Joyce A Russell | Living Tips | After Sixty

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Improve Your Mental Health Using These Tips

Traditional mindset v. new beliefs

This is a polarizing topic because of a clash between traditional mindsets and new beliefs.

In one group, we have strong-willed people who believe that life is tough, and everyone should just stop whining about it. They feel that being stoic makes you stronger and more able to endure and succeed, despite the variety of stresses in the world.

In the other camp, some people believe that our hectic and stressful lives will create broken individuals if we don’t take time to care for ourselves.

So, who is right?

Both sides of this argument are right–because people are unique!

There are some men and women who enjoy the tough love and hardcore approach to living life. They are the ones who soldier on, not wishing to appear weak and give little thought to self-care.

Then there are others more sensitive to the continual assault on their senses because the media, work, and family commitments, etc. may cause them to be mentally exhausted.

At times like these, self-care to safeguard one’s mental health is essential to their well-being. Below you’ll find a list of suggestions to follow.

Not all tips will work for everyone, but I promise, you’ll positively find one that works for you. Give them a try to go with what works best for you.

1.  Give aromatherapy a try

Diffusing essential oils such as lavender, frankincense, lemongrass, or my personal favorite, sage, will help to create a soothing scent that will help to calm your mind.

Aromatherapy has been shown to have numerous benefits to one’s health. Since it’s a holistic method, not much has been done to study it in detail but give it a try and see how it makes you feel.

Ultimately, that’s what matters–and if aromatherapy makes you feel happier and calmer, go ahead and use it.


2.  Have a cup of coffee

It has been shown that coffee lifts one’s moods. Its antioxidant properties will help to heal your body from within and the caffeine will ease depression if present.


3.  Unclutter your environment

Time to unleash your inner Marie Kondo. Decluttering has a cleansing feel to it. Some people manage better when they have fewer possessions and more sparse surroundings.

If you feel like there’s too much going on in your life and you feel smothered, you may wish to declutter and live a more minimalistic lifestyle. You might find that less is more, and your moods and quality of life improves enormously.


4.  Mindfulness practice

Mindfulness is about being present in the now instead of constantly worrying about the future or the past. When you’re involved in a task at work or even having a meal, you’re fully present at the moment.

There’s no multi-tasking or looking at your social media apps constantly. Mindfulness helps improve focus and acts as a dopamine detox that your body might be craving.


5.  Disengage from social media

While social media can be fun, it also has a dark side. It creates a craving for dopamine in your brain. The endless notifications and feedback can be addictive and is not healthy in the long run.

Not to mention the constant onslaught of news, negative comments, and venom from other users that only rile you up. Disengaging from social media will do miracles for your mental health.


6.  Begin a yoga practice

This may sound cliché, but it truly works. Yoga’s focus on the mind, body, and soul connection will have you breathing deeply and stretching your body.

This movement is good for you and will increase your flexibility by loosening tight muscles.


7.  Take an Epsom salt bath

This is as uncomplicated as it sounds. Add 2 cups (0.47 liters) to warm running water. Sit and relax in the tub and feel any aches and pains dissolve away.


8.  Begin a journal

Journaling is a form of stress relief. By expressing your thoughts and emotions on paper, it gives your mind freedom. Living in your head can be tiring if you’re replaying the same unresolved events over and over.

By journaling, you’ll experience purging and also clarity. You can use this technique to create lists of things to do, goals to achieve, and so on. Once it’s in your book and out of your head, you can either make a plan for it or let it go.


9.  Take a break from the routine

This is especially true for women who are juggling careers and family commitments. There is always someone demanding something from you and the perpetual act of keeping things in order can cause a nervous breakdown.

It’s good to take a break and have 30 minutes to an hour for yourself. If your spouse can look after the children, you may even want to take the entire day off and spend time on your own.


10.  Spend time on grooming

A common symptom of someone who is mentally drained and stressed out is a lack of attention to their appearance. If you look at yourself in the mirror and you look disheveled and worn out, you’ll feel even worse.

Spend an hour or two grooming yourself. Once your appearance is neat and attractive, you’ll feel a renewed sense of energy and purpose.


11.  Look forward

Too often, people look back on their past and revive old, negative emotions. Regrets, harsh words exchanged, hurt feelings, etc. that happened before should be left in the past.

It’s time to let it go. Try writing down what you’re feeling on a piece of paper… and when you’re done, burn that paper and as it turns to ashes, that will signify you letting the past remain in the past.

It’s pointless to carry the heavy burdens of yesterday into tomorrow. Keep your eyes on the present and look forward to a brighter future.


My final thought

I believe by applying these self-care tips in your life you’ll begin to notice that you feel better in a few days. Wonders will not happen overnight, but you will feel a sense of mental relief and soon you’ll develop a more optimistic outlook on life.

I hope you like this easy-to-do list of self-care tips and will share it with your family and friends.