
Kindness And Its Importance In Your Life

Gram’s wisdom 48: Kindness is important.


“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention.”

Kahil Gibran


Some people are saying that kindness appears to be missing in our society. That far too many people are more connected to their devices than to what happens around them. That they are self-absorbed, inconsiderate, and uncaring.

I don’t believe that at all. Instead, I think the connected people who do care have found their methods of showing it. They are the ones who share pretty pictures, funny cartoons, uplifting messages, and stories of hope and redemption.

Sure, lots of people will scroll by those posts. But not everyone. There will be those few who stop and read, maybe even twice, because it resonates with them. Maybe it makes their heart a little lighter, or their day a bit brighter. And if that isn’t kindness, then I don’t know what is.

My Gram was a firm believer in kindness and compassion. Her view was that no matter how much or little you have, you will always meet people less fortunate than yourself, and they are deserving of your kindness, acceptance, and forbearance. She would tell me that kindness had real value. That it can be easy to throw money at people, but less so to spend your time or your energy.

She often remarked to me that unkindness was the cause of dissension between people. I guess there is a reason why parents tell children “If you can’t say something nice to someone, don’t say anything”.

According to Dr. John and Julie Gottman – founders of the Gottman Institute, which studies relationships – every successful relationship is, in the end, supported by kindness. What’s more, they claim the most important time you should be kind is during some type of conflict, such as when you are arguing with a partner.

Gram told me that a loving, long-lasting relationship with your partner means being able to examine him/her with tolerance, for things to appreciate rather than criticize.


So, why kindness?

As children and even as adults, you look for kindness from your family and friends. You give and receive kindness every day in some form.

Kindness moves people. You remember past kindnesses done to and by you. Kindness nourishes, restores, fortifies, and elevates how you feel about your life.

Studies have shown that kindness though, is not only a good moral value but it is good for you. It is beneficial to your brain, your body, and your emotions in many ways. It is a foundation for a meaningful life.

Here are 7 reasons why kindness is so important.

  1. Kindness makes you happier. And everyone seems to be looking for more happiness these days.  When you perform random acts of kindness, you stimulate areas of pleasure, social connection, and hope in your brain.

  2. It creates a positive loop in your mind. Kindness makes you happier and happiness makes you kinder. When you are happy, you are more likely to feel giving and kind towards others and act on it.

  3. Kindness creates social connections and bonding. As humans, a social connection of some type enhances your physical performance and boosts mental clarity. Being kind allows you to feel part of a group.

  4. Kindness helps with the healing process. When healthcare is delivered with kindness it can hasten the healing process, thereby shortening hospital stays. Kinder care leads to an array of outcomes including reduced pain, lowered blood pressure, and less anxiety for the patient and caregivers.

  5. Kindness can decrease or help prevent diseases. Kindness lowers our stress and anxiety levels and decreases pain because of the endorphins and feel-good hormones released at the time of the act.

  6. Positive emotions from kindness boost your vagus nerve which regulates blood sugar. This helps the body prevent diabetes, strokes, and heart disease.

  7. Selflessness has been shown to promote the reward area of your brain. Studies suggest that you get high on being kind.

No matter how small an act of kindness might be, it is good for you. Without kindness, life would often be lonely, filled with anger and despair, disease, and stress. But when kindness is both given and received with no expectations in return, life becomes calmer and happier with more meaningful connections to others.

Kindness is a superpower written on a brick wall


Being kind is a sign of weakness.

People often believe that being kind means you are a pushover and can be easily taken advantage of.

But is this true?

On the contrary, kindness does not equal weakness. It takes a great amount of courage to be kind to someone who thinks differently than you or is slowing you down in some way.

People who perform regular acts of kindness are often more successful, more resilient, have more friends, are more social, and are well-liked than those who don’t.

How kindness helps you be a better person.

  • Kindness increases confidence. Studies show that kindness increases your feelings of self-worth.

  • People remember you when you are kind and willing to help others. It sets you apart from others.

  • Kindness creates a ripple effect. One person being kind in some way spreads to others, who in turn spread kindness. Kindness is contagious, fostering more kindness.

  • Kindness evokes a sense of trust. Studies show that even before establishing your credibility, people who are kind and project warmth are more effective than those who are not.

  • Kindness bridges gaps between people. It can reach across barriers in language, gender, locality, religion, and anything else that causes people to misunderstand one another.

Luis Benitez, who has climbed the Seven Summits 32 times, says that kindness and compassion are essential to overcoming terrible physical and mental challenges. He often encounters horrible challenges during his climbs.

As an example, say you see someone limping on the day you need to reach the next camp. Instead of cursing their weakness and ignoring the pain, they are in, you stop to bandage their feet so they can keep up with you.

This is more than just being kind at the moment. If a member of the party lost their ability to hike, your entire group may have to return to the start. Stopping to help a teammate ensures you achieve your own goals.


Reclaim a sense of belonging through kindness.

It’s common to want to feel a sense of belonging. When you belong, you are acknowledged as a member of the group. A sense of belonging is a normal human need as much as the need for food and shelter is. When you feel like you belong, you feel your life has worth and you handle your emotions better.

Sometimes though, you can lose that sense of belonging.

This can be for a variety of reasons. Traumatic events could influence a person’s feelings of self-worth and self-compassion. Trauma often leaves survivors feeling out of step with the rest of the world. They feel lonely, overwhelmed, anxious, confused, and emotional pain creates a sense that they are different.

Your relationship quality is affected by your mental, physical, and emotional health. As researcher and author Brené Brown explains, “A deep sense of love and belonging is a complex need of all men, women, and children. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong.”

Recover a sense of belonging.

One way to help recover a sense of belonging is through kindness. Kindness releases the feel-good hormone. It makes you feel happier and improves your mood. Here are some ways to regain your sense of belonging.

  • Contribute to the lives of others by offering to listen and be a sounding board for them. This not only brings them joy but will give you both a feeling of connectedness.

  • Have compassion for others who are different from you. Spend time helping others who are less fortunate, and have different likes or needs than you.

  • Let go of judgments that build walls. Instead, focus on people by connecting with them. No one is perfect. Everyone has struggles.

  • Be kind with your words and way of thinking. Use words that offer strength, compassion, acceptance, and caring.

  • Begin building healthy relationships with others using kindness. Healthy relationships are important to a sense of well-being. Help trauma survivors realize they are safe and secure by showing them kindness.

  • Turn to your partner for support during tough times.

  • Give and receive compliments with kindness.

  • Begin doing things that bring you joy. Volunteer at an animal shelter. Give your time at a soup kitchen.

  • Join groups or clubs that are interesting to you. Participate in discussions and be kind to those who are members.

  • Kindness to both yourself and others is one of the easiest ways to begin gaining your sense of belonging back.


My final thoughts.

Kindness is the secret to a successful and satisfying life. Always be kind because your actions have a greater impact than you realize not only on you but others as well.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Please share it with those you love.


For more information, read these posts.

Why Is Kindness Important?

Little Kindnesses Create Huge Impacts.

Why Letter Writing Continues To Be Important

Gram’s Wisdom 38

While I am a journal writer and have been for years, my Gram wasn’t. Instead, she was a busy correspondent, writing to friends and absent family. Her letters would be bursting with news and questions. Why even I received letters when she was on vacation and reading them was almost like our conversations. I often wondered how she found the time to write, but I missed her and was glad she did.

You see, Gram’s letters were more than just wonderful descriptions of new locales or the different kinds of foods she would have eaten there recently. They were also full of interesting stories about the people she met. Before Gram closed the letter, she would ask me specific questions about what I was doing, how I was behaving and had I done anything special in her absence. And she expected me to write a detailed return letter.

The lessons I learned about letter-writing seemed to me, to begin with, mindfulness. The gathering of pen and paper, as well as your thoughts. Sitting down in your favorite space to begin communication with your recipient.

Then there are the feelings to convey and not just the passing on of information. The right words of sympathy to the lonely widow or an uplifting message to the man passed over for the promotion he deserved can make a huge difference in how they feel. Gram told me this is about communicating your understanding and keeping it individual and personal to them.

Generosity is another big deal here. It takes time to write a well-thought-out letter, and no one feels they have enough of that commodity any longer. When you hand-write a letter, you are in essence telling your recipient that you value them and that they are important to you.   

Many years later, Gram gave me a shoebox full of letters and placed on top a small bundle of letters I had written to her through the years. When I reread the words, I had written to her, I saw a fresh way of looking at some “pearls” she had been teaching me.

I chose the following 3 ways to get you started on your letter-writing habit. They are simple and relevant. Pick one and write that first letter.


How letter-writing can help attain your goal.

Letter-writing helps you attain your goal because it compels you to think about it, considering not only the why and the how, of the situation but the commitment you need to make to reach that goal.


It offers a living record. 

Having a record of the things you will do or have done in your life, whether it’s personal or work, is a beautiful thing. Hardly anyone has a perfect memory, so you’ll preserve the lessons you’ve learned even better with a record to look back at.

It provides accountability.

A letter helps you become accountable to yourself and to the friend or family member you have written to. Your habit of updating your correspondent about the progress of your goal will help you to become more accountable. 

It can be inspirational.

It’s more than possible that by watching you from afar, your friend sees the steps you have consistently taken to reach your goal and is inspired to act on a project. You might also be able to compile the steps from several of your letters into a course that would inspire many people.


Letter-writing to reduce loneliness.

It doesn’t matter what your issue is; if you want to overcome it, you can find a way to use letters to help. If it’s loneliness you’re experiencing, then more social interactions should be a benefit. The possibilities are truly limitless.


You can communicate your thoughts and feelings.

Writing is a time-honored way of communicating thoughts and feelings safely. You never have to let anyone read it. You can write it down in the form of letters to people, or yourself, that you keep when you’re done.

It helps nurture social connections.

It might seem like a strange notion to consider, but writing can even help you nurture social connections. The main reason is that as you read through what you’ve written, you’re going to discover ways to overcome your situation to find the healthy social connections you need.

You see the big picture more easily.

Looking over the things you’ve written in the past about any topic can provide insight into the situation that you were unaware of. The letters you wrote provide a way to see the bigger picture. You may feel lonely today, but it’s still less than yesterday, which lets you know it’s going to get even better from here.


Vacation letter-writing tips.

An excellent way to remember everything you’ve done is to keep a vacation letter for yourself. You’ll write an open-ended letter from the beginning of the trip to the end and add mementos and memories into the letter so that you can look back on it with pleasure and happiness. Plus, when you share your trip with others, your letters will be exciting and fun to read.


Write a little something every day.

Once you’re on the trip, don’t miss out on writing on any day. Try to find time to write in your letter when the experience is vivid in your mind. A sentence or a paragraph can be enough.

Add physical reminders to the letter.

Don’t just add text to your letter - also add color, images, and mementos. For example, save your tickets, the map from a day of sightseeing, or other little things you touched during your trip. It’s not necessary to buy anything extra to do this part.

Remember to write what was good as well as the bad.

You don’t want to look back on the trip and see that it’s not written realistically. It’s perfectly okay to talk about what was good and bad about the trip. Maybe you learned that you need different shoes if you’re going to walk that much? It’s a good thing to write down.

What have you learned from each day?

Add some fun facts that you learned about your destination, the people you met, the people you traveled with, and yourself. For example, did you learn that you love people watching when you didn’t know you did? Did you discover a historical fact previously unknown?


My final thoughts

When it comes to letter-writing, it’s like any other mode of communication. The important thing is to share yourself with someone in the hope that they in turn will share something of themselves with you. I can hardly imagine anything better than a years-long correspondence with a long-time friend or family member.


If you are interested in learning more about letter-writing, check out this post.

5 Life-Affirming Benefits of Writing Letters by Hand, According to Research


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