Gram’s wisdom 27
Have you considered how your mindset works for you? Maybe not. Maybe you take it for granted. It’s just the way you think about things, and you haven’t bothered to give it a designation of some kind.
That’s the way my Gram was. So many of the trendy words we use today would have meant nothing to her. Gram was an eyes and heart wide open person. The epitome of an extrovert, her mind and hands were always busy doing what needed to be done. She may not have called it so, but Gram had an active, engaged mindset.
Until the age of ten, I was terrified of angering anyone, ever. Gram took me aside, saying I could always do or not do a thing if I wanted, not that I always should, but that the choice was mine to make. Then she said, when facing difficulties, the choices are usually the same, to act, to accept what can’t be changed at the moment, or passively do nothing and allow events to roll over me.
Gram was an energetic woman, who was actively grateful, engaged, positive, kind, learning, resilient, and abundant. She was steeped in a fix it or forget it culture. She told me that if you live passively, you will wake one day to find your life has passed you by.
When I accepted this advice, some alterations were made to better fit my introverted nature. Mindsets are not static, or one size fits all, and we all need to make some adjustments.
Would you like to know more about Gram’s mindset? Then read this past post.
Abundance Is Not a Singular Pursuit
Mindset meaning
So, if you didn’t know, your mindset is a person’s way of thinking and their opinions. It is what urges you to take a certain action or nudges you to stop acting on something. It’s a story that you tell yourself about your identity and the world around you. The various types can mean different things to everyone, regarding how and why you think as you do. Remember every mindset has its benefits and drawbacks.
Do you know your mindset?
The number of mindsets that exist is determined by how much you generalize the term. Finding your type is key to your understanding the dynamics of how you operate in every single area of your life. The two primary types of mindsets highlighted here are an Active attitude and a Passive stance. They each have benefits and disadvantages.
If you have a passive mentality, you are inclined to believe that bad things always happen to you and that your future is in the hands of an uncaring fate. You believe that luck is a critical factor for success, or that you aren’t “meant to have XYZ.” You may be hesitant about committing to a position or even disparage your own opinions.
“Nothing happens until something moves.”
Some sub-mindsets of a passive mindset include:
· Avoid committing
· Bottle emotions
· Defers to Others
· Lack confidence
· Seeks approval
· Struggle to make life decisions
Characteristics include:
1. Accepts unjustified criticism
2. Desire to keep the peace
3. Fail to act
4. Go with the flow
5. Unable to deal with confrontation
6. Mirrors the characteristics of others
7. Say yes to not disappoint others
8. Self corrects or edits speech
9. Shirk responsibility
10. Stay trapped in a comfort zone
If you have an active style you believe you have ownership and are in control of your reactions to life. You expect to have favorable responses to your actions. You don’t wait for things to happen to you but seek out and explore new opportunities.
Some sub-mindsets of an active mindset include:
· Confidence
· Direction
· Gratitude
· Intent
· Ownership
· Success
Characteristics include:
1. Ably change and develop skills
2. Acceptance of responsibility
3. Commit to accomplishment and growth
4. Deal with challenges
5. Feel empowered
6. Feel gratitude for what you have
7. Learn from failure
8. Make opportunities
9. Think big and know what you want
Your mindset significance
Those in the “passive” category tend to feel powerless over any ability to influence their established nature while those in the “active” category are far more confident about who is calling the shots concerning their actions.
There are a few other significant differences relative to these two attitudes toward the theory of mindset and how much control any given person has over their own lives.
The primary one being how a person views mistakes or obstacles and the attitude that they foster when the inevitable hindrances arise. For example, those with a passive style are apt to become easily downcast by impediments and are far more likely to “throw in the towel” so to speak at the first setback, whereas those with an active attitude are far more positive in their outlook and choose a more inventive tactic to overcome difficulties.
Given what is already understood about the two opposing approaches to mindset, the passive attitude does not leave much room for growth, learning, or personal prosperity, while the active mentality is the healthier, more constructive option that is most likely to maximize an individual’s success and resulting overall happiness in life.
It is also vital when discussing this topic to consider just how our attitude can affect us other than our ability to develop and flourish and be successful.
For one, there is the knowledge that our mindset can have a major influence on our health and physical well-being, in that a person who tends to consistently be disheartened or depressed is far more likely to have that morose mentality suppress their immune system, which in turn means that those with a passive approach are more prone to illnesses and tend to take longer to recover from whatever ailment to which their pessimistic attitude has subjected them.
People with an active mindset tend to prioritize themselves both mentally and physically. They may exercise regularly and get more restful sleep, so, they become sick less often and most certainly are inclined to be happier and healthier.
For more information read this post by Claudia Hammond.
How Your Mindset Determines Your Health
Understanding the power of choice
It is generally agreed upon among psychology and other professional experts on the subject that any person ultimately does have control over which mentality they choose to foster, meaning that simply because someone has been functioning with the passive mindset for any part or all their lives, this in no way means that they can’t choose to transform to a far more positive, active approach.
Overall, your mindset matters in all areas of your life, including your physical health no matter what phase of life you are in.
That means that there is hopeful news for those who find themselves mired in the pessimistic passive mentality in that their defeatist attitude toward their accomplishments and success need not be permanent and can always be improved upon.
My final thought
There are countless mindsets in my opinion because we are such multifaceted beings. They are not intrinsically good or bad. It is in our behavior that the benefit or drawback of a particular mindset can be seen. A passive person may feel he always defers to others, but he might always be chosen for the team because he works well with others.
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