Joyce A Russell | Living Tips | After Sixty

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Healthy Mind And Body Habits Increases Happiness

Improve your overall health

When you are improving your daily routine to be happier and more fulfilled as you age, you must consider your mental health. From reducing stress to changing your mindset, your mental health should be given just as much care as you give your physical health.

Consider adding these daily habits to your routine for improved mental health.


Healthy stress relief

Stress affects everyone at any age, but it can take an even bigger toll on you as you age. Stress affects your mental health just as much as your physical health, so you must get a handle on it right now. You should add some stress-relieving pursuits to your normal routine.

Several ideas for activities include:

·         Yoga or another form of exercise in the morning

·         Writing in a journal

·         Reading your favorite kind of book

·         Finding a relaxing hobby that takes your mind off your stress

·         Spending time with loved ones


Don’t isolate yourself 

It seems easy to stay indoors and keep to yourself as much as possible, especially if your mental health is struggling, but this makes it even more important that you socialize. Even if that means inviting people over to your home where you feel comfortable or meeting once a week with a friend to have coffee. You need to get out of your normal surroundings. This can help with anxiety, stress, and depression. It helps you to build a solid foundation and gives you a healthy thing to add to your routine.


Combine activity and engagement

While exercise and staying active is great for your physical health, including maintaining good cardiovascular health and even preventing certain diseases, it is also amazing for your mental health. With simple exercises like yoga or walking, you can boost your endorphins to put you in a better mood, give you more energy, and help relieve anxiety.

An active lifestyle and engaged mindset will ensure you are doing everything you can for both your body and your mind. This is going to help a lot with happy, healthy aging.


Have a helpful mental and emotional support system

Lastly, you want to have a helpful support system in your life for your mental and emotional health. This can be different for different people, but it might include having a counselor or therapist, a close group of friends you can spend time with when you need to, or a relative who understands your mental health issues and is always receptive to your needs.



Improving your physical health

It’s an uphill battle to improve your mental health if you’re physically a wreck. Your mind and body are made to work well together, however, the breakdown of one can lead to the breakdown of the other.

Introduce these habits into your routine to help improve your physical health as you age.


Eat nutritious, balanced meals

I know, I know. You need to watch what you eat. It seems that everyone is on some kind of diet these days. But this isn’t a strict diet where you are cutting out entire food groups or trying to eat a diet of kale and salmon. While those are healthy choices, eating a balanced diet is more about what you add in, not what you take out.

Start by making small changes. Adding in more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy, lean protein, and drinking lots of water. When you eat a nutritious diet, you stay healthy and can help reduce the risk of certain age-related diseases.

Add movement into your life as frequently as you’re able

For your physical health, you also want to get routine exercise. Again, you don’t need to put too much pressure on yourself to spend hours at the gym or run a marathon. Regular exercise a few days a week is all that is necessary unless you have more specific fitness goals.

Consider forms of physical activity that you enjoy and will make you happy. You should be excited about your exercise, not dread it. For you, this might mean a yoga class with your friends, going for a walk or riding a bicycle, or doing workouts at home on your treadmill or with a kettlebell.


Emphasize preventive care

Remember that a lot of your physical health comes down to what you do before you get diseases or become unhealthy as an older adult. Emphasizing preventive care is crucial, so even if you’re perfectly healthy now, you still need regular doctor visits.

Your doctor can typically discover things earlier, which allow you to get proper treatment and make needed adjustments to your lifestyle. This will improve your health, and ultimately your happiness as you age.


My final thought

I am happily moving forward into some of my best years. The reasons for this are the healthy mind and body that have reliably carried me through many years. I am strong, my mind is clear, and I haven’t even had a cold in more than 5 years. From the time I was a young girl, my Gram reminded me often that your health is your wealth. It’s not too late to begin making your improvements, to have happy, healthy aging.


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