This post is a direct result of the jump in numbers of a past post. A kind of addendum if you please. So, if you choose not to read this don’t worry. I will be back next week with something along the usual lines.
Are you getting along with your pandemic?
You see, here’s the thing, this pandemic is not the same for all of us. It neither treats us all the same nor do we react to it in the same manner. What does appear to be similar is we are all missing someone or something.
Who are you missing?
Everyone I know misses someone. I see it when I go to the grocery store. People talk to strangers behind a mask as if they are long lost friends, I miss my grandson Nathanial. This brings me to my real focus. Ideas you may want to integrate into your Grandparent’s Journal. I will place the link at the end of this post to one I wrote in October 2019 giving how and why reasons for you to leave a journal for your grandchildren.
What do you miss?
Out of the home entertainments and activities being considered unsafe at this time find many people spending their time differently than they had in the past. For some, new hobbies are coping mechanisms to battle the loneliness they feel. While others see this time as their chance to take up something, they may have felt they hadn’t the time to do until now.
“Love is the greatest gift that one generation can leave to another.”
Leave your thoughts behind.
When this situation has finally become a thing of the past, there is no doubt that one of the questions people will want to know from one another, is “what did you do to pass the time?”
I had asked my Gram about the Spanish Flu pandemic. She was a young girl of 10-12 years old then. But she had no real answers for me other than they were lucky. They lived out in the country and seldom saw anyone.
So, I thought about some of the questions I should have asked her and turned them into journal prompts. These will make an interesting addition to your Grandparents Journal or to the journal you keep for yourself.
10 Pandemic prompts.
1 | How has the pandemic altered my day-to-day life?
2 | How has the pandemic changed the way I work?
3 | What has become more difficult to do now?
4 | What has become easier to do now?
5 | What do I miss the most due to the pandemic?
6 | What do I miss the least due to the pandemic?
7 | I have begun a new hobby and it is ______.
8 | How has the pandemic changed the people in my life?
9 | What precautions have I taken in my environment to keep myself safe?
10 | What am I grateful for, especially in these abnormal circumstances?
My final thought
I hope to come out on the other side of this pandemic and like my Gram I want to feel able to say, we were fortunate. In the meantime, some of the silly or seemingly insignificant things that get left out of the phone calls to my grandson have been included in my grandparent’s journal.
Here is the link to What Is A Grandparent’s Journal
I hope you enjoyed this short post. Please share it with your family and friends.