
Models For A Mindful Life

Gram’s Wisdom 59:

My Gram wouldn’t have heard/known the term mindfulness, yet she lived her life in a mindful way. She was in touch with her surroundings, in touch with herself, and in touch with people. Gram always found time to go outside take a walk and listen while the earth and nature spoke. If I was having a particularly bad day, I was told to shut my eyes, take a deep breath, and try to see myself differently. Gram told me once that there was no better way to learn something new than to have simple conversations with others.

If you have made the decision to be more mindful in your daily life but aren't exactly sure where to start, you have come to the right place! Below are ten practices you can adopt to make practice easier.



1) Observe new distinctions.

Mindfulness is a powerful practice that invites you to engage with the present moment in a way that goes beyond mere existence. One key aspect of mindfulness involves actively observing new distinctions. Picture it like tuning into the subtle details of your surroundings, emotions, or your thoughts. When you make a conscious effort to notice the nuances and distinctions in your experiences, a remarkable change occurs. It's like seeing the world with fresh eyes, discovering the beauty in the ordinary. This intentional observation enriches your understanding of the present and brings about a rush of positive effects. The more you explore your daily life, the more you find to appreciate and savor.


Moreover, actively observing new characteristics heightens interest in your life. It's like turning the pages of a captivating book, eager to discover what happens next. By paying attention to the details, you become an active participant rather than a passive spectator in the narrative of your existence. This increased engagement with the present moment deepens your connection to life and opens the door to greater fulfillment. Embrace mindful observation, seek out the subtleties that make each moment unique, and cultivate a more enriched and meaningful life experience.

2) See in yourself a “work in progress.”

Shifting your perspective is another crucial aspect of mindfulness that can significantly impact your well-being. Often, you get caught up in the pursuit of a specific outcome, whether it's acing a project, achieving a fitness goal, or mastering a new skill. However, the magic lies in enjoying the process rather than fixating on the result. When you savor the journey, every small step becomes a victory, and the overall experience becomes more rewarding. It's akin to appreciating the brushstrokes on a canvas rather than obsessing over the finished painting. By embracing this mindset, you not only reduce stress and anxiety but also adopt a genuine sense of joy in your actions.


Furthermore, the way you perceive yourself plays a fundamental role in your mindfulness journey. When you’ve boxed yourself into rigid and negative labels, like declaring, "I am bad at art," you limit your potential. Viewing yourself as a fixed entity makes you susceptible to mindless thinking, and these negative thoughts can inadvertently manifest as self-fulfilling prophecies. Instead, acknowledge that, like a piece of clay, you are ever-changing and malleable. Embracing this flexibility allows you to break free from self-imposed limitations.


3) Examine paradoxes. 

Delving into the scope of paradoxes offers a unique pathway to personal growth and resilience. Actively paying attention to these seemingly contradictory aspects of life enables the development of a profound skill: the ability to accept and tolerate ambiguity. Life is intricate, filled with situations that may appear contradictory at first glance, but exploring these paradoxes helps you navigate the nuances with grace. As you become more skilled at accepting ambiguity, the anxiety often associated with uncertainty begins to subside. It's like learning to dance through the uncertainties of life rather than feeling paralyzed by them.


Additionally, this practice of actively considering paradoxes extends beyond external circumstances and becomes a valuable tool for self-discovery. Recognizing the paradoxes within yourself is a transformative process. It involves admitting the complexities that make you uniquely human—your strengths alongside your vulnerabilities, your successes connected with your challenges. By shining a light on these internal paradoxes, you encourage a deeper sense of self-awareness. This self-awareness allows you to make more intentional choices and furthers a greater understanding of your motivations and behaviors.

4) Add humor to mindfulness.

Laughter, often hailed as the best medicine, carries with it a profound connection to mindfulness. Humor has a remarkable way of prompting us to step back and view situations from unexpected angles. It's like a mental gymnastics routine that nudges you out of your habitual thought patterns, encouraging a fresh perspective. When you find humor in your life or situations, you're essentially engaging in a form of mindfulness. It's not just about the punchline; it's about the mental agility required to recognize the unexpected and appreciate the lightness amid life's complexities. By tapping into this humorous mindset, you become more resilient and better equipped to navigate challenges with a sense of playfulness and optimism.


Also, the ability to find humor in life contributes to a greater acceptance of your circumstances. Laughter serves as a tool in breaking down the barriers of resistance or frustration. It doesn't necessarily diminish the seriousness of a situation, but it provides a coping mechanism that allows you to approach challenges with a lighter heart. This acceptance is rooted in mindfulness, as it involves a sharpened awareness of the present moment and an openness to finding joy even in the face of adversity. Celebrate the therapeutic power of laughter, seeing in it a conscious choice to embrace the unexpected with a smile.

5) Consider other points of view.

Approaching a problem from various perspectives not only enhances problem-solving skills but also contributes to a greater sense of acceptance. When you limit yourself to a fixed interpretation of a situation, it becomes challenging to navigate and accept the nuances that may exist. Considering the viewpoints of different people opens a world of possibilities, making the problem more palatable. Here are some key points to highlight the benefits of embracing diverse perspectives:


  • Enhanced Problem-Solving: By considering various viewpoints, you tap into a collective pool of ideas and solutions, enriching your problem-solving approach.


  • Increased Empathy: Understanding different perspectives cultivates empathy, promoting a more compassionate and open-minded approach to problem acceptance.


  • Reduced Resistance: Embracing diverse viewpoints minimizes the resistance that often arises from rigid interpretations, making it easier to acknowledge and work through challenges.


  • Cultivation of Creativity: Diverse perspectives fuel creativity, encouraging you to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions to problems.


  • Facilitation of Learning: Engaging with different viewpoints is a learning opportunity, promoting personal and intellectual growth by expanding your understanding of various facets of a situation.

6) Choose positive alternatives to your problems.

In the face of challenges or undesirable outcomes, it's crucial to shift your mindset from mere problem recognition to one of potential growth. Every problem, no matter how daunting, possesses a silver lining waiting to be uncovered. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects, ask yourself, "How can this problem contribute to my ongoing personal and professional development?" By reframing the situation as an opportunity for growth, you pave the way for a more resilient and positive perspective. Challenges are not roadblocks; they are bridges offering valuable insights and lessons that contribute to resilience and wisdom.


Each problem is the classroom, and you’re the student. What lessons can be taken away from the current predicament? Is there a skill to be honed, a perspective to be gained, or a strength to be discovered? Embracing problems as learning opportunities positions you as an active participant in your own life. Moreover, recognizing the potential for opportunity in every problem fosters a sense of curiosity and adaptability, converting what could be perceived as a disaster into an exciting adventure. The difference lies not in the problem itself but in how you choose to identify and engage with it.

7) Keep a joy collection.

Building a joy collection is like curating a treasure trove of happiness readily available whenever you need a mood boost. This collection can take various forms, from written paragraphs vividly describing joyful moments to an assortment of photos capturing those special times. The key is to make these memories easily accessible, creating a go-to source of positivity. In the hustle and bustle of life, it's all too common to get caught up in the challenges and setbacks, inadvertently overlooking the reservoir of joyous experiences that shape our lives.


The significance of reflecting on positive moments has been shown to elevate your positive mental state. Your joy collection serves as a personal archive of happiness, reminding you of the laughter, accomplishments, and simple pleasures that have graced your journey. Whether it's revisiting the description of a cherished memory or flipping through photos that encapsulate moments of pure joy, your joy collection becomes a powerful tool for cultivating gratitude and maintaining a brighter outlook on life.

8) Create a mindful journal.

Beginning or concluding your day with the practice of documenting significant events adds a touch of mindfulness that can profoundly impact your overall well-being. This routine not only helps in reflection but also in cultivating a heightened awareness of your experiences. Here are several examples to consider as you embark on this mindful journaling journey:


1 | Expressing Gratitude: Jot down moments that made you feel grateful during the day, whether they were small gestures or significant events.


2 | Achievements and Milestones: Document your accomplishments, whether big or small, celebrating your progress and recognizing your efforts.


3 | Challenges Overcome: Note instances where you faced challenges and successfully navigated through them, highlighting your resilience.


4 | Acts of Kindness: Record both the kindness you received and the kindness you extended, fostering a sense of connection and goodwill.


5 | Beautiful Sights or Sounds: Capture the beauty in your surroundings, from a breathtaking sunrise to the soothing sounds of nature.


6 | New Learnings: Write about insights gained or lessons learned during the day, fostering continuous personal growth.


7 | Reflections on Challenges: Explore your thoughts and emotions surrounding challenges, fostering a deeper understanding of your responses.


8 | New Perspectives: Consider events from different angles, noting any shifts in your perspective and understanding of situations.


The mindful reviewing of these entries promotes a more conscious and appreciative approach to life.

9) Engage in mindful exercise. 

Engaging in physical activities like walking, biking, or weightlifting provides an excellent opportunity to cultivate mindfulness in your daily routine. As you embark on these activities, take a moment to immerse yourself fully in the experience. Feel the rhythm of your footsteps or the resistance of the weights, notice the sights around you, and breathe in the scents of your surroundings. This heightened awareness not only deepens your connection to the present moment but also tunes you into the messages your body is sending. By consistently practicing mindfulness during these activities, you develop a familiarity with the mental state, making it more accessible in other aspects of your life. This carries over into decision-making as the clarity and presence cultivated through these physical practices lay a foundation for making more intentional choices in various areas of your life.

10) Change up your routine.

Venturing into the realm of the unfamiliar by trying new things is a deliberate approach to staying mindful and invigorating your daily routine. It's the small, intentional deviations from the norm, such as choosing a different place to sit, taking an alternate route home, or exploring a new restaurant, that inject a sense of novelty into your experiences. These seemingly minor acts disrupt your habitual patterns and, in turn, prompt you to be fully present in the moment. The world becomes a canvas of possibilities when you break away from the usual, allowing you to notice details that might have gone unnoticed in your routine. This practice extends beyond the physical realm, as it encourages you to adopt a fresh perspective on life, reminding you that every experience, no matter how small, holds the potential for newfound awareness and appreciation.


My final thoughts.

As with so many things in my life I have my Gram to thank for the beginning of a lifelong mindfulness practice. She always said that life was a gift and that it needed attention. So, each year I pay a little more attention because I believe life is a miracle, and it should not be wasted.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have enjoyed it.

For more information, check out these posts.

10 Easy Ways To Be Mindful While Doing Every Day Tasks.

Establishing The Essential Principles Of Mindfulness.

Don't Wait For Things To Happen For You

Grams Wisdom 57

Are you feeling bored and listless? Does your life feel like it consists of a series of dull, monotonous days? When was the last time you did something fun that brought you joy? What was the most recent event that was interesting or exciting? Does it seem as if things only happen to you? Have you forgotten what it feels like to look forward to good things happening in your life?

My Gram had some thoughts on this subject. She told me that life has a way of slipping through our fingers almost unnoticed. Far too many people passively wait for life to unfold. They hope that someday the stars will align, and their dreams will come true.

But Gram knew life is not a passive journey; it's an active adventure, and the narratives we tell are the ones we craft ourselves. And as I’ve grown older, I've come to realize that we mustn't wait for the interesting, joyous, or good things in life to happen, or be handed to us. Instead, we must go out there and create our own happiness and meaning.

If you are interested in finding out how? Keep reading!

Why You Should Stop Waiting for Things to Happen

Many times, waiting for something to happen is much easier and safer than making decisions for yourself. The problem is this comes with its own set of risks. Often while waiting for something extraordinary to happen people miss out on the simple, everyday joys. They postpone their happiness believing it will come later, and so deny themselves the beauty of the present moment.

Moreover, the interesting and remarkable experiences in life rarely come knocking at your door. They are earned through effort, perseverance, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. If you wait for adventure to find you, you may find yourself waiting forever. Instead, be proactive, chase your dreams, and embrace the unknown. Taking risks is part of living a fulfilling life, for it's often in those moments of uncertainty that we discover our true potential and our strength.

Here are five steps to help you make things happen for you.

1| Define what you want.

The first step to solving any problem is recognizing there’s a problem in the first place. Be specific about what’s not working in your life. After that, think about what you want instead. It’s easy to pinpoint problems and shortcomings. Yet, the real challenge is knowing what you want out of life.

The next step is to make a list of all the things you want. Your list may look much different than this example.

  • I aspire to develop a sense of purpose that goes beyond the shallowness of existence.

  • I want to travel and grow while striving to unlock my full potential.

  • I long for a life filled with moments of genuine joy, gratitude, and inner peace.

  • My meaningful life revolves around leaving a positive impact on the lives of others.


2 | Do you understand why you want it?

After considering what you want, you must do a bit of soul-searching. This is the time when you must know why you want all those things you wrote on your list. Delving deep into your motivations is like uncovering the hidden fuel that propels you toward your goals. The depth of your understanding serves as a source of inspiration, sustaining your enthusiasm through the inevitable storms of doubt and adversity. The more intimately you comprehend the "why" behind your aspirations, the more powerful and enduring your motivation becomes.

Furthermore, when you have a clear grasp of your motivations, your journey becomes more purposeful and meaningful. It's as if you've set your compass to a specific destination, ensuring that every step you take is intentional. This heightened motivation not only empowers you to overcome obstacles but also infuses your efforts with a sense of passion and dedication. It transforms the pursuit of your goals from a mere task into a personal mission, and you become more willing to invest the time, effort, and patience required to achieve them.

Just remember to start small. Pick realistic, short-term goals to begin with. Then, once you gain more confidence and momentum, you can begin focusing on larger goals.

3 |Can you picture what you want?

Creating a mental image of your desires serves as a powerful catalyst for manifesting your aspirations into reality. It's akin to crafting a detailed blueprint for the life you envision. Your mental landscape becomes a canvas upon which you can paint the intricate details of your dreams and goals.

When your conscious desires and subconscious beliefs are in sync, they result in a life that flows more smoothly. This alignment lends clarity to your intentions, sharpening your focus on what truly matters. It's as if you've organized the clutter of conflicting thoughts and emotions, allowing your inner world to function more efficiently, just like a well-oiled machine.

This harmony between your conscious and subconscious minds not only streamlines your thought processes but also empowers you to navigate life's challenges with greater resilience. Your newfound clarity brings a sense of purpose and direction. As you develop this alignment, you'll find that your capacity to turn your dreams into reality is magnified.

There are multiple ways to go about visualizing what you want, including:

  • Creating a vision board.

  • Spend a few minutes before bedtime picturing what you want.

  • Listen to guided meditation.

  • Keep a journal.

4 | Find or create a support system.

Surround yourself with one or two supportive friends or family members. Sharing your future goals with people who encourage you will boost your success rate. Plus, these people will hold you accountable for achieving your goals. So, any time you feel disheartened or unable to follow through, these are the ones who’ll stay by your side and keep you moving forward.

Likewise, your support system should be composed of individuals who comprehend the intricacies of your aspirations. They should possess the empathy to understand the sacrifices, hard work, and determination required to reach their goals. They should celebrate your victories joyfully, sharing your happiness as if it were their own.

These individuals should recognize the significance of your ambitions, respecting the unique path you've chosen. They appreciate the beauty in your goals, even if they differ from their own. Their appreciation fosters an environment of positivity and mutual respect, allowing you to thrive in an atmosphere where your dreams are nurtured rather than stifled.

5 | Don’t just sit there, make the first step.

Now that you know what you want, and why you want it, you can see it coming true in your mind. It’s time to act! Don’t allow fear or doubt to hold you back.

This is the step that scares many people. Yet, dreams will remain dreams without following through and bringing them to life. Remember, the most beautiful flowers often grow in the harshest conditions. Embrace adversity as an opportunity for growth and resilience. When life throws challenges your way, face them with determination and a smile. It is through overcoming obstacles that you appreciate the sweetness of success.

To make things a little bit less overwhelming, write down all the steps you need to take to get to your goals. Then, take the first step and start from there. Then, once you’re done with that, go on to the next step, and the next, and so on. Soon enough, you’ll find yourself close to reaching your goal, if you haven’t done so already. And the best thing is that all it took was one small step.

My final thoughts.

After reading this five-step plan to help you make things happen in your life, it’s time to see them through. Remember, you’re stronger than you think—and a lot smarter. So, just picture the end in mind, stay on course, and you’ll eventually end up exactly where you set out to be.

You have within you the power to create a life filled with wonder, excitement, and fulfillment. Don't wait for someone or something to light up your world; be the source of your light. Be curious be daring.


For more information, check out these posts.

Don’t Wait For The Perfect Moment-7 Reasons Why.

Manifest Your Desires By Taking Action.


Thank you for taking the time to read this.

The Ultimate Guide To Living Your Best Life

Living your best life can take effort. It’s necessary to act to ensure you’re achieving the happiness and satisfaction you want.

Let’s explore a range of topics, from nurturing relationships and setting personal boundaries. To the benefits of lifelong learning and the importance of being grateful for life's simple joys. These conversations underscore the significance of mindfulness and intentionality in your life. By prioritizing your well-being, and embracing new experiences and activities you enjoy, you can lead a more gratifying and enriching life. These insights serve as reminders that the pursuit of happiness and personal growth is not an elusive destination. Rather an ongoing journey rooted in self-awareness and a willingness to engage with the world around you.

To live your best life, there are some activities you can do to make it easier to promote better living each day.


Make sure you nurture the right relationships in your life.

Nurturing the relationships in your life is essential for your emotional and overall happiness. These connections provide you with a sense of belonging, support, and love that enriches your life in profound ways. To foster healthy relationships, you must invest time and effort into understanding, communicating with, and empathizing with those you care about. This involves listening, being present at the moment, and showing genuine interest in the thoughts and feelings of others. By doing so, you not only strengthen the bonds you share but also create a setting where trust and intimacy can flourish.

Moreover, nourishing relationships extend beyond mere communication. It also involves making a regular effort to spend quality time together, whether through shared experiences, shared laughter, or simply being there during challenging times. Celebrating each other's successes and offering support during difficult moments are the cornerstones of a strong and enduring connection. When you invest in nurturing these relationships, you build a support system that can weather the vicissitudes of life and celebrate the joys together. Making your journey even more meaningful and fulfilling. Ultimately, the nourishment of your relationships is an investment in your happiness and of those you hold dear.

Make time for activities you genuinely enjoy.

Whatever your favorite hobbies, activities, and pastimes are, give yourself time to enjoy them. Making time for activities you genuinely enjoy is a vital aspect of maintaining a balanced and satisfying life. These pursuits provide not only moments of joy but also opportunities for self-expression, creativity, and relaxation. Whether it's reading a book, painting, playing a musical instrument, or engaging in a favorite sport. These activities can serve as a refuge from the demands of daily life. Setting aside dedicated time for them is a form of self-care that nourishes you mentally and emotionally.

Incorporating enjoyable activities into your routine can boost your overall productivity and happiness. It provides a much-needed break, allowing you to recharge and return to your responsibilities with renewed energy and focus. Moreover, pursuing your passions can lead to a sense of accomplishment and personal growth. It's a reminder that life isn't just about meeting obligations but savoring the moments that bring you genuine pleasure. By making time for these activities, you prioritize your happiness and well-being. Which in turn positively impacts all other aspects of your life.


Say “No” like a pro and transform your life.

If you feel pressured to say “Yes” to others’ requests, it can be tough to feel like you’re living your best life. Establishing personal boundaries and having the courage to say "No" when necessary is an essential practice for maintaining your overall well-being. Boundaries act as a protective shield around your physical and emotional space, blocking others from overstepping or taking advantage of you. They’re the foundation of healthy relationships and self-respect. When you set clear boundaries, you communicate your needs, limitations, and values, which fosters respect and understanding with others.

Moreover, setting boundaries and declining certain commitments or requests allows you to prioritize your needs and goals. It's a way of managing your time and energy level efficiently. Preventing burnout and overwhelm. Without boundaries, you may find yourself constantly overextended, sacrificing your well-being for the sake of others or societal pressures. Learning to say "No" respectfully permits you to make choices that align with your values and goals. Ultimately leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. It's a powerful tool for self-care and self-preservation, promoting a sense of agency and control over your destiny.


Make your physical and emotional health your top priorities.

Prioritizing your physical and emotional well-being is a fundamental aspect of leading a healthy and fulfilling life. It's the basis upon which your ability to thrive, both personally and professionally, is built. Here are some key points to consider when making your well-being a priority:

  1. Regular self-care practices, such as exercise, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet, are the big “three” for maintaining physical health. Combining relaxation techniques and mindfulness into your routine can contribute to mental well-being.

  2. Learning to manage and cope with stress effectively is vital. High levels of chronic stress can have detrimental effects on both your physical and mental health. Consider meditation practices, deep breathing, or seeking professional help when needed.

  3. Finding a healthy work-life balance is essential. Dedicate time to activities and relationships that bring you joy and relaxation outside your work commitments.

  4. Nurturing meaningful social connections is necessary for mental well-being. Make time for friends and family; they can support you when facing challenges.

  5. Don't hesitate to seek help or counseling when dealing with mental health issues. There's no shame in asking for assistance; it's a sign of strength to address your mental well-being proactively.

  6. Regular health check-ups with medical professionals can help identify and address physical health concerns early, preventing more serious complications later.

  7. Set clear goals for your well-being. Whether achieving a fitness milestone or working towards improved mental clarity, having objectives can motivate and guide your efforts.

Prioritizing your physical and emotional well-being isn't selfish. It's an act of self-love and self-preservation that ultimately allows you to lead a happier and more fulfilling life. Remember that taking care of yourself enables you to be at your best for you and those around you.


Experience or try something new each day.

Experiencing something new can be a transformative and enriching practice that brings many benefits to you. While you might not be going on an extreme outing each day, there are small ways to experience that sense of adventure and discovery. First, it keeps your mind engaged and sharp. When you encounter novel experiences, whether it's trying a new food, learning a new skill, or exploring a different place. Your brain is challenged to adapt and process new information. This cognitive stimulation can enhance creativity, problem-solving, and overall mental agility.

Additionally, daily novelty adds excitement and variety to your life. Preventing the monotony of routine from setting in. It helps you break free from your comfort zone, fostering personal growth and a sense of accomplishment. Whether big or small, these new experiences can increase self-confidence as you navigate unfamiliar situations successfully. Lastly, they can broaden your horizons, expose you to different cultures and perspectives, and create lasting memories contributing to a rich and fulfilling life. In a nutshell, the pursuit of daily novelty promotes personal development and a greater appreciation for the world around you.


Endeavor to be a lifelong learner.

  • First: lifelong learners have a voracious appetite for knowledge. They maintain a deep interest in the world around them, always asking questions and seeking answers. Whether through books, online courses, podcasts, or conversations with others, they actively seek opportunities to learn something new every day.

  • Second: lifelong learners are open-minded and adaptable. They embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for growth. Instead of shying away from unfamiliar topics or difficulties, they approach them with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn from their mistakes.

  • Third: lifelong learners are able to manage time and goal setting, ensuring that they allocate time each day or week to their learning pursuits. This discipline helps them stay committed to their educational journey and consistently make progress in acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Ultimately, the habits of a lifelong learner revolve around a mindset of continuous growth, a persistent curiosity, and a commitment to constant self-improvement. Exposing yourself to new topics, information, and skills is an excellent way to keep your mind active and learn well beyond your school days. Pick up new hobbies, ask a friend to teach you a skill they know, and sign up for free classes – there are plenty of ways to live your best life through learning.


Gratitude: how small things can change your life.

Life can be busy, making it easy to forget how many wonderful aspects of your life you can experience each day. Taking time each day to recognize everything good in your life is a lovely way to increase your overall satisfaction.

Being grateful for small or simple things in life is a powerful practice that can bring immense joy and contentment. Often, you get caught up in the hustle and bustle of your daily routines, chasing after grand achievements and material possessions. In the process, you overlook the beauty of simple pleasures. Take a moment to appreciate small joys. A warm cup of tea on a cold morning, a heartfelt conversation with a loved one, or the sight of a blooming flower. All of which can promote a profound sense of gratitude.

Moreover, acknowledging and cherishing the small things can shift your perspective towards a more optimistic outlook. It reminds you that happiness is not merely contingent on milestones or accomplishments. Instead, it resides in the everyday moments that make up your life. When you express gratitude for these simple pleasures, you become more present and attuned to the richness of your existence. Fostering a sense of contentment and fulfillment that transcends the pursuit of material success.


My final thoughts are:

You have seen the importance of balance, mindfulness, and mindset in your daily life. Whether it's nurturing relationships, setting boundaries, embracing new experiences, well-being, or practicing gratitude. These principles can help you to lead a more fulfilling life while also contributing positively to the lives you touch.

For more information, read these posts.

20 Ways To Live Your Best Life.

Taking Action On Your Intention.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this post.

The Power Of Optimism And A Positive Mindset

Many people think of optimism as a belief system that always anticipates the best possible outcome to a situation. I am a born optimist; I am inclined to put a favorable construction on actions or events. But maybe, like many others, I just heard that things would work out, to look for the silver lining, and to keep my chin up. Now, while I feel a healthy dose of optimism is valuable, it’s also incomplete.

Practically speaking, things won’t always work out for the best no matter how much you hope they will. This is where a positive mindset comes to play with optimism. An optimistic person with a positive mindset believes that with some effort added the desired outcome can be assured and that packs a powerful punch.


Optimism, what is it?

Some people seem to be biologically more optimistic than others. Regardless of what fate tosses at them, they’re not beaten or angry. They don’t become bitter or remain downcast for long. So, what is it about someone who doesn’t become crushed by adversity?

Everyone has bad stuff happen in their life. It’s part of being human. But where some people feel devastated by events, others stay relatively cheerful through difficult times, even seriously bad times like job loss or going through a divorce. These people are optimists.

Optimism means seeing the best in every situation and expecting good things to happen regardless of what’s going on right now. Research shows that optimism can have a positive impact on all areas of your life, from strengthening the immune system to reducing your risk of anxiety and depression, even extending your life!



    • Don’t blame themselves when things go wrong

    • Focus on the present and future, and don’t dwell on past hurts

    • Expect good things to happen to them

    • Believe they are responsible for their happiness


Change how you see things.

You might be thinking that optimism is innate: that you’re either an optimist or a pessimist. Jiminy Cricket or Eeyore. But optimism or pessimism is a product of your self-talk, how you respond to things, what you expect, and your self-image. The impressions we received back in early childhood influence this. Were you told you were selfish or lazy or no good at math? The judgments that you got about yourself and the world (whether it is a safe or dangerous place) shape your expectations into adulthood.

And because these opinions are not you, you can change them. You can reset your pessimistic outlook and become more optimistic by reframing your experiences. If something goes haywire, instead of dwelling on the failure and making it personal, try to be unbiased and analyze what happened. Begin with what you learned from the experience.

The power is yours to change how you see things. If you have tended to look on the gloomy side or feel that life is unfair, and you feel helpless, consider optimism as another skill you can learn. Optimism is a skill of emotional intelligence, a learned habit, and it’s a skill you can begin to develop right now.

Optimists don’t remain stuck in the past. If something doesn’t work out the way they thought it would, they move on, confident that success and abundance are just around the corner. Optimists are grateful for what is good in their lives now. They understand that there is more than enough to go around, and they recognize that the world is full of opportunities for everyone.


Positive actions to improve your mindset.

If you suffer from an absence of motivation, or stagnation in your life, it could be due to a lack of optimism. But if you lack focus or skills, what might be missing is a trained positive mindset.

You may feel like you haven’t grown or done as much as those around you. Perhaps you doubt your competency because you recently tried something, and it didn’t work out. Whatever your situation is, there’s nothing wrong with the feeling that you could do more if you knew more, if you don’t beat yourself up over it.


Begin with your self-talk.

The way you think and talk about yourself is paramount to a positive mindset. As humans, we lean into the negatives of life. It’s insidious and it creeps into every area of life, but that tendency is never more apparent than in trash-talk to yourself.

You know that words have power for good or bad. So make them good ones and positively affirm to yourself those things that you do well. You are kind to others, you are consistent, and you know who you are, so say it. Give yourself pats on the back regularly when you face and conquer a challenge or fear, or when you accomplish the goals you set for yourself.


Discover something new.

Learning new things can help to improve an existing mindset or become the basis for a new one. There are many ways to grow. From being a better person to enhancing your skillset at work.

Whether or not it is information that you might see as immediately practical, there’s a certain sense of achievement in realizing that you know something. It makes it easier to feel like a part of the conversation when you are socializing but it also may come in handy one day.

You may be skeptical that learning something new that you are passionate about can help you to feel a bit less like another face in the crowd. If so, join a club devoted to your passion, or just try to find some time on your own to do some reading and then find people that you can share your interest with.


Modify your perspective.

It’s an important action to modify your perspective. It doesn’t make much sense, but we see ourselves through the lens of how we believe others see us. How others think of you or see you is not as important as how you see and think of yourself.

You should be able to earn a sense of worthiness by taking notice of how far you’ve come in your journey or how close you are to your goal rather than comparing your speed or position to that of those around you. Everyone is different, and no one was born with all the answers, knowledge, experience, and skills that make them valuable in the positions that they forge for themselves later in life.


Volunteering can be a great positive action.

Volunteering is great for positivity for at least two main reasons. The first is that it can lend a sense of accomplishment and purpose. By volunteering, no matter what you do, you are giving your time and energy to help those who are less fortunate than you. Maybe you didn’t graduate at the top of your class or that last project at work didn’t go the way that you hoped, but every volunteer should feel that they are doing meaningful work and that their efforts are appreciated.

The other way that volunteering can improve your positivity is that it involves using your talents in a supportive and unique environment. Learning new skills or learning how to use your skills in new ways can both be great ways to discover or increase your potential in an environment that is likely to be more supportive and less judgmental than a school or work environment.


My final thought.

The degree to which you place the most importance on optimism or positivity is subjective. But I doubt anyone would dispute that a positive mindset and optimistic outlook in tandem are more powerful than either are alone.


For more information, check out these posts.

Are Positivity And Optimism The Same Thing (Solved)

10 Tips To Live More Positively

Appreciate The Little Things

Gram’s Wisdom 7

One of the most important lessons Gram taught me was to appreciate the small. The tiny wins, the little casual conversations, the minute unremarked events, the small kindnesses. She said they were bits of gold and silver that fill out the majority of time between larger happenings. It’s when you buy a new house. Sure, you remember that event, but what you appreciate are the years of small things remembered as you raised your children in that new, now old home.

Gram also said we should set an example of what it is to be appreciative for others to see. How the people in our lives not our possessions are most important. That what you appreciate should become entries in your gratitude journal so that you don’t forget how fortunate you are

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 Be the example for those around you

 If you could help others find appreciation for all the small aspects of life, you make life better for everyone associated with you. People can forget that life has much to offer. They become bitter over time. It happens to many people, and they become unpleasant to be with for any length of time.

You don’t have to go overboard, but frequently mention how you enjoy your life giving them reasons why. Relate experiences about your weekend to your friends or colleagues and explain why you felt appreciative of those experiences.

Stay as positive as you can, even if the bitter people are negative. That is not easy as negative people can sour the moods of the people around them. But, by keeping a positive outlook, they will have a difficult time justifying their negative behavior.

Sometimes, bitter people just need to talk to someone. They haven’t been able to get their problems off their chest. These problems often build, which is why they become bitter. They feel as though no one is listening and no one cares about them. It’s not necessary to advise them, and this can be the wrong tactic to use. Simply let them talk. It can make a world of difference.

Get them talking about hobbies, sports, etc. Even if they aren’t active in these events, ask about their past experiences. When they start talking it may reignite a spark. That can be a great starting point in helping them get through their issues.

Some people will never break down their barriers, and that is unfortunate. They have stopped living their lives, and they are unappreciated of any aspect of it. Attempting to help them through their situations can bring some people around. If you can change one person’s life for the better, you are doing something good. Part of their change is usually to become more pleasant to be around.


I think the best way to show appreciation for things going well is to make things better.


People are more important than possessions

You spend a good portion of your time protecting your possessions. Certainly, you may appreciate them, but the problem is, you may be putting too much emphasis on them. Consider that when you depart from this world, those possessions are no longer yours.

Even if you inherited them from the day you were born, somewhere along your lineage, someone didn’t have possession of them. They were acquired during the short duration of your ancestors. You can show your appreciation of someone by gifting them with one your possessions that they have long admired.

Suppose you somehow lost some material item you valued. Perhaps you misplaced it, or it was stolen. Can you replace the item? It is understandable that it’s inconvenient to have to buy something that you already possessed. However, it’s not the end of the world.

The relationships you form are much more important than the items you possess.  Loss of a family member who passes on cannot be replaced. You should hold this form of possession as being much more valuable. However, many people take this for granted until it’s too late. You don’t get back the time you spend (or don’t spend) with them.

There are other ways to lose family members. If you are constantly working and not spending time with your family, they feel unappreciated and you will alienate them. Your spouse may decide to move on, and your kids may be resentful after a while.

If you are so focused on obtaining material possessions, you risk losing friendships as well. Many of these friendships took a long time to develop. They can be destroyed quickly by your prioritizing of your possessions.

Money does help make your life easier. There’s no doubt about it. It’s just that you cannot make it your entire purpose. If you find you are too focused on obtaining money and possessions, take a step back and determine what your family and friends mean to you. Learn to appreciate them for they are priceless.


Show your appreciation by being grateful

You may forget the little things you appreciate in your life. However, if you have them in plain sight, it can help you reinforce your gratefulness. Therefore, why not write them down, and keep them close to you?

Think of all the things you appreciate and start listing them. What makes you feel you have a fortunate life? If, you get stuck, think about the people in your life. Who makes you happy? List out the aspects of what those people do to make you happy. If you love the way your spouse smiles at you, write that down.

Your entry can be something simple, such as I am grateful for the time to read the newspaper on the train. The point is, no item is too small to add to the journal. Perhaps, you love the jokes that the coffee person tells you when you get your cup of coffee and your muffin. That goes on the list, too.

Your list should never be complete as you will find new experiences and people to add to it. Each day, there is potential for people to make a small difference in your life. But, remember that you make differences in other peoples’ lives as well. Try to make those experiences positive.  

Your gratitude journal can be a paper notebook, or you can store it electronically. How you store it is your choice, but you want it to be accessible. Commit to reading it and update it regularly. Add to it as you find more things that you appreciate in your life.

Maintaining your journal could be the basis for a book that you write about appreciating your life. By publishing your list, you may help others do the same. When they read your ideas, they may become inspired to appreciate what they have in their life and be grateful. Their list will not likely be the same as yours, but people are different so it’s only natural their list would be different.


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