How To Avoid Catching A Cold Or Flu

Much of what you will read in this new series will seem familiar. That’s because regardless of what you call her; Grandmother, Granny, Nana, Grandma, or Gram like I called mine and my Grandson calls me, she gave us similar advice. Some of it remembered and some or much is forgotten. Yes, and the truth is as the years or a generation passes by some things change, but some things don’t. What I offer here is very basic information about those things that remain the same.

Minimize the chance of cold or flu.png

Something my Gram told me

The 2 simplest and most effective ways to skip the cold and flu season:

1.     Wash your hands, a lot.

2.     Do not touch your face with your hands.

Unless you never leave your home, you have no idea who has touched the counter you picked up your coffee from or the change you received when you paid for it. Money is filthy and many unknown hands touch it. What, you used your debit card. How about that keypad you swiped and entered your pin into? Who was the last person to use it before you?

Your hands and face are the perfect vehicle to pick up cold and flu germs. Everyone should be carrying a hand sanitizer when leaving the house.

Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings.

Publius Syrus

Dress Appropriately

Keeping your head covered when you go outside and your feet dry goes a long way toward helping you maintain your wellness.

Keep surfaces at home sanitary

When you and your children come home do backpacks, handbags, or shopping bags end up on the kitchen table or island? Where have they been? If you aren’t sure or even if you are, once they are removed use a sanitizer on those surfaces before preparing or eating dinner. (I like a fifty-fifty preparation of hydrogen peroxide and water in a spray bottle.) Don’t forget to spray Lysol on those backpacks frequently.

Our bathrooms especially a shared bathroom is another room with surfaces we all touch. Faucets, counter, drinking glass, toilet. All these surfaces need to be sanitized more often during cold and flu season. (If someone has caught a cold or the flu, replace toothbrushes.) 

Last but not least don’t forget to wipe down door knobs, remote controls for TV or games, and light switches.

Doing the laundry

If everyone in the home is healthy your laundry routine is likely to be more than adequate. When illness visits the house it is time to step up that routine. Whoever does the laundry is vulnerable to catching and passing any illness in the house. So wash those hands.

Launder the clothing and bedding of the sick person more frequently and alone if possible. Pre-wash with a laundry sanitizer before running it through a normal cycle. Use the warmest water temperature the fabric will accommodate and the same when you put it in the dryer. If you live in a climate where you are able to hang your laundry out that’s even better as the sun is a great germ killer.

If you know anyone who would benefit from the information in this post please share it.