pay attention

Models For A Mindful Life

Gram’s Wisdom 59:

My Gram wouldn’t have heard/known the term mindfulness, yet she lived her life in a mindful way. She was in touch with her surroundings, in touch with herself, and in touch with people. Gram always found time to go outside take a walk and listen while the earth and nature spoke. If I was having a particularly bad day, I was told to shut my eyes, take a deep breath, and try to see myself differently. Gram told me once that there was no better way to learn something new than to have simple conversations with others.

If you have made the decision to be more mindful in your daily life but aren't exactly sure where to start, you have come to the right place! Below are ten practices you can adopt to make practice easier.



1) Observe new distinctions.

Mindfulness is a powerful practice that invites you to engage with the present moment in a way that goes beyond mere existence. One key aspect of mindfulness involves actively observing new distinctions. Picture it like tuning into the subtle details of your surroundings, emotions, or your thoughts. When you make a conscious effort to notice the nuances and distinctions in your experiences, a remarkable change occurs. It's like seeing the world with fresh eyes, discovering the beauty in the ordinary. This intentional observation enriches your understanding of the present and brings about a rush of positive effects. The more you explore your daily life, the more you find to appreciate and savor.


Moreover, actively observing new characteristics heightens interest in your life. It's like turning the pages of a captivating book, eager to discover what happens next. By paying attention to the details, you become an active participant rather than a passive spectator in the narrative of your existence. This increased engagement with the present moment deepens your connection to life and opens the door to greater fulfillment. Embrace mindful observation, seek out the subtleties that make each moment unique, and cultivate a more enriched and meaningful life experience.

2) See in yourself a “work in progress.”

Shifting your perspective is another crucial aspect of mindfulness that can significantly impact your well-being. Often, you get caught up in the pursuit of a specific outcome, whether it's acing a project, achieving a fitness goal, or mastering a new skill. However, the magic lies in enjoying the process rather than fixating on the result. When you savor the journey, every small step becomes a victory, and the overall experience becomes more rewarding. It's akin to appreciating the brushstrokes on a canvas rather than obsessing over the finished painting. By embracing this mindset, you not only reduce stress and anxiety but also adopt a genuine sense of joy in your actions.


Furthermore, the way you perceive yourself plays a fundamental role in your mindfulness journey. When you’ve boxed yourself into rigid and negative labels, like declaring, "I am bad at art," you limit your potential. Viewing yourself as a fixed entity makes you susceptible to mindless thinking, and these negative thoughts can inadvertently manifest as self-fulfilling prophecies. Instead, acknowledge that, like a piece of clay, you are ever-changing and malleable. Embracing this flexibility allows you to break free from self-imposed limitations.


3) Examine paradoxes. 

Delving into the scope of paradoxes offers a unique pathway to personal growth and resilience. Actively paying attention to these seemingly contradictory aspects of life enables the development of a profound skill: the ability to accept and tolerate ambiguity. Life is intricate, filled with situations that may appear contradictory at first glance, but exploring these paradoxes helps you navigate the nuances with grace. As you become more skilled at accepting ambiguity, the anxiety often associated with uncertainty begins to subside. It's like learning to dance through the uncertainties of life rather than feeling paralyzed by them.


Additionally, this practice of actively considering paradoxes extends beyond external circumstances and becomes a valuable tool for self-discovery. Recognizing the paradoxes within yourself is a transformative process. It involves admitting the complexities that make you uniquely human—your strengths alongside your vulnerabilities, your successes connected with your challenges. By shining a light on these internal paradoxes, you encourage a deeper sense of self-awareness. This self-awareness allows you to make more intentional choices and furthers a greater understanding of your motivations and behaviors.

4) Add humor to mindfulness.

Laughter, often hailed as the best medicine, carries with it a profound connection to mindfulness. Humor has a remarkable way of prompting us to step back and view situations from unexpected angles. It's like a mental gymnastics routine that nudges you out of your habitual thought patterns, encouraging a fresh perspective. When you find humor in your life or situations, you're essentially engaging in a form of mindfulness. It's not just about the punchline; it's about the mental agility required to recognize the unexpected and appreciate the lightness amid life's complexities. By tapping into this humorous mindset, you become more resilient and better equipped to navigate challenges with a sense of playfulness and optimism.


Also, the ability to find humor in life contributes to a greater acceptance of your circumstances. Laughter serves as a tool in breaking down the barriers of resistance or frustration. It doesn't necessarily diminish the seriousness of a situation, but it provides a coping mechanism that allows you to approach challenges with a lighter heart. This acceptance is rooted in mindfulness, as it involves a sharpened awareness of the present moment and an openness to finding joy even in the face of adversity. Celebrate the therapeutic power of laughter, seeing in it a conscious choice to embrace the unexpected with a smile.

5) Consider other points of view.

Approaching a problem from various perspectives not only enhances problem-solving skills but also contributes to a greater sense of acceptance. When you limit yourself to a fixed interpretation of a situation, it becomes challenging to navigate and accept the nuances that may exist. Considering the viewpoints of different people opens a world of possibilities, making the problem more palatable. Here are some key points to highlight the benefits of embracing diverse perspectives:


  • Enhanced Problem-Solving: By considering various viewpoints, you tap into a collective pool of ideas and solutions, enriching your problem-solving approach.


  • Increased Empathy: Understanding different perspectives cultivates empathy, promoting a more compassionate and open-minded approach to problem acceptance.


  • Reduced Resistance: Embracing diverse viewpoints minimizes the resistance that often arises from rigid interpretations, making it easier to acknowledge and work through challenges.


  • Cultivation of Creativity: Diverse perspectives fuel creativity, encouraging you to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions to problems.


  • Facilitation of Learning: Engaging with different viewpoints is a learning opportunity, promoting personal and intellectual growth by expanding your understanding of various facets of a situation.

6) Choose positive alternatives to your problems.

In the face of challenges or undesirable outcomes, it's crucial to shift your mindset from mere problem recognition to one of potential growth. Every problem, no matter how daunting, possesses a silver lining waiting to be uncovered. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects, ask yourself, "How can this problem contribute to my ongoing personal and professional development?" By reframing the situation as an opportunity for growth, you pave the way for a more resilient and positive perspective. Challenges are not roadblocks; they are bridges offering valuable insights and lessons that contribute to resilience and wisdom.


Each problem is the classroom, and you’re the student. What lessons can be taken away from the current predicament? Is there a skill to be honed, a perspective to be gained, or a strength to be discovered? Embracing problems as learning opportunities positions you as an active participant in your own life. Moreover, recognizing the potential for opportunity in every problem fosters a sense of curiosity and adaptability, converting what could be perceived as a disaster into an exciting adventure. The difference lies not in the problem itself but in how you choose to identify and engage with it.

7) Keep a joy collection.

Building a joy collection is like curating a treasure trove of happiness readily available whenever you need a mood boost. This collection can take various forms, from written paragraphs vividly describing joyful moments to an assortment of photos capturing those special times. The key is to make these memories easily accessible, creating a go-to source of positivity. In the hustle and bustle of life, it's all too common to get caught up in the challenges and setbacks, inadvertently overlooking the reservoir of joyous experiences that shape our lives.


The significance of reflecting on positive moments has been shown to elevate your positive mental state. Your joy collection serves as a personal archive of happiness, reminding you of the laughter, accomplishments, and simple pleasures that have graced your journey. Whether it's revisiting the description of a cherished memory or flipping through photos that encapsulate moments of pure joy, your joy collection becomes a powerful tool for cultivating gratitude and maintaining a brighter outlook on life.

8) Create a mindful journal.

Beginning or concluding your day with the practice of documenting significant events adds a touch of mindfulness that can profoundly impact your overall well-being. This routine not only helps in reflection but also in cultivating a heightened awareness of your experiences. Here are several examples to consider as you embark on this mindful journaling journey:


1 | Expressing Gratitude: Jot down moments that made you feel grateful during the day, whether they were small gestures or significant events.


2 | Achievements and Milestones: Document your accomplishments, whether big or small, celebrating your progress and recognizing your efforts.


3 | Challenges Overcome: Note instances where you faced challenges and successfully navigated through them, highlighting your resilience.


4 | Acts of Kindness: Record both the kindness you received and the kindness you extended, fostering a sense of connection and goodwill.


5 | Beautiful Sights or Sounds: Capture the beauty in your surroundings, from a breathtaking sunrise to the soothing sounds of nature.


6 | New Learnings: Write about insights gained or lessons learned during the day, fostering continuous personal growth.


7 | Reflections on Challenges: Explore your thoughts and emotions surrounding challenges, fostering a deeper understanding of your responses.


8 | New Perspectives: Consider events from different angles, noting any shifts in your perspective and understanding of situations.


The mindful reviewing of these entries promotes a more conscious and appreciative approach to life.

9) Engage in mindful exercise. 

Engaging in physical activities like walking, biking, or weightlifting provides an excellent opportunity to cultivate mindfulness in your daily routine. As you embark on these activities, take a moment to immerse yourself fully in the experience. Feel the rhythm of your footsteps or the resistance of the weights, notice the sights around you, and breathe in the scents of your surroundings. This heightened awareness not only deepens your connection to the present moment but also tunes you into the messages your body is sending. By consistently practicing mindfulness during these activities, you develop a familiarity with the mental state, making it more accessible in other aspects of your life. This carries over into decision-making as the clarity and presence cultivated through these physical practices lay a foundation for making more intentional choices in various areas of your life.

10) Change up your routine.

Venturing into the realm of the unfamiliar by trying new things is a deliberate approach to staying mindful and invigorating your daily routine. It's the small, intentional deviations from the norm, such as choosing a different place to sit, taking an alternate route home, or exploring a new restaurant, that inject a sense of novelty into your experiences. These seemingly minor acts disrupt your habitual patterns and, in turn, prompt you to be fully present in the moment. The world becomes a canvas of possibilities when you break away from the usual, allowing you to notice details that might have gone unnoticed in your routine. This practice extends beyond the physical realm, as it encourages you to adopt a fresh perspective on life, reminding you that every experience, no matter how small, holds the potential for newfound awareness and appreciation.


My final thoughts.

As with so many things in my life I have my Gram to thank for the beginning of a lifelong mindfulness practice. She always said that life was a gift and that it needed attention. So, each year I pay a little more attention because I believe life is a miracle, and it should not be wasted.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have enjoyed it.

For more information, check out these posts.

10 Easy Ways To Be Mindful While Doing Every Day Tasks.

Establishing The Essential Principles Of Mindfulness.

Help Others By Bringing Out Their Best

Gram’s wisdom: Help others be their best.

Have you ever wondered how you can bring out the best in the people around you? My Gram had the idea that taking the time to bring out the best in others was good for you, good for others, and enough to change the world. She thought it was natural to want to help others reach their potential.

Gram believed everyone has some unrecognized talent that makes them unique and special, something that makes them stand out from the crowd. However, it can be challenging to know where to begin or what approach to take in finding it. Especially when most people can’t see their hidden talents and have no clue what their uniqueness is.

Unfortunately, if they have limiting beliefs, they may assume that they are not as good as others and their self-confidence will falter as well. But you can be the champion of change that can inspire them to see the best in themselves even as you begin to help them discover their hidden talents.

Some of the ways that you can bring out the best in others include:

  • Practical tips and strategies that can bring out the best in them.

  • Providing constructive feedback.

  • Creating a supportive environment.



Be generous with your time.

To begin, you need to be generous. Give others your time and energy. Focusing on someone’s strengths can be a powerful way to uncover their talents and potential. When you focus on what someone is good at, you create an atmosphere where they are more likely to flourish.

Watch what they do and how they do it. Give the person opportunities to use and develop their strengths. This can be done through tasks or projects that align with their interests and skills. While you observe them in action, you should look for patterns in their behavior and skills.

Ask them what they enjoy doing. What tasks do they find either easy or simple to perform? This insight into what they excel at and what they find fulfilling will help you identify their strengths and potential talents.

Believe in them, even when they fail or stumble and struggle to believe in themselves. It’s easy to believe in someone who is already reaching their goals and knocking down all the walls. The difficult thing is to see the talents that are buried deep inside someone. Especially when that person doesn’t even know that talent is there.

Positive feedback and encouragement can go a long way in helping someone uncover their talents. Let them know when they are doing well and provide support when they face challenges. With opportunities for growth and encouragement, you help them discover new talents and build confidence in their abilities.


Have an open mind.

Talent can take a lot of different forms, and these talents may not fit into traditional molds or meet your personal biases. So, ask yourself why you might have a certain bias about a particular skill or talent. To fully appreciate and respect the talents of others, it’s important to look past your judgments and accept the differences that make each person unique.

Many of the most talented people you may meet throughout your life will be completely different than you. Try putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and try to understand their perspective. This can help you appreciate the value of their talents and see things from another angle.

Embrace the differences that make each person distinctive. Recognize that there are many different types of talents and skills, and every individual brings something valuable to the table. The greatest ability in seeing the best in others is to get past some of your own biases. Kick that to the curb and see what a difference it makes.


Be clear.

When you want to bring out the best in others, your role is to be clear and interact with other people. If you want to do this, you need to collaborate, foster talent, and be there for the other person. Fostering someone’s talents can help them to develop their skills and reach their full potential.

You don’t have to be the most capable or the smartest or the best person in the room. You just need to be clear and ready to listen and learn along the way. Let the other person know that you value them and would like to be there for them as they learn more about their talents as well.

 Try these to support and encourage someone's talents:

  1. Provide resources: If you see someone with a particular talent, provide them with the resources they need to develop their skills further. This may involve books, online tutorials, or connections to mentors in their field.

  2. Offer feedback: Regular feedback can be invaluable to someone who is developing their talent. Provide constructive criticism that is specific and actionable, and make sure to give positive feedback to reinforce their progress.

  3. Create opportunities: Give the person opportunities to showcase their talents and practice their skills. This may involve projects or assignments that align with their interests or setting up a mentorship program with someone who has experience in their field.

  4. Encourage practice: Encourage the person to practice their talent regularly, and to seek out opportunities to apply their skills in real-life situations. This can help them to build confidence and improve their abilities over time.

  5. Celebrate their achievements: Celebrate the person's achievements and successes along the way. This can help to motivate them and reinforce the value of their talents.


Be persistent.

It can be difficult to foster a new talent or a skill in others. The other person can become discouraged and often be distracted. They can come to rely on you to do most of the work, rather than taking on the initiative and using some of their newfound talents and skills.

While this is natural, your goal is to be persistent with them and not let them give up. You are there to help them, but your job is not to do the work for them. Provide words of encouragement and support, and you will be able to help them reach their goals, and they will be proud that they put in the work themselves.

Here are things you can do to further help them practice their new talent:

  1. Set goals: Help the person set specific, achievable goals for putting their talent into practice. Break larger goals into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate each milestone along the way.

  2. Provide accountability: Check in with the person regularly to see how they are progressing toward their goals. Encourage them to keep going, even when they encounter obstacles or setbacks.

  3. Offer support: Be available to offer support and encouragement when the person needs it. Listen to their concerns and offer guidance or advice as needed.

  4. Create a supportive environment: Create an environment that is conducive to practicing their talent. This may involve providing resources, space, or time to practice, or connecting them with others who share their interests.

  5. Reinforce the value: Help the person to see the value and importance of their talent, and how it can benefit themselves and others. Encourage them to share their talents with others, and to continue to develop their skills over time.


Be present.

You need to pay attention and be present to spot the talent in other people. You need to be able to read some of the smallest clues because most people don’t know their talents and so will not show them off to you in the process.

When someone shares their talents and interests with you, listen actively and attentively. Ask questions to show that you are interested in learning more about what they are doing.

Show a genuine interest in the person and their talents. Be curious to learn more about that person.  Provide practical and emotional support as the person develops their talents. Be present enough to show that you care and want to be there for them as well.

Be a role model by setting an example of the behaviors and attitudes you want to see in others. This could be anything from being punctual to showing empathy and kindness.

Give others the power to make decisions and take ownership of their work. This will show that you trust and respect them, and it will also help them develop leadership skills.

Recognize that developing new talents takes time and patience. The greater your ability to pay attention to others, and to build their confidence and motivation, the more talent you can find in other people.


My final thoughts are.

We often don’t see a particular talent in ourselves or if we do, we lack the confidence to show it to the world. Sometimes it’s easier to see talent in someone else. Don’t allow that talent to go to waste. Encourage people and help them to see the value they can bring to the world.


For more information, read this post.

9 Ways To Bring Out The Best In Others.


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