
Don't Wait For Things To Happen For You

Grams Wisdom 57

Are you feeling bored and listless? Does your life feel like it consists of a series of dull, monotonous days? When was the last time you did something fun that brought you joy? What was the most recent event that was interesting or exciting? Does it seem as if things only happen to you? Have you forgotten what it feels like to look forward to good things happening in your life?

My Gram had some thoughts on this subject. She told me that life has a way of slipping through our fingers almost unnoticed. Far too many people passively wait for life to unfold. They hope that someday the stars will align, and their dreams will come true.

But Gram knew life is not a passive journey; it's an active adventure, and the narratives we tell are the ones we craft ourselves. And as I’ve grown older, I've come to realize that we mustn't wait for the interesting, joyous, or good things in life to happen, or be handed to us. Instead, we must go out there and create our own happiness and meaning.

If you are interested in finding out how? Keep reading!

Why You Should Stop Waiting for Things to Happen

Many times, waiting for something to happen is much easier and safer than making decisions for yourself. The problem is this comes with its own set of risks. Often while waiting for something extraordinary to happen people miss out on the simple, everyday joys. They postpone their happiness believing it will come later, and so deny themselves the beauty of the present moment.

Moreover, the interesting and remarkable experiences in life rarely come knocking at your door. They are earned through effort, perseverance, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. If you wait for adventure to find you, you may find yourself waiting forever. Instead, be proactive, chase your dreams, and embrace the unknown. Taking risks is part of living a fulfilling life, for it's often in those moments of uncertainty that we discover our true potential and our strength.

Here are five steps to help you make things happen for you.

1| Define what you want.

The first step to solving any problem is recognizing there’s a problem in the first place. Be specific about what’s not working in your life. After that, think about what you want instead. It’s easy to pinpoint problems and shortcomings. Yet, the real challenge is knowing what you want out of life.

The next step is to make a list of all the things you want. Your list may look much different than this example.

  • I aspire to develop a sense of purpose that goes beyond the shallowness of existence.

  • I want to travel and grow while striving to unlock my full potential.

  • I long for a life filled with moments of genuine joy, gratitude, and inner peace.

  • My meaningful life revolves around leaving a positive impact on the lives of others.


2 | Do you understand why you want it?

After considering what you want, you must do a bit of soul-searching. This is the time when you must know why you want all those things you wrote on your list. Delving deep into your motivations is like uncovering the hidden fuel that propels you toward your goals. The depth of your understanding serves as a source of inspiration, sustaining your enthusiasm through the inevitable storms of doubt and adversity. The more intimately you comprehend the "why" behind your aspirations, the more powerful and enduring your motivation becomes.

Furthermore, when you have a clear grasp of your motivations, your journey becomes more purposeful and meaningful. It's as if you've set your compass to a specific destination, ensuring that every step you take is intentional. This heightened motivation not only empowers you to overcome obstacles but also infuses your efforts with a sense of passion and dedication. It transforms the pursuit of your goals from a mere task into a personal mission, and you become more willing to invest the time, effort, and patience required to achieve them.

Just remember to start small. Pick realistic, short-term goals to begin with. Then, once you gain more confidence and momentum, you can begin focusing on larger goals.

3 |Can you picture what you want?

Creating a mental image of your desires serves as a powerful catalyst for manifesting your aspirations into reality. It's akin to crafting a detailed blueprint for the life you envision. Your mental landscape becomes a canvas upon which you can paint the intricate details of your dreams and goals.

When your conscious desires and subconscious beliefs are in sync, they result in a life that flows more smoothly. This alignment lends clarity to your intentions, sharpening your focus on what truly matters. It's as if you've organized the clutter of conflicting thoughts and emotions, allowing your inner world to function more efficiently, just like a well-oiled machine.

This harmony between your conscious and subconscious minds not only streamlines your thought processes but also empowers you to navigate life's challenges with greater resilience. Your newfound clarity brings a sense of purpose and direction. As you develop this alignment, you'll find that your capacity to turn your dreams into reality is magnified.

There are multiple ways to go about visualizing what you want, including:

  • Creating a vision board.

  • Spend a few minutes before bedtime picturing what you want.

  • Listen to guided meditation.

  • Keep a journal.

4 | Find or create a support system.

Surround yourself with one or two supportive friends or family members. Sharing your future goals with people who encourage you will boost your success rate. Plus, these people will hold you accountable for achieving your goals. So, any time you feel disheartened or unable to follow through, these are the ones who’ll stay by your side and keep you moving forward.

Likewise, your support system should be composed of individuals who comprehend the intricacies of your aspirations. They should possess the empathy to understand the sacrifices, hard work, and determination required to reach their goals. They should celebrate your victories joyfully, sharing your happiness as if it were their own.

These individuals should recognize the significance of your ambitions, respecting the unique path you've chosen. They appreciate the beauty in your goals, even if they differ from their own. Their appreciation fosters an environment of positivity and mutual respect, allowing you to thrive in an atmosphere where your dreams are nurtured rather than stifled.

5 | Don’t just sit there, make the first step.

Now that you know what you want, and why you want it, you can see it coming true in your mind. It’s time to act! Don’t allow fear or doubt to hold you back.

This is the step that scares many people. Yet, dreams will remain dreams without following through and bringing them to life. Remember, the most beautiful flowers often grow in the harshest conditions. Embrace adversity as an opportunity for growth and resilience. When life throws challenges your way, face them with determination and a smile. It is through overcoming obstacles that you appreciate the sweetness of success.

To make things a little bit less overwhelming, write down all the steps you need to take to get to your goals. Then, take the first step and start from there. Then, once you’re done with that, go on to the next step, and the next, and so on. Soon enough, you’ll find yourself close to reaching your goal, if you haven’t done so already. And the best thing is that all it took was one small step.

My final thoughts.

After reading this five-step plan to help you make things happen in your life, it’s time to see them through. Remember, you’re stronger than you think—and a lot smarter. So, just picture the end in mind, stay on course, and you’ll eventually end up exactly where you set out to be.

You have within you the power to create a life filled with wonder, excitement, and fulfillment. Don't wait for someone or something to light up your world; be the source of your light. Be curious be daring.


For more information, check out these posts.

Don’t Wait For The Perfect Moment-7 Reasons Why.

Manifest Your Desires By Taking Action.


Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Taking Action On Your Intention

Gram’s Wisdom 42 Act on what you want from your life.

Actions speak louder than words. We are all familiar with that saying. Right? Yet, moving through life unintentionally is taking the path of least resistance and stumbling into what success you can find. The people who find success in this way are the exception, not the rule. Luck will always run out for people who do not prepare or have something to fall back on.

The basis for the feeling that life happens to you and is out of your control begins in childhood. It’s hard to go from being that child, told how to live, to “well, what do you want to do with your life now that you are out of school”? Is it any wonder that many people only live on the surface, unfamiliar with what it is they want from their life?

My Gram challenged me as a teenager to get to know myself and my values on a deeper level. She told me; that I should use the knowledge of what I learned to understand what I want my life to look like. She said a person successful in life can see the link between where they are now, what their goal is, and what it takes to move toward that point.

Gram believed this kind of life success aimed to provide direction and focus. Gram told me that is how you become the person you want to be, so you can live the way you want to live. Her thought was that your life should reflect who you are. Fast-forward to today and people call this an intentional living mindset.


If you don’t act these are just words.

There is more to choosing a life that matters than having good intentions. You intend to catch up with your friend over coffee, but you never do it. You intend to volunteer at the local soup kitchen, but there is always a reason why you can’t. Or you intend to leave the job you hate and begin a new career, but you never do.

If you make an intention to change, but you don't change, your true intention is to never change. The biggest problem that many people have when trying to act with intention is they do not know what they want. They chase one shiny object after another, and they never get anywhere.

To do something intentionally means to do something purposefully. It's intended. That means it involves a plan of action. You need an objective, a destination.

So, acting with intention means thinking about it. Acting intentionally means acting on a purpose. So, while people talk about acting with intention, you can focus on being intentionally intentional. You are going to think about it, and then you're going to act. This is what it will take to reveal your potential. Once you crack that nut, everything will feel possible.


How do I begin?

The first step is to set a goal, but before you can set a goal you need to know what you want. If you don't know what you want, your first step is to figure it out.

The second step to acting intentionally is setting an end goal. You can't run a race if you don't know where the finish line is. So, where is your finish line?

Now that you have a finish line in mind you can develop a plan. How are you going to get to the finish line?

The next step is the biggest – you can't get to where you're going unless you start acting. You can set all the intentions in the world, but unless you start acting on those intentions, nothing will change. You need to act on every intention you set.

Once you begin your journey, don't give up. You can't give up if you want to be intentionally intentional. You can regroup, you can correct course, you can reboot your plan – none of those things are quitting.

Quitting means stopping and if you stop you will have failed. Nothing less than that counts as a failure because you're on a journey that will take time and effort. You need to give yourself the space and grace to take that journey to its completion.

Just remember, lasting change will never happen by accident. Despite this, a lot of people choose to cruise through life without a plan. And while some of them will find success regardless, you can't rely solely on luck to get you by.



More Than Intentions.

Intentional living forces you to question the significance of your life. It motivates you to act, to find creative ways to succeed, it's energizing, inspiring, and encouraging.

So, what do you do when you want to make a difference and choose a life that matters? You can start small and do common things better than anybody else can because ultimately, you'll reach excellence. How do you start small while believing big?

• Begin right where you are, with just one thing before you expand.

• Pay attention to the words you use.

• Make small changes, little changes accumulate into big things.

If you want to lead a life that has meaning, you need to put others first. Instead of thinking about what you will get out of doing something, think about how your actions could benefit others. Start by learning to appreciate others and listen to their stories. Before you act, take a moment to see things from their perspective and put yourself in their shoes.

You can add value through positive thinking and positive actions. You can impress people by bragging about your success, but you can add value and impact people by discussing your failures.

Your why is one of the biggest aspects of intentional living. If you have a good handle on your why you can focus on it completely. It helps you make sense of what you encounter on your journey, it is the lens through which you see everything and will help you find your way.

We are made to live out a purpose, and they will all be different. If you live without meaning, you live without hope. If you live with meaning, you live with significance. Knowing your why will help you focus on the right things, boost your self-confidence, and keep you motivated.


Live intentionally.

You are the main character in your story, so, start living like one. And you can begin by asking yourself the three questions below.

1.  Can you become the best at what you do?

This is a question about your skills and talent. You already have skills you can use to help others. 

2.  Do you feel passionate about what you're doing?

This is a question about your heart. The feeling of leading a significant life begins in your heart because that's where your desire stems from.

3.  Do you have the resources to make a change?

This is about your tools and resources. If you want to make a difference, do you have the resources necessary to go out and make that change in your world?

My final thoughts.

Living intentionally will form the cornerstone for all your growth moving forward. It will serve as the foundation of everything you hope to achieve.

Think of purpose as the rudder to steer your direction. If you need a reminder, ask yourself every morning why do I do what I do? This is your focus, and the answer should fuel you through another day.

If you want to change something, the only way to make those changes is to act with intention. If you try to make changes without intention you will be unlikely to meet much success.


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For more information, read this post.

6 Steps To Live With Intention: Live Intentionally Not Habitually

Your Mindset On Time And Small Changes

Gram’s Wisdom 40: Small changes make a big difference.

How many of you had parents or other adults ask you, at 7 or 8 years old, what you wanted to be or do when you were grown, then laugh at your answer? I never understood what was funny. Some children just seem to know forever that they want to be a doctor, while others have no idea whatsoever and change their minds daily. The decision about what you want to do with your life is one of the most difficult things you'll go through. Fortunately, at this young age, you have plenty of time to sort this out. You’ve seen the cumulative effect time has on what you learn and the habits you make.

Gram often told me that being an adult doesn't come with a manual, that much of it can be trial and error, and you will make many mistakes along the way. One way to minimize risks is to make small changes as you grow over an extended amount of time, rather than trying to transform your life overnight. By observing, over time, the effect of your actions, you know how well, or not a particular decision is working for you. 

As a human being, you have the power to choose. Whatever you do, it's your choice. Do nothing and that is your choice as well. But how can you tell which choice is right and which is wrong? After all, the possibilities are endless. Don’t rush the decision. Try using these steps to choose your most significant small change for a better life.


Determine your meaningful objectives.

Whatever you want to accomplish, make sure it's meaningful to you. Stop looking at the objectives that others set for themselves. Their goals are not your goals. Why? Because they are not you. Setting an inappropriate objective for the wrong reason will not give you the result you hoped for.

Do you want to be a doctor with your own practice or own a florist shop? Do it because you want to, not because your parents are pressuring you or your friends believe it is the right thing to do.

Consider what would make you happy and add joy to your life. Go beyond the superficial and dive deep into what brings those feelings to you right now. Don't try to change things just for the sake of doing something new, unless new is the thing you desire. If you do that, you'll find it’s not sustainable, and soon you will lose your enthusiasm for it.


Simplify your goals.

Most people have some huge goals, such as owning a dream home, traveling around the world, or making a fortune. While there’s nothing wrong with dreaming big, these things take time and hard work.

Let's say you want to have a home by the sea. Break this goal into small, simple steps. Evaluate your income and expenses, determine how much your dream home would cost, and what’s involved in the process. Also, try to determine what small changes you'll have to make to accomplish your goal. Allow yourself ample time to reach your goal. Time compounds your effort.

Tackle one challenge at a time. Don’t try and do all the things at once.

For instance, you could begin by taking a second job or starting a side hustle. Put some money aside every month. As your side business grows, turn it into a full-time venture. Later, you'll be able to get credit and buy that dream home.


Constancy is key.

Believe it or not, you can bring your ideas to life without changing everything at once. It’s that important first step that can move you in the right direction. Small things, such as building a new habit over time, can go a long way toward your success.

Whatever tiny changes you make, turn them into habits. It's not enough to put money aside for a month or two. A house costs a lot more than that. Instead, save money every month for one year, three years, or five years. Commit to those years and celebrate the milestones as you achieve them.

If you feel like giving up, remember why you started in the first place. Focus on your end goal and remind yourself that everything you do brings you another step closer to the destination. Don't give up - your hard work will pay off. It's just a matter of time.


Small actions lead to big changes.

Taking the first step is always the hardest. It’s not uncommon to see people never do what they have in mind just because they’re too afraid to begin. New experiences come with a dose of fear. Not everyone is willing to let go of their fear and take on a new challenge. Be assured, though, that if you want to succeed, you must embrace the unknown and take risks.

No matter what you're trying to achieve, taking the first step can be terrifying. You might think:

    • What if I fail?

    • How will I make money?

    • What will people think?

    • What if I’m no good?

    • What if it's not the right time to do it?

    • Am I ready for this?

The truth is there is no guarantee that you'll succeed. But you'll never know how well it's going to turn out unless you try. Do you want to spend the rest of your life wondering "what if?”

That first step is always the hardest because it requires you to embrace the unknown and face your fears. It's also the most important step - without it, nothing will change.


My final thoughts.

Take a baby step to change your life. Most times, it's the smallest things that have the greatest impact on our lives. Small things take time to accumulate and build. It takes perseverance and dedication. You needn’t have everything figured out from day one. What you need is a goal and the courage to do one little, minuscule thing to get started.

Later, take another step and then another, and so on. Stop waiting for the perfect moment to get started. Stop overanalyzing and just go for it! The best time to begin is now.


For more information on how to establish a new change, read this post.

Small Changes Over Time Equal Big Results

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