3 Awesome Benefits From Daily Gratitude
When we practice gratitude, time slows, almost to a stop. And this is the time when we look up and feel grateful to be here, now, and alive. It is a mindful time, this slow time. It allows us to experience situations and things in a richer more fulfilling manner. Being grateful, paired with the things that bring value to our lives helps us feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.
But rather than an exhaustive list, let’s look at a short list of 3 things that cover most conditions you will face in life.
1| Feeling of acceptance, that you will have enough of what you need now.
2| Knowing how to end negative mindsets, and methods used to find inner peace.
3| Utilizing resiliency to believe you can overcome challenges and discover solutions.
When you understand gratitude.
When you feel gratitude, you appreciate what you have, and it runs much deeper than uttering a simple “thank you,” This is not a knock to “thank you”, without which our daily lives would not progress as smoothly. Gratitude comes from within your heart, and it involves a more deliberate focus on what you need in life, versus what you want or what society deems you should want. And when you are grateful, you not only show your appreciation to others and the world at large, but you are gifted with contentment, and a more positive attitude and outlook.
Being grateful begins when you recognize the many things in your life that are rewarding, positive, and good. And when you can make these acknowledgments, you will find that you begin feeling like you have enough. Instead of lacking something, your life feels very full. When you focus on gratitude for the positive aspects of your life, you see past the negatives and find that, regardless of adversities or pain, you have much to remember and honor in your life.
When you express gratitude for your life and the people and situations in it, you feel happier, and your steps become lighter. When you place your focus on what is positive in your life, rather than what is negative or lacking, you are more likely to see a rosier, more optimistic future. You may notice that with time it becomes easier to maintain this upbeat mindset, as well. When others see you as being appreciative, they will display a more positive attitude toward you, as well.
Learn to feel you have enough.
Learning to express more gratitude for what you already have, helps you value consumerism less in life. Pursuing wealth and the accumulation of “stuff” has been shown repeatedly to be a miserable substitute for true happiness and learning to value what you have makes you want or need less in your life, leading to less buyer’s disappointment and more enjoyment.
When you appreciate what you have in your life, and you feel deeply grateful for things, you learn the worth of the opportunities that exist and what could be achievable in your life. Working with a mindset that you need more, or just never have enough, leaves you feeling empty and always wanting more, but learning to feel grateful for what you have can help you to feel overflowing and that what you have is, indeed, enough.
When you see the opportunities that exist in life, rather than the life you anticipate or imagine will happen, you begin to learn and grow in new and vital ways that bring you happiness and joy. Learning to appreciate your life for what it is, rather than what you believe it should be, opens your mind and heart to realize the possibilities that lay before you.
“Sometimes we spend so much time and energy thinking about where we want to go that we don’t notice where we happen to be.”
Seeing life as it is, not as you expect it to be, gives you the chance to consider what you can do with the life you have right now. It stops you from thinking so much about the “might have been” and lets you instead concentrate on the “what is.” And when you learn to live in the present, you will see that your life is full and rich, and you already have what you need to accomplish your goals.
Discover inner peace with gratitude.
What obstructs you from feeling peace in your life? The apprehension and worry, the grief, the pain, and the wish for something you do not have all rob you of peace and contentment. All of these take a toll on your heart and your mind, leaving you with frustration instead of joy.
There are plenty of times in your life when it feels like there is nothing for which you can be grateful. Everything appears to be going wrong, and you are so tired of feeling crushed all the time. At last, you find yourself asking, “Why is this happening to me?” and finally you are ready for a shift in perspective. Rather than fixing only what is wrong in your life, that is the perfect moment to figure out all that is right, instead.
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The relationship between gratitude and peace.
When you contemplate the things, you have lost, do not have, or can’t have, you automatically create tension in your brain that results in discontent and unease. This focus on lack causes you to feel in need, which your mind translates into a necessity that must be addressed. When you focus, instead, on the things you have and what is positive in your life, your mind is at rest.
Gratitude for what you have helps you to be more patient with others and with life because you understand that you have much and that there is more to come. When you habitually focus on appreciating what you have, you feel like you need less, you can wait longer for a perceived benefit, and you are more likely to want to give to others rather than keep what you have for yourself.
Practicing daily gratitude.
If you are interested in developing a gratitude practice, there are many simple ways to incorporate this focus into your daily routine. Here are 5 examples that have worked for other people.
• Try a mindful breathing exercise. Sit quietly and take deep breaths. Be thankful for your ability to breathe in and out each time. Focus on how each breath affects your body and makes you feel.
• Each morning lay in bed or sit quietly and think of five things for which you are grateful. It only takes a few minutes, but it starts your day off on a positive note and helps you produce an optimistic mindset for the day ahead.
• Thank someone in your life. Be sure to recognize the large and small things that people do to help you. Whether it is a stranger or your partner, saying “thank you” and telling others why you appreciate them can have a powerful influence on you, as well as on them.
• Stop and look around you. Take notice of the beauty of the day, how the natural world enhances your life, or how the sun’s warmth makes you feel. Listen to the wind or birds, smell the flowers or fresh air, and feel the grass between your toes. Be grateful for what the world offers to you each day.
• Before going to bed each night, take a few minutes to reflect on your appreciation for the day. What were your blessings or gifts? What is going well in your life? What are you most grateful for currently?
Feelings of gratitude help you to feel that you have enough, that your world is full of positive things and people, and that you are satisfied. All of this helps you feel at peace with the world and within yourself. And once you achieve inner peace, it is easier to tackle the outer impediments, blocks, and struggles of daily life.
Gratitude increases resiliency.
When it comes to our negative self-talk, we are remarkably good at identifying and picking out all the things that are “wrong” with us or with our lives, what needs to be “corrected,” and how things are not so good for us right now. But it is more difficult for us to consider the positive aspects of our lives. Once we are in a state of upheaval, it becomes tricky to think past the problems we are currently facing and to be grateful for the blessings we have in our lives.
But, if you can make this mental shift, if you can change your mindset to one of gratitude over one of discontent or scarcity, then you will find that you are much better prepared to overcome barriers and move past setbacks in your life. It turns out that being grateful expands our resiliency and strength, which can help us in demanding times.
We focus on the negative.
There is a reason why your mind tends to think more about the problems you are facing. Your brain is geared toward this way of thinking because you must be aware of those hurdles that intervene in your life if you hope to move past them. You must be alert to complications, or else you will not be able to figure out how to conquer them. And, because the positive things in your life are propelling you forward mostly without your attention, your mind decides that you do not need to pay attention to those because, after all, they are working just fine without your awareness.
But are they? As it turns out, when you lose focus on the positive aspect of your life, you begin to feel more negative and have trouble seeing answers to the problems you may face. Negativity tends to breed more negativity, leading you to feel more miserable once you are miserable, more worried once you feel worried, and less like you can succeed when you experience failure or setbacks.
Being grateful takes attention and work. It is not something that will magically happen. But when you learn to focus on those things in your life that you appreciate, you will notice many improvements, including feeling stronger and better equipped to overcome the difficulties that you will inevitably face in life.
When you practice regular gratitude exercises, you not only see how you have been able to defeat past barriers and setbacks, but you trust more positively in your future. Being grateful helps you detect the positive things in your life that can help you to beat whatever you are facing, too.
When you are grateful and express this in your life, others see it and react positively, too, helping you form stronger relationships that can help you during distressing times. And being appreciative in your life improves your self-esteem, which can give you the extra lift you need to successfully navigate complexities and barriers.
Learning to be more grateful also helps you to see the positive aspects of the struggle, which include teaching you many valuable life lessons and helping you to build strength through hardship. Changing your mindset to one that values failure as a learning experience is invaluable to successfully navigating these types of setbacks.
My final thoughts.
Cultivating an attitude of gratitude can help you feel you have enough, fill your being with inner peace, and become more resilient and mentally strong over time. Try just one gratitude exercise per day to alter your mindset and convey all the positive values you esteem in your life.
For more information, you may want to look at these posts.
4 Ways To Practice Gratitude And Build Resilience.
Create A Gratitude Mindset Habit.
I hope you find this post beneficial and share it with your family and friends.