
Healthy Aging, Do What Makes You Happy

Gram’s Wisdom 26 Choose the things that make you happy

I never knew a time when my gram wasn’t actively doing something. 

Gram hadn’t been a stay-at-home mom. She had been the breadwinner for her family of six children during the depression and was still employed outside the home all the years of my childhood.

We would go shopping and to the movies. She loved music and always had the radio on in the kitchen. It provided the perfect background to the cooking lessons she would give me.

Gram loved to travel and would get on a plane at the drop of a hat. She took her last trip alone at 96 to visit an uncle.

You can enjoy your life at any age, so don’t let the fact that you are middle-aged or a senior adult, keep you from the activities you want to pursue. Choosing things you love to do helps keep you active and brings a lot of happiness into your life.


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Did you have favorite pastimes you can take up again?

What are some activities you used to love doing but haven’t done in a while? Think about what you used to find a lot of joy in, such as crafts, watching certain types of movies, a form of exercise, going to a certain fun place in your area, or spending time with people you haven’t seen in a while. Even if you can’t do the exact activity, it might lead you in the right direction. For example, if you used to knit a lot, but have stopped because of arthritis, it at least tells you that your soul might be missing a creative activity or a type of craft. Think of some other similar activities that won’t hurt your hands as much, but still bring you a similar emotion.



What have you always wanted to do?

Another way to find new activities for your mental and physical health as you age is to consider what you have never done before but always wanted to try. You of course want to consider any limitations you currently have, but I bet there are many activities you can get involved in that you will fall in love with and are brand new to you.

This might be going on a hike with a friend, trying indoor mountain climbing, or learning a new craft or hobby. Maybe you have always wanted to teach someone your favorite hobby or mentor people in your skillset. There is no better time than now!



What about a bucket list?

This probably isn’t the first time you have heard the term “bucket list”, but if you have never had one, nor focused much on the one you already have, there has never been a better time to revisit the idea. A bucket list is simply a list of things you want to accomplish in your life. These can be places you want to visit, friends you want to catch up with, interests you want to pursue, or things you want to accomplish in your life.

Everyone has a different bucket list and a different reason for having one. As you age and into your later years, it is a great idea to work on your bucket list. It helps you to focus on your goals, expand the fulfillment in your life, and enjoy life for what it is.



Begin with your passions

To start working on your bucket list, think about what your passions are. What activities bring you the most joy? What do you turn to when you have a day off to do what you want? What is your favorite form of self-care?

The answers to these types of questions usually lead to your biggest passions in life. Maybe when you have a weekend off, you enjoy going on a road trip because you love to travel. Or you are someone who enjoys having family over whenever you get the chance. Or maybe your favorite activities are creative ones, like drawing, writing, or creating something at home.

Think about your passions, then think of what aligns with them, that you have always wanted to do, but haven’t had the opportunity yet.


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Don’t put it off any longer

This is the easiest way to start working on your bucket list. Think of things big and small that have been on your “life bucket list” that you haven’t yet done. Maybe there is a place you want to travel to, an activity like skydiving or scuba diving you always wanted to try, or a local event you seem to miss every time, that you want to make a point to go to.

Your bucket list is personal to you and may include a wide range of things as small as books you want to read, to big things like owning your first house or buying a new car.



How to begin crossing items off

Once you have collected a list of things you want to do, begin figuring out what you can do soon, and what will take more planning to accomplish. This might include some type of research, saving money for a trip, or finding a friend to do a certain activity with you. Pin your list to your wall, put it in your planner, and focus on crossing items off your list.



My final thought

Gram and I were fortunate that in her last years we became best friends. Like any best friends, we shared a similar love of music and attended concerts together. I bought CD’s for us to listen to. We watched our favorite movies together on Friday nights. I cooked the meals she loved that she had prepared for me, many years ago. We read some of the same books so that we could discuss them. I don’t know if these were on her bucket list, but they were certainly on mine.


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How Mindfulness Helps You Enjoy The Journey

Gram’s Wisdom Installment 3

Life moved at the pace of molasses when you were a kid. Long drowsy summers broken up by even longer years of school. Those are wondrous years when there were no small moments and enjoying the little things came so naturally to you.

Soon those years are gone and you enter your place in the rat race. Somewhere between the struggle for the corner office and the raising of perfect children the moments seem lost to you and the enjoyments fewer.


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Stop and Smell the Flowers

Gram told me that our lives all have the same destination. The journey to that destination has hills and valleys, twists and turns, and too frequently a detour or two. Then she assured me that we all arrive at that destination each in our own good time. You can enjoy the journey or let it pass you by unnoticed. Your choice. The secret she said was to enjoy the trip by repeatedly stopping to look at and smell the flowers. Today we call that being mindful.


A balanced life is a myth

You become so involved in your work that everyday things, important things, get shoved to the side and forgotten. Yes, you need to give your job time and concentration, but it shouldn’t be the sum total of your life.

Nor should any other part of your life take up all of your time and mental resources. But life is messy and comes to us in seasons, not resting on the head of a pin. Not waiting for its turn to have your full attention.

Is it any wonder that your life passes you by for days or weeks on end as you exist on autopilot? Do you frequently feel directionless or frazzled?


Why mindfulness?

The practice of mindfulness helps to anchor you to moments in your life. When you bask in the glory of a fresh new morning as you listen to birds sing and feel the sun on your skin, you know your enjoyment of the day is better for having had that experience.

Mindfulness is an awareness of yourself, how you feel, your senses, and of your surroundings. Not just as an onlooker as your life slips by, but as an active participant. To be present in a moment and mindful is to open yourself to it completely. To fully engage all of your senses and then examine in a non-judge mental way how they makes you feel.


Mindfulness benefits

Mindfulness opens your heart. Because you open your mind and senses to your experiences your heart will follow. The things you do or the time you spend with your loved ones is done with loving hands and a loving heart. Your whole-hearted presence is felt in the lives of those for whom you care.


For more benefits check out my previous post 10 Best Reasons For You To Become Mindful.



“The feeling that any task is a nuisance will soon disappear if it is done in mindfulness.”  -Thich Nhat Hanh



Make time for self-care

Your friends, partners, children, and work all need your care and attention. But for you to do this you must make caring for yourself a priority. Take time out to slow down and take part in fun activities that renew your energy. Take a walk, read a book, or binge on your favorite TV show. You choose. Self-care isn’t selfish it’s a necessity.


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