Make Room For Harmony In Your Life

Harmony, Isn’t About Doing All The Things

What do you imagine when you hear the word HARMONY? I looked it up in my Webster’s Dictionary. One of the definitions describes it as a “pleasing or congruent arrangement of parts.”

So many people believe harmony is all peace and life falling into place just the way it’s supposed to do. Except when it doesn’t, and then you fight an overwhelming tide rather than go with the flow of the universe.

Think again about that definition. Face it. What pleases isn’t always congruent with the parts and what is congruent with the parts isn’t always pleasing.

So, what small changes can you implement that will create a more harmonious life?

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 Slow down

Are you trying to do too much? Can you become a billionaire, marry the man of the year, have a happy family, be a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and raise champion Corgis? Will doing all the things add harmony rather than chaos to your life? Probably not. But I bet you already knew that.

Sure, there’s a lot you can do, but there’s a lot you can’t do, too. Whatever you do there is a cost. This is real life we’re talking about. However, you can have a lot, and it can be harmonious.


Take a quick look at why you can’t do it all

1.  There’s a limited amount of available time.

You can’t have everything; you can’t do everything necessary to have everything. Everything you do requires time.

● Getting and maintaining the perfect abs takes time.

● Becoming a great chess player takes time.

● Building a billion-dollar company takes time.

● Creating and maintaining a successful relationship takes time.

● Being an expert figure skater takes time.

● Writing a great book takes time.

● Creating harmony takes time and is best achieved in the present moment. What do you want the most?

2.  Some things don’t play well together.

You can’t become the world’s greatest pick-up artist and be married. You can’t be the strongest woman in the world and be healthy while yo-yo dieting. You can’t live like a playboy and maximize your spiritual development.

● Certain activities just get in the way of other activities.

3. Emphasis on one thing leads to sacrificing others.

Time spent on one area of your life leaves less time for other areas of your life. There are always sacrifices to be made. Balance in life is, well, a balancing act.

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Harmony, what it takes to have a lot

  1. Choose your priorities.

Since there isn’t time to do everything, it becomes necessary to prioritize your time and actions. Accept that things will change when you do this. Consider the most important things you want to have.

2.Determine what you’re willing to let go of.

Prioritizing doesn’t just mean choosing what’s important. It also means deciding what you’re not going to spend time on anymore. That could be the negative inner talk that no longer serves you.

● Maybe writing that novel isn’t that important to you. Or maybe beating yourself up isn’t the best use of your time. If that’s the case, make it a point to avoid those activities.

3. Assign your time accordingly.

Once you know your priorities, use your time accordingly. If you’re ever confused about what to do, remind yourself of your priorities. Ask yourself how you can best use your time according to your priorities.

The idea that you can do everything you want isn’t true. It’s something motivational speakers and your mother told you to make you feel better. You can’t do it all. Especially if you want a harmonious life that brings you happiness rather than a life trying to do all the things that leave you feeling overwhelmed.

But you can still manage to do and have a lot. Having a lot means prioritizing how you spend your time. Wasting time is the ultimate way to limit yourself. Spreading yourself thin between too many things is also detrimental.


Always remember–you can have a lot! What do you want? Keep these ideas in mind and make it happen!


My final thought

I have lived a harmonious life filled with peace, love, laughter, joy, and happiness for forty years. Not every day but more days than not. I believe the secret is to choose what is most important to you and add any congruent parts that show up, as you go along.


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