you fall on your face – the bright side is that you earn a sense of humility. Pick yourself up and try again. Putting yourself out there takes guts and makes it that much better when you hit the bullseye. Sure, there will be failures, but it’s worth it to be able to celebrate your big wins. Make the most of your accomplishments.

People are vetted on their abilities to handle life and create exciting experiences for themselves. You can be that person. You can serve as a role model for new growth and opportunities for someone else, put yourself out there, and show them how it’s done!

Try something new = learn something new. Until you try, you won’t know how many opportunities there are.


Seven common things to add to your life.

When you’re ready to embark on a quest to find new, things here are some things to try.


1.  Blogging

Writing may not be your thing, but everyone has a story to tell, and people love stories. In your spare time, try out a blog to document what’s going on in your life. You can make it specific to your interests or your career, or you could keep it wide open for whatever thoughts dance through your mind.


2.  Cooking

Cooking gets a bad rap for being time-consuming, messy, and demanding. We may not all be a wizard in the kitchen, but every once in a while, it’s fun to create a big meal for yourself (or your friends and family). If this doesn’t sound appealing to you, then how about learning some kitchen shortcuts.


3.  Dance Lessons

It’s always a good idea to get your body moving when you can, and it’s an even better idea to move your body to music! When you’re itching to do something new, try out a new form of dance. It’s creative and active at the same time – win-win!


4.  Gardening

The best part about having your own garden is eating the food. Pair that with your cooking endeavor, and you’re set! The only caveat to gardening is that you must have enough space for one. But if you do, it’s well worth it to start growing your fruits, veggies, and herbs. Exercise, fresh air, and a chance to be in touch with mother nature make gardening into a pot of gold.


5.  Hiking

Depending on where you live, you may have forests nearby or mountains may be fully accessible to you. If that’s the case, you should take advantage of it by going on hikes regularly. It gets your blood pumping and gives you all kinds of beautiful sights to see. Hike alone or with some friends.


6.  Learn a New Language

Spare time should never become wasted time. You know that language you were always dying to learn? Seize extra time as the perfect opportunity to begin practicing. You’ll become multilingual before you know it!


7.  Meditation

At first glance, meditation may seem like the opposite of exciting. It’s calm, soothing, and super quiet. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be exciting, too! Meditation is an art and a historically backed practice. Many meditation websites have simple beginner meditations. Begin by trying one out for five minutes a day and see how you like it.



My final thought

What comes to mind when someone tells you to try something new? Are you eager to jump in and try it out, or are you afraid of possible unfavorable outcomes? See, most people get scared away by the thought of trying something they’ve never tried before. So, before you throw the idea away out of hand, spend a few moments considering what you could gain if you give it a try.

For more information, check out these posts.

Keep Trying New Things - No Matter What

An Opportunity To Push Back At Accepted Wisdom

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