What Is The Essence Of Contentment?

Gram’s Wisdom 41

I’m sure you are more than familiar with the phrase or idea that you should be happy with what you have. All the same, when you don't have much, it’s easy to question such a notion. For a lot of people, contentment is elusive, a willow the-wisp. It's impossible to hold onto and there's always some piece of the puzzle that doesn't fit in their life.

My Gram told me in a perfect world we wouldn’t worry or fret about anything, we would be content, and then she’d go on to remind me that it is not a perfect world. I never saw Gram flustered because she felt inadequate or that she didn’t get enough done in a day. She once told me that busyness without purpose is just an unnecessary activity. She believed we should give ourselves the space to focus on what we love. As in many other things, Gram’s contentment was fueled by gratitude for her health, her strength, and her blessings.

In a perfect world, we would all be on the path toward wellness and contentment. So, this is an opportunity to set yourself on the path to contentment, and acceptance is key. The concept of contentment through acceptance comes from the idea that someone can feel satisfied with life, feel at peace with who they are, and be comfortable with where they are in life if they simply accept it.

Through self-appreciation and self-acceptance of the present moment, (mindfulness), you can achieve a level of life-contentment that has so far eluded you. You can achieve a level of tranquility and inner peace that you can move forward with.



A life minus contentment.

For many people, life is a competition. They constantly strive for more because they are comparing themselves with others. They are frantic to increase what they have and claw ahead of the pack. Whether it's their wealth, job title, home, or car.

There's always something to upgrade or add to. This sort of feeling will always impede your way of contentment, because how can you identify your good fortune if you are so focused on getting more than what you already have?

These types of people struggle to recognize true milestones and successes because it never feels like it's enough. The urge to push on overpowers any feeling of contentment. It's a burden, and it can be overwhelming.

For people who shape their lives around chasing accomplishments and goals, it can be challenging to appreciate those accomplishments. Even if they realize the vision they created of their ideal life and lifestyle, even if they check every box on their list, it might never be enough.

Learn to love yourself.

Contentment is an essential part of the human experience, even though it eludes many. It might not provide you with immediate, noticeable benefits, yet the qualities contentment brings can change your daily life and help you improve your relationships.

The first step to achieving contentment is acceptance. It's the acceptance of who you are right now. It's the acceptance of who you were in the past, even if you didn't like yourself. Contentment is the acceptance of your situation. It's acceptance of your position, your family, and every part of your life. The second step to contentment is not criticizing yourself, and the third is never trying to change others. When you finally accept these, what comes next?

Contentment can bring you peace of mind. Through acceptance of your life, you can enjoy a renewed positivity and peace of mind that will permit you to enjoy your days more. It doesn't mean you can't continue working toward improving yourself or your future.

Contentment can improve your feeling of happiness. It's so closely tied to feelings of happiness, that accepting your situation can boost your happiness levels. When you spend time feeling more grateful for what you have and what you've done, you can stop obsessing over doing more, which is going to improve your overall quality of life.

Contentment can lead to healthier relationships. As you accept your current situation and embrace contentment, you become a more positive person to be around. You also find it easier to accept others despite their shortcomings or flaws. It's easier to build healthier relationships when you accept your situation and find contentment.

Acceptance doesn't mean you let go of goals or give up on your dreams. It's normal to want to improve yourself and, you can do so while still feeling content. With a positive outlook and a degree of acceptance, you can lead a life of contentment.



Health and well-being.

Much of the unhealthiness that people experience is due to discontent. The mindless eating of junk food, while providing comfort and stress relief, can build up many health issues. Add this to a reluctance to exercise because of poor self-image, tiredness, or that same ill health, and what you have is a dangerous cocktail.

Depression is on the rise, and stress is out of control. How can anyone find contentment in this economy? It appears there's always something lurking there to bring you down.

From an endless stream of more bad news to outrage on social media and a growing ever-connectedness… it is tough out there. It all contributes to where you are now. One of the best ways to alleviate the stresses of the modern world, and stimulate contentment, is mindfulness.

Contentment is a state of being, and while it's linked to happiness, it doesn't mean you will always be happy. There are many ways you can build your contentment levels, but one of the biggest drivers of it is simplicity. Focus on the little things that give you simple joys. More to the point, focus on the present, which is exactly what mindfulness focuses on.


Mindfulness fuels peace and contentment.

First, there's that peace or inner calm. It's the state of being agitation-free. Perhaps a more accurate definition would be when the ocean of life is calm. You can better cope with what waves come when you begin from a place of peace.

When you mindfully meditate, it stimulates the area of your brain in control of emotions and thoughts It also engages the part of your brain that controls your worry levels. So, by engaging these parts of your brain and encouraging a sense of calm, mindfulness helps promote contentment.

I have always described happiness as a choice. It's something within you that you choose every day. While contentment might not be quite the same as happiness, there are a lot of choices involved that contribute to your sense of contentment.

While happiness is associated with pleasant emotions, contentment runs deeper. Often, happiness is a byproduct of contentment. Contentment is about being satisfied with your life, your situation, yourself, and the present moment. Wherever you mind yourself, you find a way to make the most of it. That is exactly what mindfulness promotes.


5 Characteristics Of Contentment PDF


Practicing mindfulness.

So, let's put you on the path to contentment by practicing mindfulness. With that in mind, I want to provide you with several choices on how to practice mindfulness.


Compassionate communication.

The most challenging time to practice mindfulness is when everything is topsy-turvy, and you are in defense mode. Often, those moments are when you are trying to communicate difficult ideas or emotions to someone. So, practice communicating with compassion.


◦          When you feel tense, and emotions are running high, pause and take a breath before you respond. Take a moment to reconnect with your compassionate self before you engage any further.


◦          Listen with an open heart and an open mind. You don't have to accept verbal abuse, but you can actively listen with compassion.


Practice gratitude.

There are a variety of ways you can practice gratitude. It isn't a complicated process, but what it does require is mindful commitment. You must commit to carving out a few minutes every day to practice. It's easy – just close your eyes and think of a few things you're truly grateful for.


Or you can keep a journal and make a list of three to five things you appreciate. It doesn't have to be complicated – it could be a thunderstorm to break the humidity, the strong coffee you had with breakfast, your body for getting you through the day, your job providing for your basic needs, your partner, children, or pet. Once you begin, you will soon see just how much you truly have.


Be an outside observer

When the ocean of life is calm, it's nice. But, what about when the waves are riding high? Practice observing them as an unemotional observer. When you deal with big emotions, you associate certain stories with them, and it becomes difficult to detach them from each other. It's the quickest way to drown in all that negativity.


You can use meditation to observe these emotions, label them, and separate them from what's going on.


Mindfulness meditation focuses on replacing negative thoughts with positive ones to break the negative mindset habit. It's something you can practice every day and in everyday situations. It increases your sense of gratitude, which further fuels your sense of contentment.


My final thoughts.

I believe that gratitude is the most important fuel we add to our lives. If you begin with gratitude, you will feel a noticeable amount of contentment. Add any of the above-mentioned changes to your day, and you will have life-changing contentment.


I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.


For more information, read the posts below.

Gratitude, Mindfulness, And Positivity, 3 Valuable Mindsets

The Simple Practice That Can Bring You Deep Contentment