
Contentment, A Positive Mindset Choice.

Do you see yourself as a contented person? Are you even aware that contentment is part of a positive mindset, that it’s your choice?

Many people are continually on the lookout for more to have, do, achieve, and desire, while other people are simply content. They are grateful for each moment and everything in it. Rather than thinking about how to pursue contentment, they focus on fueling happiness. But happiness is a temporary emotion, and, believe it or not, contentment is a choice.

Something that a lot of people do when they're young is to imagine the life they want as an adult. Teenagers begin trying to map out their future by determining what career path to take, what they want in a partner, and even the style of home and décor they will have. It's a normal part of the human process.

The dilemma is that numerous fortunate people who realize, find it’s not enough for them, they want more, even if they have plenty. It doesn't matter how much they have; it'll never be enough. Wanting is an endless and hopeless cycle.

You can never have everything because you will always want something else, something new, something more. When you understand that, you will begin to recognize how that wanting is negatively impacting your contentment levels. The more you want, the less contentment you feel because you think you will never have it.



 An exercise in contentment.

You can train yourself to be a more content person. And, as you practice this you will notice a difference in your contentment levels, but it's an ongoing journey. While happiness is a fleeting emotion, contentment is a long-term state of being.

As an example, you are running on a hot day. There is a long stretch on your route that is fully exposed to the sun. Halfway through the run, you reach a point where you are desperate for shade, a cool breeze, or a drink of water.

Suddenly, a cool breeze rolls in from nowhere. It is exhilarating, but it goes as quickly as it came. The delight of the breeze doesn't last long and when it fades, you’re feeling more frustrated and annoyed than ever that the wind disappeared. It doesn't take you long to realize how absurd it is that you are annoyed at your inability to control the weather. Yet, there you are allowing a temporary emotion to control how you feel.

How often do you become angry when things don't go your way? How often do you complain about silly things or expend energy on things that don't merit your attention? It's something we're all guilty of, however, some people feel it more than others.

If you want everything to be exactly as you want all the time, then you will never be content with life. If instead, you are accepting, you can find satisfaction and gratitude in most things. Then you will most likely always feel content with your situation. You can't avoid trouble in life, but you can build an unshakable level of contentment.


 Contentment is the acceptance of how things are.

By practicing contentment, you make a conscious decision to see your life as it is and accept it with gratitude. That doesn't mean you can't strive to better yourself or work on growing as a person. It means that even if you don't, you are content with where you are now.

You aren't pursuing more because you're unhappy. You aren't pursuing more because you think it's necessary for your contentment.

Your motivation is different, which means your intent is genuine. There is nothing passive about contentment; it is a choice that you need to make time and time again. Contented people are calmer, more understanding, and more open-minded. It's an internal attitude that you have total control over.

A sense of contentment is important for a happy life. When you’re feeling content, you have deep satisfaction in how your life is going, what you have in life, and where your life is headed.


5 Approaches to feeling inner contentment.

Sometimes, you will feel contentment can be challenging to experience. Different life circumstances can make achieving that feeling of contentment very difficult. However, it is possible to find a sense of contentment from within yourself – a valuable skill to have when life becomes difficult.


Approach 1: Keep a gratitude journal.

Gratitude journals are exceptional tools for nourishing contentment within yourself. It’s easy to take for granted everything you should feel grateful for in your daily life – keeping a journal is an excellent way to remind yourself of everything that’s going well.

Your journal needn’t be time-consuming and lengthy; it can be incredibly simple. Keep a small notebook on hand and take a moment or two each day to jot down something different that makes you feel gratitude. After you add something new to the list, review a past entry for a quick, positive reminder of how good your life is.


Approach 2: Spread positive energy every chance you get.

Spreading positive energy is a great way to feel contentment within yourself. Ultimately, the only thing you can control in life is yourself: You have the power to use kind words, make smart choices, and act wisely. Choosing to employ positive energy is a great way to develop a sense of contentment.

For example, you can spread positive energy around by doing random acts of kindness, volunteering your time, giving a friend encouragement, or sending a greeting card to a relative. While these activities don’t necessarily require much (if any) of your money or time, they place extra positive energy out into the world and build up your inner sense of contentment.


Approach 3: Make sure you prioritize your own life.

Unfortunately, many people do not prioritize themselves. When you spend all your energy on your family, job, and friends, you’ll likely end each day feeling drained and exhausted, not to mention resentful.

Remember that you have needs and cannot pour from an empty cup. Just as you prioritize other people in your life, you must also prioritize yourself. Give yourself time to participate in regular self-care, practice setting boundaries, and listen to your body – doing so will increase feelings of contentment from within yourself.


Approach 4: Embrace your strengths.

Every person has their own unique set of personal strengths and weaknesses. Rather than letting your weaknesses bring you down, accept that you’re human and try to play up your strengths instead.

It’s hard to feel content if you allow yourself to focus on the negatives all the time. Allowing yourself to focus attention on your weaknesses will make feeling contentment extremely difficult. Instead, give yourself your consent to focus on your strengths.


Approach 5: Celebrate all your successes, big or small.

There is no such thing as a small accomplishment. Whenever you succeed in something – whether it’s something big or small – give yourself a big pat on the back for doing it!

Unfortunately, there is a misconception that celebrating yourself (or at the very least, giving yourself credit for smaller accomplishments) is unnecessary or even selfish. This is entirely untrue. To experience contentment, it’s important to recognize when things are going right in your life. When you do well, give yourself the credit you deserve for doing the hard work to make it happen!


My final thoughts.

I believe that contentment, as well as happiness, are the simplest choices you can make. I choose them each day. I think that gratitude is the single most important aspect of contentment and that comparison-itis shreds happiness to bits. But you don’t need to take my word for it. If you develop an appreciative, grateful mindset, you can have contentment now.


For additional information, please read this post.

7 Ways To Feel Content With Your Life Right Now.


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Gratitude, Mindfulness, And Positivity, 3 Valuable Mindsets

A trio of mindsets.

What are your first thoughts in the morning the moment you wake up? Do you feel grateful for waking up to another day in your life? Are you filled with positive energy and appreciation? Are you eager to begin your morning habits/ tasks? Or are you more likely to rehash yesterday's anxieties and worries, leaving you feeling empty at the beginning of your day?

Too often, people aren’t aware of the way they begin their day. They just do whatever feels most natural to them. If your life is filled with stress and anxiety, it will feel natural to react with unease and negativity. But ultimately, who decides what your life feels like? You do.

It’s not situations that happen to you. It’s not your job nor the negative people you are surrounded by. You decide, whether you are aware of it or not, by allowing positivity or negativity to dictate your days. That's how you keep attracting more of whatever you give the most focus.

Rather than beginning your day on autopilot, try a mindful approach to gratitude. Exercising mindfulness helps you to be present at the moment. For 2-3 days, express gratitude for the air in your lungs, or just being alive. Once you have done that for a few days, you can expand your appreciation to include things like your comfortable bed or your first cup of coffee.


What changes may come?

Eventually, what appears to look like the key to changing all of that is some form of life intervention. And yes, some external changes can bring about an improvement in your well-being and life. Still, sometimes you’ve had enough. So, you ditch the toxic relationships, the soul-sucking jobs, or the unhappy places, and that makes a world of difference.

However, there is an equally powerful agent of change that can deliver tremendous results for your well-being. It doesn't cost much, and everyone can afford it - it's gratitude. Several studies show that expressing gratitude is the easiest and most reliable way to boost happiness and health. And who doesn’t want that?


The importance of positive thinking.

Positive thinking is an important basis for a person's overall life philosophy. It's almost too simple: "positive thoughts generate positive feelings and positive results." However, research on emotions confirms that positive emotions generally wear off very quickly. So how do you maintain it?

Your emotions revel in novelty so much that a brand-new car or a luxe handbag may only make you feel thrilled for a limited time. Soon the novelty wears off and depending on your car or bag as sources of happiness won't be sufficient.

You'll then need another pair of shoes or maybe a diamond watch to spark your excitement. This slump in your happiness factor can cost you big bucks if you rely on material things as primary sources of positivity. Because of their fleeting influence, 'things' don't sustain joy. You need something less temporary and more permanent.


Gratitude magnifies positivity.

Gratitude is potent because it doesn't cost anything but can attract and magnify more positivity in your life.

Fostering gratitude enables you to find joy in ordinary things, the little things, refining your ability to see value in the simplest of ways, creating lasting joy. Even if you're surrounded with material blessings, it’s gratitude that keeps you contented rather than feeling a need for more than what you have.

A person can look so blessed from the outside and the perspective of other people, but unless they're grateful, they often don't know how truly well-off they are. Some rich people are neither contented nor happy. They’re in a constant state of needing more to generate feelings of happiness.

Meanwhile, some people seem to have less in life but feel grateful and blessed because they have what matters most to them. Gratitude doesn't quantify whether you have much or have very little; it simply turns what you have into ample, causing you to 'have' so much more.


How mindfulness fits in.

Gratitude is wonderful; it's like a magic pill that causes you to feel happier and appreciate what you have. However, like everything else, it has its limitations.

When bad things happen to you, it can at that moment be difficult to feel grateful. Gratitude, however, can help shine a light on other reasons to feel more thankful and blessed with life, but it doesn't deliver solutions on its own. Gratitude alone won't help you fix your problems.

Thus, your ability to accept things for what they are or how they are is just as important. Life will regularly deliver knocks. When situations are difficult, we need to find a way to respond graciously even if life is crappy. Gratitude may not be enough to eliminate natural feelings that come because of your situation.

Sometimes, gratitude needs more time to awaken your awareness. This is where mindfulness comes into play. Take time to observe what’s around you. It may be you may need to give yourself a few days or weeks to begin benefitting from the practice of mindfulness in your life.

For this very reason, acceptance of your situation is key. A non-judgmental kind of acceptance and awareness that will help you remain gracious despite difficult situations is what is needed.

Mindfulness is as fundamental to positivity as gratitude is. In moments when it's difficult to appreciate things and find the light in the darkness, mindfulness can help us make space for healing to occur. However, gratitude will reinforce our resilience and help us practice mindfulness and take the necessary actions to tackle any problems.


My final thought.

The three mindsets, gratitude, positivity, and mindfulness, tend to improve anything they are coupled with. So, include them with a success or productivity mindset and watch your career take off. Add them to kindness and see the difference you can make in other people’s lives.


For more information on this topic, read these posts.

Mindfulness And Gratitude

The Effects Of Gratitude On Your Life And Health


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