Joyce A Russell | Living Tips | After Sixty

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You Are Worthy Of Abundance

6 Ways to feel prosperous when you aren’t, yet

Abundance. Prosperity. We all want that in our lives. But for some it’s meaning is wealth and success on a grand scale. While others of us want healthy, happy families and the ability to live in peace and harmony. There is no right or wrong choice. That depends on the meaning you attribute to those words and how you want to feel.

Regardless, if you want to be prosperous, feel prosperous. If you want to succeed, you must believe that you are very much worthy and deserving of it. It doesn’t matter where you are right now, what matters is what you want because that is the beginning of creating it with your mind.

To be guided by the belief that everything is a product of a state of mind is revolutionary, and yet, this has become the teaching common to all financial gurus and masters of prosperity.

Wealth is a mindset, as are all things worthy of experience in this life. Things like prosperity, happiness, abundance, and love.

Maybe you aren’t in that place you’ve always wanted to be just yet. Maybe you are getting there, but wherever you are in life, this wisdom holds great power: your mind is key to your destination – including the road to prosperity.

At any time, your results can be improved in your life by cultivating the power of your mind and choosing the thoughts which determine your reality. Acting on those thoughts sends a clear message to the universe that you are ready to accept the abundance you are sent.

Here are 6 very effective ways to feel prosperous, so you can attract prosperity naturally and create greater abundance in your life.

Believing you are worthy makes you feel worthy

Believe that you are worthy of the things that you attract towards you. You are more than enough, and even the situation you’re in right now is fundamental to every kind of prosperity that you wish to experience in life, even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.

Concentrate on having a positive self-image, feeling worthy and entitled to all the abundance that you desire, simply because you exist, and you deserve nothing but the best. If you begin to feel worthy, you will begin to feel prosperous.

Create room for prosperity to enter your life

To attract prosperity and let it in when it arrives requires making that space available. Prosperity is about maintaining a great quality of life, and if at present, you’re too preoccupied with negativity and a broke mindset, it’s really hard for prosperity to thrive in the same place where a negative mindset also dwells.

These two things don’t co-exist so to make space for feeling prosperous, you need to let go of your broke mindset. To attract prosperity, you need to embody it first.

Although prosperity isn’t always about having more money, feeling rich can come out of a sense of satisfaction, being contented, having peace, and joy. Before it makes its way to you, you can attract it by behaving as if you’ve already received what you were hoping for.

Do what you love

By indulging in your passions and doing those things that you love, you naturally radiate more positive energy. These vibrations can attract more positivity into your life and create things of similar frequency such as abundance, wealth, joy, happiness, peace – a state of prosperity. Take the time to indulge in your passions and you will feel prosperous.

Respond with love

Prosperity isn’t always about money, but it is in fact about experiencing life at its fullest and best, and bringing your highest self into whatever situation you may find yourself in. You’ve got the power to positively affect your life by responding with love (your highest self) – even if you may be experiencing a crisis or a problem right now.

You can’t always be happy one hundred percent of the time, especially when things are out of your control, but keeping things in perspective will reward you with feelings of calm and hope – a step towards prosperity.

Set your goals and write them down

When you choose to do something, do it with all your passion and commitment as often as you need to. With this assertiveness, life can’t help but give in to your stubborn heart and wishes. You need to have goals and strive for them aggressively. If you haven’t written them down, do it now and have something to aim for.

Take positive action and release negativity

It’s not enough to have a prosperity mindset if you don’t manifest it in your actions. Ultimately, this is the purpose for the state of mind you’re cultivating – to translate those intangible feelings, beliefs, and emotions – into tangible actions and results. Be positive and take a stand for your beliefs of prosperity. This entails releasing negativity and old ways of thinking that no longer serve you.

If you are feeling negative right now, stop. Choose to stop right now and begin to feel prosperous!

The use of affirmations for abundance

What can you do to increase your ability to manifest abundance? Positive affirmations can help you in several areas of your life. There are affirmations specific to abundance and prosperity that can help you develop a consciousness for abundance. You must think about prosperity and abundance if you want to beget prosperity and abundance. Focus on what you want to have.

When you focus your thoughts on what you lack, you attract more of the same. Affirmations can help you fill your mind with positive thoughts. It’s important to note that abundance doesn’t mean attracting possessions or wealth. That’s only one part of abundance.

I encourage you to think positively about the affirmations provided below. They cover variations of abundance and don’t just focus on wealth. The dominant thoughts in your mind radiate outside of you and leak into the world and that will attract the same back to you.

• I become more prosperous every day in every way.

• I am prosperous, I always have been, and I always will be prosperous.

• I will always have what I need, the universe looks after me.

• I have everything I need my life is filled with love, joy, and happiness.

• I am abundant, prosperity is overflowing.

• Prosperity is flowing and there is an abundant supply of money in my life.

• My actions will lead to prosperity and abundance.

• My life is abundant, and I am blessed.

• I attract prosperity and abundance because I focus on them.

• Prosperity flows around me and through me.

• I accept all the good things that enter my life and I will enjoy them.

• I easily and effortlessly create prosperity in my life.

• I naturally attract abundance and prosperity.

• Abundance is my birthright, I am abundant.

• The universe is conspiring to make me an abundant person.

• I release resistance to abundance and allow it to come to me naturally.

• I am worthy of having abundance in my life.

• I attract all that I need.

• I live in abundance, I am strong, I am happy, I am healthy.

• I give thanks for the positivity and light in my life.

• I am grateful for my family and friends who fill me with joy.

Use as many of these affirmations as resonate with you and use them as often as you like. Make a list of the ones you wish to employ and keep it handy so you can repeat them throughout the day. Write them down in your journal daily so that they root themselves more firmly in your mind.

Just like affirmations that bring you peace and calm during times of stress, these affirmations can help you to succeed as you concentrate on the type of abundance you want in your life.

My final thought

Prosperity is not a state of having, but a state of being. It’s a result of your conscious decision to choose to embody one type of mindset over another – choosing positivity over negativity, love over fear.

While money doesn’t create happiness, a state of happiness can in fact cause you to create more wealth and attract more abundance.

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