Abundance Is Not A Singular Pursuit

Gram’s Wisdom 20: An abundance of the right people

My Gram’s life was filled with an abundance of so many things, not the least her 101 years. Fortunately, for me, she happily shared stories of a life lived abundantly. The lessons she taught me and the example I was shown have allowed me to live my own abundant life.  

Gram told me an abundant life begins with the knowledge that you are worthy and deserving. She also felt you need to see the world as unlimited, believing that abundance is available all around you.

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Choose your life

Gram said there are two choices in how you live. You can choose to live with an awareness of all the good in life. Or, you can choose not to. With the latter, you aren’t in control of your thoughts, mind, or circumstances. You are seeing yourself as the victim, even if you don’t mean to.

She knew when you go through difficult times, it can be hard to come out undamaged on the other side. However, you must recognize those difficulties for what they are. Whatever it is, it’s a chance for you to become the best version of yourself.

One of the things I learned from watching my Gram is no one is meant to remain as a single version of themselves. As people, we need to progress, if we expect to grow and evolve. More importantly, why should we come out of difficult times unmarred? We wouldn’t be human if it didn’t influence us in some way. The key is to learn a lesson and use those lessons to improve as a person.

Abundance through personal growth

Personal growth will assist you in your bid to live in awareness. This way of living makes you more in tune with yourself. You are unafraid to ask yourself what you need and want. This is how you put yourself in the best position to manifest abundance. But not just any abundance. No. You want an abundance of what matters most to you.

Think of the people who pursue an abundance of wealth yet seem miserable. It seems as though they don’t know themselves. Think about when you have gone unfulfilled after reaching a goal because you realize after the fact that it wasn’t what you truly wanted. It’s something you have likely done, completely unaware that you aren’t in touch with your inner wants, needs, and desires.

My Gram did not use words like self-growth or mindset, but she was certainly aware of the concepts. From her I learned that in every moment you can choose compassion, you can choose authenticity, you can choose positivity, that you can choose abundance.

Abundance is a mindset, and this mindset can affect your life in all ways. You can’t help but live abundantly when you learn to see life from this perspective.

Here are 5 great ways to lead an abundant life.

Appreciate life right now

Even if you’re still trying to achieve an abundant life, you should never stop practicing gratitude every day. Gratitude turns what we have into more than enough. It unlocks the fullness and access to the abundance of life.

You complete the cycle of abundance through receiving it and giving it back. One day, when you’re where you want to be and have manifested the abundance that you were once attracting and creating for yourself, pay it forward by teaching and guiding others as well. There’s no better proof of abundance than people helping each other out and adding value to lives.

Avoid negative people

You need to identify good people who are positive and open to similar views you hold about life. Abundance makes people happy, relaxed, and puts them at ease. It makes them confident about living life each day. Negative people do not operate on this belief, so limit your time with them if you cannot influence them to make an effort to embrace a better mindset.

If they are always complaining avoid them. They are only trying to make you feel that there is a lack of everything, money, breaks, understanding. They will always be playing the ‘no money card’ if they can’t change your mindset, they will hope you will give them what they need to stop their complaining. In this scenario, someone’s got to give, don’t let it be you.

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When you’re practicing an abundance mentality, it’s impossible not to love the act of giving. When you see life brimming with possibilities and limitless opportunities, you love to give it away to others. You see that so many people can benefit from how you see the world, either through helping them or empowering them to see life the way you do. Learning how to give and loving the act of giving is an inevitable aspect of living an abundant life.

Learn from others

If you want to create abundance, learn from others. Reading success stories is inspiring and motivating. It can help you believe in yourself. You begin to feel that you’re capable of achieving something similar. Once you realize you can do it too, you will.

When you’re guided by someone who has been where you are, it motivates you to achieve the same heights of success. Getting a mentor’s guidance and help will encourage you to live an abundant life by understanding that help is always available when you need it.

Love yourself and accept yourself

To live an abundant life necessitates that you love and accept yourself fully. When you recognize your worth and acknowledge that you are deserving, you will begin to attract more of what you desire.

When you’ve laid the foundation of your beliefs and affirm yourself as worthy, you always become open to receiving the natural abundance that life is ready to give you. The universe is always ready and simply waiting on us to ask for what we want.

My final thought

My childhood was fraught with difficulties. Lovingly, my Gram provided a safe haven for me and supported me in many ways, always making me feel that I mattered. From years of observing her, I learned one of the most significant lessons of life. It is the people who love us who are our most important source of abundance.

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